
Limp Gawd
Nov 28, 2004
I recenly bought the 4gb kit thinking it was ocz gold, which i already had 2gb of. It seems that they arnt any different other than the cas clock stuff ( dont know to much about ) however the vista thing says that my memory is now slower in the performance index thing. Would it be wise to oc the 4gb memory to what the ocz gold memory is making it the original speed. Or is there something else i should do to make it faster than it was previously.

These are the readings from Everest Ultimate

System Memory 6144 MB (DDR2-800 DDR2 SDRAM)
DIMM4: OCZ Gold XTC OCZ2G8001G 1 GB DDR2-800 DDR2 SDRAM (5-5-5-15 @ 400 MHz) (4-5-5-13 @ 333 MHz) (3-4-4-10 @ 266 MHz)

DIMM3: OCZ Gold XTC OCZ2G8001G 1 GB DDR2-800 DDR2 SDRAM (5-5-5-15 @ 400 MHz) (4-5-5-13 @ 333 MHz) (3-4-4-10 @ 266 MHz)

DIMM2: OCZ XTC Vista Upgrade Edition OCZ2VU8002G 2 GB DDR2-800 DDR2 SDRAM (6-6-6-18 @ 400 MHz) (5-5-5-15 @ 333 MHz) (4-4-4-12 @ 266 MHz)

DIMM1: OCZ XTC Vista Upgrade Edition OCZ2VU8002G 2 GB DDR2-800 DDR2 SDRAM (6-6-6-18 @ 400 MHz) (5-5-5-15 @ 333 MHz) (4-4-4-12 @ 266 MHz)

Also under my Memory Bus Properties it says that my real clock is 333mhz and my effective is 667mhz. Is memory functioning all correctly. Or is it supposed to be @ 800mhz
Hi, you memory is probably running at 6-6-6 timings because of the mismatched SPD info. That might explain the performance index. I would suggest you ignore the performance rating jazz. Exactly how it calculates these numbers is a mystery to me. Having more memory in Vista will help.
would it be wise to take the slower sticks and make there spd the same as the GOLD ones...

i thnk they are 5-5-5-12 and the otheres ones are 6-6-6-15.
would it be wise to take the slower sticks and make there spd the same as the GOLD ones...

i thnk they are 5-5-5-12 and the otheres ones are 6-6-6-15.

Be sure that you have set your RAM voltage to 2.1v in your BIOS. Also be sure that you set your 1t/2t setting (CPC ON or OFF on some boards) to 2t when running 4 sticks. Depending on your board, this could be set automatically, or you may not have the option to change it.You can then manually set your memory timings to 5-5-5-20. I don't recommend setting TRAS at 12, as it may cause instability (it has little effect on performance). If you become unstable, you may have to run 6-6-6 timings.
would the 5-5-5 make much of a difference, ive never messed with that stuff in memory, but im sure if i read up about it i could figure it out. But is it worth it.
would the 5-5-5 make much of a difference, ive never messed with that stuff in memory, but im sure if i read up about it i could figure it out. But is it worth it.

google 4-4-4-12 vs 5-5-5-15.
FPS-wise, it makes no difference. For memory-intensive apps, maybe 1-5%, but on the whole a better cpu o/c will be more noticable than memory @ tighter timings.
Not like you'll break anything. Worst case, it's unstable, it crashes, it won't boot, you have to reset CMOS (pull the power cord, pull the battery for ~30 seconds, put it back) and try again. Much more likely it just crashes, boots fine, and you have to go in and undo the changes you made. Very minor stuff.
Wow, 6gb of memory :)
Ok I don't understand why it's listing 2 different timings for the memory (though yes it's @ 5-5-5-15 2T)
i have oced my cpu to 2.4ghz ( orig @ 2.2 ) will that make my memory faster as well
Overclocking your CPU won't make your memory faster in itself. If you raised the memory buss speed while overclocking, then the memory will be working at a faster speed. In your BIOS where you change the buss speeds, the actual speed should be displayed. 800mhz is stock. Be careful though, as running 6gb does not leave much room for overclocking your memory. Instability will result.
im running my cpu @ 2.53ghz running @ about 40c idle. My FSB is at 230 and i havent adjusted anything with my memory speeds, what would be the option to oc the memory with out having to do anymore to the cpu.
There's near zero advantage to running outside of a 1:1 ratio, FSB to RAM, on Intel platforms. You certainly won't notice a difference.
There's near zero advantage to running outside of a 1:1 ratio, FSB to RAM, on Intel platforms. You certainly won't notice a difference.

Side question: does this mean my o/c limit will be an FSB of 400 for an e6750 (8x400)? Memory is DDR2-800. Some oc this memory but relax the timings.

In other words, is there an FSB/DRAM of lower than 2?
Side question: does this mean my o/c limit will be an FSB of 400 for an e6750 (8x400)? Memory is DDR2-800. Some oc this memory but relax the timings.

In other words, is there an FSB/DRAM of lower than 2?

From here on out you leave it at 1:1 (Ideally) and relax timings on the RAM to allow it to run faster than DDR2-800. On Nvidia boards this is called linked/synced mode, but on Intel boards I'm pretty sure it's just 1:1 and disable "spread spectrum".

However, to test higher OCs you can /unlink/ the FSB and RAM. The name of this setting varies. This isn't ideal performance-wise, but it'll let you test out the limits of your board FSB wise and the limits of your CPU, without worrying about if you RAM can keep up.

Once you've found the top end for your CPU, you worry about the RAM Say you determine top end for the CPU is around 450Mhz FSB. The E6750 is an 8x multiplier chip, I think (8x333=2.66 stock) so 450 FSB would be 3.6Ghz on the CPU. 450Mhz FSB with a 1:1 ratio to the RAM is DDR2-900. If you drop down from CAS5 to CAS6 you should be able to hit that. You may even be able to hit it with slightly tighter timings .Getting RAM to OC nicely takes a lot of tweaking.
sounds like i should just leave it alone then. All i have done is raise my cpu fsb to 230. It stock at x11 and i have never messed with that and the memory ratio is on auto, i think it is at 10:6 through the auto setting. Is it better to do a lower multiplier and high fsb? I am running the stock heatsink on my cpu so i dont wanna oc it to much. Its @ 2.5ghz and about 64c @ load.
i believe my memory is actually being underclocked right now on the auto setting its at like 730mhz instead of 800
i put my memory at 2:1 and put the fsb back down to 218mhz. Im at the stock multiplier of 11 so i had to have a higher ratio on my ram. Anyways i redid the performance index in windows and my memory now scored a 5.8. That made it go up quite alot, now it say my cpu is the slowest thing tho :(, a 5.2, its a 2.4ghz