Decent soundcard for system

Jan 18, 2005
What is a good audio card to pair up with the logitech Z-5500?

I got those speakers off of newegg today for $219+shipping. They are having a sale.

I saw the X-FI XtremeMusic 8 (7.1) on newegg for $126. I'm guessing this would be a good card or is it overkill?

This card will be used in a media center with a Pentium D 830 mostly for movies and tv recording. I'm getting the Hauppauge 500 MCE soon.
Thanks for the lengthy input....What kinda makes me mad is that I can't hear very well and I don't know if what I'm getting is good or not.

I have read through these forums you have all posted and everyone has different opinions. The new X-fi cards just came out and I'd like an opinion.

So why get good stuff? I entertain alot. enough said.