Flying game with multiplayer?


Limp Gawd
Feb 24, 2006
Hey, I haven't played a flying game in a long time and I was wondering is there a flight simulator type of game these days where you can fly along with other players and have small aerial skirmishes vs other players. Sort of realistic kind of stuff?

Also any games like Mech Warrior?

I used to be a huge MMORPG, RTS, FPS gamer but I stopped playing for a while and I got some down time so looking for something to get into. I have Battlefield 1942 and that's the only game I have with flying now but it's like 32 people trying to rush to only 2 planes...
flight simulator x u can fly with upto 100 other people, and i love it, but there is no dogfighting (darn :p)
so u can fly with up to 100 other people but u can't dogfight? what the hell are you guys doin up there, launching missiles at each other from miles away and chaffing away?
oh sorry if i wasn't more specific. i wanted to fly something more of F16s, MIG29s etc, fighter planes and shoot at stuff. The only flight simulator I played was Topgun and I think that was in 1995 lol. That game was so much fun.
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946, contains their last 5 games and is only $20 most places now.

No Mechwarrior, Microsoft killed off the franchise. Although potentially good news is that the original creator has gotten the rights back so there may be more games in the future. But right now there are only the very old Mechwarrior and Heavy Gear series.
Second on IL2 1946; for modern planes, Lock On: Modern Air Combat. Pretty sure it allows for red v. blue multi combat

The same team that did Lock on (Eagle Dynamics) is working on a Russian heli sim (Black Shark) to be followed by a dedicated A-10 sim and (rumored) an AH-64 sim.
so u can fly with up to 100 other people but u can't dogfight? what the hell are you guys doin up there, launching missiles at each other from miles away and chaffing away?

Interesting psychological question here: Why is a game only possibly fun to you if it involves harming other players?

That being said, true flightsim can seem very dull and pointless if you dont have interest in flight. With some addons MS flightsim 2004 can turn into a pretty realistic airliner company manager and flying game, that means you purchase a fleet, fly the flights you want and get revenue, deal with emergencies, etc etc . Very cool if you are remotely interested in airline-flight. Im pretty immersed into said game myself. This coming from a guy who also play cs and have finished all GTA and Soldier of Fortune games :p
Interesting psychological question here: Why is a game only possibly fun to you if it involves harming other players?


This coming from a guy who also play cs and have finished all GTA and Soldier of Fortune games :p

Great post.
Interesting psychological question here: Why is a game only possibly fun to you if it involves harming other players?

That being said, true flightsim can seem very dull and pointless if you dont have interest in flight. With some addons MS flightsim 2004 can turn into a pretty realistic airliner company manager and flying game, that means you purchase a fleet, fly the flights you want and get revenue, deal with emergencies, etc etc . Very cool if you are remotely interested in airline-flight. Im pretty immersed into said game myself. This coming from a guy who also play cs and have finished all GTA and Soldier of Fortune games :p

I would be more interested in flight sim X if there was realistic crashes, and damage on buildings, ragdoll pilot, etc.. I mean, if it simulates flight, an albeit small part of flight includes crashing, right? Ok maybe not, but still i would buy it instantly.
I was going to suggest Ace Combat 6 (one of the best flight sim where you can actually fire missles :rolleyes:) but trick monkey beat me to it!

If you want the best WWII arena multiplayer dogfighting flightsim, check out Aces High II. Free to download, 15 dollars a month sub fee, you get two weeks to try it free in the main arenas., go check it out. I flew in Warbirds II, III, Aces High, and Aces High II, all great WWII Arena dogfighting sims, fairly realistic, good flight models, about 60 different birds to fly, and the arenas change weekly in AHII.
Here's another vote for IL2. It's a blast to play and pretty realistic.
IL2 is probably the substitute for AHII. IL2 has better graphics, but I found it too be just slightly too realistic to provide a contant fun dogfighting arena experience. Like I said, just try out the 2 week free trial of AHII, if its not your cup of tea, try IL2.
+1 for AHII. Flew Red Baron, WarBirds, Aces High, etc. and it is the best out there for WWII dogfighting.

WWII may not be what you're looking for though ;). Only jet is the Me-262 I think heh.
[DFR]Random;1031959355 said:
+1 for AHII. Flew Red Baron, WarBirds, Aces High, etc. and it is the best out there for WWII dogfighting.

WWII may not be what you're looking for though ;). Only jet is the Me-262 I think heh.

ME-163... but that is just a piloted rocket...
Although not a flight sim, Warhawk is based on online flight combat.

Thought about the 163 and didn't mention since it was basically a rocket ;).

What was your handle on WB or AH?
I actually have the old sought-after Binder-Bound manual version of this somewhere around here. Never used!

Does it even run under XP/Vista?

I'm pretty sure you can do co-op in Falcon 4.0.
Interesting psychological question here: Why is a game only possibly fun to you if it involves harming other players?

Lets change it to another entertainment medium, say, movies. Would you rather go see a movie about a typical 737 flight or one with fighter jets and explosions everywhere? Its not really about hurting people as much as it is about excitement, and I think this really applies to any form of entertainment, not just video games.