Search results

  1. S

    DLP, CRT, or LCD please help im lost

    I have the westinghouse and it works flawlessly. They came out with a 47" but it's about $3000 right now.
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    Need help with rig, it freezes when i get into games

    Maybe the power isn't pluged into the video card? They have a separate least my X800XT PE does.
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    Top LCD: Apple 30" Cinema Display or Westinghouse 37" LCD-TV ?

    I have a XFX 7800GT and a P830 D cpu. Is this enough to run the Westinghouse monitor?
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    Decent soundcard for system

    Thanks for the lengthy input....What kinda makes me mad is that I can't hear very well and I don't know if what I'm getting is good or not. I have read through these forums you have all posted and everyone has different opinions. The new X-fi cards just came out and I'd like an opinion...
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    Decent soundcard for system

    What is a good audio card to pair up with the logitech Z-5500? I got those speakers off of newegg today for $219+shipping. They are having a sale. I saw the X-FI XtremeMusic 8 (7.1) on newegg for $126. I'm guessing this would be a good card or is it overkill? This card will be...
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    10ghz, impossible dream?

    Will we see a man walk on the moon? think of the computer as a horse and replaces that....come think there are limits? you only limit yourselves. Things will only get better. If they don't, quit posting in here because you will all own the best stuff and have it...
  7. S

    What got you into [H]ardware?

    Commordore 64 with a tape drive and got a disk drive soon after. load"*",8,1. remember that? Took 15 minutes to load Forbidden Forest and most of the time it didn't work.....moved up to a 386 and paid $800 for 4mb of ram. I remember when computers had a "turbo button".....went to a 300...
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    Shutdown shortcuts

    That would be great when my girlfriend comes in and catches me watching p0rn! Let's go one more... make it voice activated.....*Oh Shit!!* kills the comp
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    How much for my system?

    Jazz it all up and use the words *EXTREME GAMER SYSTEM* and post it on ebay, lol
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    How much for my system?

    I wasn't saying that you couldn't get more either. It's a great system.
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    How much for my system?

    remember it's used....and you overclock
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    How much for my system?

    well, add shipping and handling
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    How much for my system?

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    The "Optimus" fully customizable OLED keyboard resurfaces

    Might be a good keyboard for a Media Center.
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    Remote Control Question

    maybe the Barbie website has answers....
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    Remote Control Question

    Well.....I don't want to have to decide between speakers or a new Dodge Viper........Keep it reasonable.
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    Remote Control Question

    I don't really have any sound equipment right now. I was looking into buying some logitech 5500 speakers, klipsch 5.1 speakers, or something better if I see something I like. I'm looking at the new Audigy 4 cards but don't know if the price difference is worth it. I might just go for the...
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    Remote Control Question

    Anyone ever used one of these remotes? I'm trying to set up a home theatre system via my computer. I thought it would be handy to control everything with one remote. The Firefly remote claims 50 foot range. ATI claims 60 foot range. Suppose since I have an ATI X800XT PE it might be better...
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    Remote Control Question

    Thanks for the advice. I'll check those links out.
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    Remote Control Question

    A speaker set-up that does it?
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    Remote Control Question

    So that' a big NO then.............
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    Remote Control Question

    I would like to buy a soundcard but would like to be able to turn down the music with a remote when the computer is upstairs and I'm downstairs. Is there sound cards with remotes that do that? Thanks!
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    I wonder what he paid for it.............. :p Those orange systems are expensive.....
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    New build help needed...

    I had a similar problem. I didn't unplug the power on the cable modem to reset it before i switched computers so the modem wouldn't work. The Comcast software wouldn't make the connection.
  25. S

    X800 XT PE is coming!!!

    I have an ATI X800XT PE and it's awesome. Bought it a month ago and it was worth every penny.