Red BFG.


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
The rumor we are hearing today is that BFG is going RED! Totally unconfirmed, but given the history I have heard over the last few years...yes years...this does not sound implausible. I am waiting for a response from BFG's CEO, but none is forthcoming.
Oh snap!

I thought they were just quitting the European market to be honest.

This is plausible though, I remember when that article about ATI declining EVGA's offer to be a partner, they mentioned that if there was another partner they'd like to have, it'd be BFG because if it's operations in NA I believe, or was that abroad? Doesn't matter I guess.
It would feel strange to buy a ATI card by BFG, but seeing as how I love BFG and nvidia is spinning their tires ad nauseum, I can't see how this could be anything but good news.
That'd be interesting... but honestly not unexpected since it's not like nvidia's given them anything new to sell lately.
ATi only or selling both?
just wondering how they will handle RMAs of NV cards if they go ATi only
Damn if I knew this I would have waited to get a 5770 with them. Oh well. Step up is going to be great! Must be hurting with Nvidia current situation. Even if Fermi comes out late march they will still be hurting since Nvidia probably won't have anything in the 5700/5830 market segment for awhile.
Several months ago I heard rumors of either EVGA or BFG defecting, in part due to Fermi's unanticipated problems and in part due to the sudden drop in demand as the recession took hold. I was hoping for EVGA, since I'd choose XFX over BFG any day, and XFX already went partly-Red. Also, I'd expect BFG to not want to burn bridges if possible and continue to make NV cards, just like XFX. I mean, sure, NV is hurting now, but who knows what positions the Red and Green teams will be in a couple of years from now.
More choice is always good. BFG customer service has been a main selling point for me for years.

Lets hope they do a dual NV/ATI production line. Make things very interest. :)
LOL talk about being sleepy. I was thinking "Why the hell do they want to change their PCB from blue to red?"

Good to know AMD/ATI is getting more ground under moder companies. More power to the people.
More choice is always good. BFG customer service has been a main selling point for me for years.

Lets hope they do a dual NV/ATI production line. Make things very interest. :)

I hope they do the dual product line as well. In this economy a company can't limit itself to just one brand. It's just smart business.
Something to do with not having a competitive card in demand for months? ;)

Man am I glad I went to red from green. I miss nV's epicness back in the day of the 6800nu... Now shits just ridiculous.
Screw XFX, I have had it with their warranty bullshit. Hopefully this goes though.
God dam it - I literally just sent Jeff K a PM on here that I was sorry I had to buy an XFX because BFG didn't play for the red team! I woulda waited!
this is good news, thanks Kyle, I hope it turns out to be true, having more options is definitely a win for us consumers
I sure as hell hope so. I'm going Red with my next purchase and BFG would likely become the top company in terms of quality and CS.
Screw XFX, I have had it with their warranty bullshit. Hopefully this goes though.

What's your story?

I just had a defective card sent to me as an RMA replacement and I've probably spent $40 sending cards back and forth.

Sadly, I just bit the bullet on an XFX 5870 for some reason only minutes ago. Maybe it's the fact that the double lifetime warranty makes it more sellable.
sweet! more options for us and BFG CS has always been top notch for me, back when I had a 6800 ultra
I've been a huge fan of BFG and their great service and good cards. I hated to ditch them but AMD had the best video card and it was upgrade time. I would be happy to see them expand their services to support both sides of the fence.
This will be great news if it pans out. I'm so hoping this is the case. Really can't stand Sapphire or His. MSI< Asus, and XFX are the only ATi brands I'd consider, but BFG would win me over in a heartbeat. Hated buying XFX cards because BFG has been par-excellence since they've been a presence on the [H] forums.
What's your story?

I just had a defective card sent to me as an RMA replacement and I've probably spent $40 sending cards back and forth.

Sadly, I just bit the bullet on an XFX 5870 for some reason only minutes ago. Maybe it's the fact that the double lifetime warranty makes it more sellable.

One of my client's 8800gs fan went out. Its been 2 months since I opened the ticket. I don't want to send the card in, just get the new fan. It was approved for them to send me a new fan/heat sync in the first conversation of the ticket until some other asshat stepped in and is now saying that I need to send the card in. I talked to the original rep about the fan and he re-approved it just to have the other rep shoot it back down.

Its a fucking disgrace when I have to see their argument through my tickets and the worst part is I still don't have a fan.. Learn from this XFX.
WOW this is some Rumor.

This is good news for AMD/ATI.

Evga next maybe?
Wonder what AMD's current partners think about this?
I highly doubt EVGA will go red as their forum is really biased about the red side. EVGA needs to get their head out the sand and allow their warranties to be transferred. As that hurts not being able to sell a board/card and the next person lose out on it.

Yes we know some in here will help in a rma problem but most will be long gone before you need them on that art. Then you are stuck wit a expensive paper weight.

I like BFG and hopefully they will do both sides as it will be a nice step for us end users.
BFG Makes some of the best Nvidia cars with great after market cooling and modest overclocking for a small price premium. personally I like BFG for nvidia cards and Sapphire for ATI cards. Didn't XFX only do nvidia cards until last year?:D i can;t wait to see more 5000 series cards with aftermarket coolers.