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  1. M

    Windows 7 Boot Up Issues

    Ever since the Windows 7 RC I have been having random boot up freezes. It will get to the windows loading screen and the 4 colors never move to create the flag. I will press the restart button and it goes to an option screen to boot normally or go to the boot repair. If i go to the boot repair...
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    [H]ot ? e8400 for $119? Coming soon...

    would a e8400 run on p35? neo2-fir is the mobo
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    Free 12" pizza - Sam & Louie’s YMMV- **NE ONLY**

    this is some good pizza right here
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    Vista not showing 6gb memory, x64

    that was it! it had 2gb max on
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    Vista not showing 6gb memory, x64

    I have Vista x64 Buisness of of msdn. I installed with 2gb and then added 4gb later on. My motherboard is The MSI Neo2-fr... The thing is 'System Properties' has 6.00gb but task manager and Everest only see 2. Before sp1 i had all 6gb i believe. And i do feel that sp1 has slowed my computer...
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    Vista not showing 6gb memory, x64

    Task Manager not showing memory, x64 I have 6gb of ram and i am running Vista x64 and in the Task Manager It is only showing 2024mb are available. I have noticed that my computer has been running really slow latley and i wasnt sure why, could this be why? My Computer says i have 6.00gb of ram...
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    Task Manager not showing memory, x64

    any one else have this problem?
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    Task Manager not showing memory, x64

    my bios show all 6gb of memory so what could the os be doing that it is not using all the memorY?
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    Task Manager not showing memory, x64

    the memory used to show all 6gb. Here is what my apps are say i have. i think before sp1 it showd all of my memory correctly.
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    Task Manager not showing memory, x64

    I have 6gb of ram and i am running Vista x64 and in the Task Manager It is only showing 2024mb are available. I have noticed that my computer has been running really slow latley and i wasnt sure why, could this be why? My Computer says i have 6.00gb of ram tho. I am thinking it has to do with...
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    is vista sp1 out?

    i have the vista sp1 beta installed is does that mean i can get the final version if i run update?
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    Microsoft Vista Service Pack 1 Download

    is there anyway to get the x64 one
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    i put my memory at 2:1 and put the fsb back down to 218mhz. Im at the stock multiplier of 11 so i had to have a higher ratio on my ram. Anyways i redid the performance index in windows and my memory now scored a 5.8. That made it go up quite alot, now it say my cpu is the slowest thing tho :(, a...
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    i believe my memory is actually being underclocked right now on the auto setting its at like 730mhz instead of 800
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    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    me me me
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    sounds like i should just leave it alone then. All i have done is raise my cpu fsb to 230. It stock at x11 and i have never messed with that and the memory ratio is on auto, i think it is at 10:6 through the auto setting. Is it better to do a lower multiplier and high fsb? I am running the stock...
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    anyone got any recommendation setups?
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    would that be fsb/memory ratio
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    im running my cpu @ 2.53ghz running @ about 40c idle. My FSB is at 230 and i havent adjusted anything with my memory speeds, what would be the option to oc the memory with out having to do anymore to the cpu.
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    i have oced my cpu to 2.4ghz ( orig @ 2.2 ) will that make my memory faster as well
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    actually right now Everest Ultimate says that it is at 5-5-5-15
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    would the 5-5-5 make much of a difference, ive never messed with that stuff in memory, but im sure if i read up about it i could figure it out. But is it worth it.
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    would it be wise to take the slower sticks and make there spd the same as the GOLD ones... i thnk they are 5-5-5-12 and the otheres ones are 6-6-6-15.
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    Best stable display drivers for Vista 64?

    im not doing any overclocking, and it doesnt usually crash the wholesystem, just the display blinks black and then vista says vista has recovered from a video driver error and then i can go on with doing regular activity
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    Best stable display drivers for Vista 64?

    ya i have vista x64
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    I recenly bought the 4gb kit thinking it was ocz gold, which i already had 2gb of. It seems that they arnt any different other than the cas clock stuff ( dont know to much about ) however the vista thing says that my memory is now slower in the performance index thing. Would it be wise to oc the...
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    Best stable display drivers for Vista 64?

    im running a hd 3850 and i am getting crashing sometimes too. my monitors will just start like flashing black and then it says the driver has crashed and recovered. Sometimes it doesn't recover and i have to reboot the computer. e4500 6gb ocz gold
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    Flying game with multiplayer?

    battlefield 2....
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    Finally settled on 3850...

    i got the 3850 its an amazing card
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    Vista 64-bit SP1 Release Candidate

    have they said when, im gonna do it a few days early
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    Vista 64-bit SP1 Release Candidate

    im running it, it does seam slightly faster
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    MSI Dual Core Center

    I have an e4500 and was thinking about doing soem overclocking with my new setup. Is the MSI Utility that came with my motherboard any good? Pros/Cons of it? thanks
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    New System Not Stable

    played some games last night ran pretty well. about 70-99fps on bf2 max settings in a big server. Now i gotta look into overclocking. Now that i got oc memory i might consider it, is it very hard?
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    New System Not Stable

    upped the ram voltage to 2.1 and now it runs like a champ. THanks guys
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    New System Not Stable

    i just increased the memory voltage to 2.1 ill let you guys know how it works.
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    New System Not Stable

    im trying to change my memory voltage, but it is all greyed out how do i make it changeable.