Vista not showing 6gb memory, x64


Limp Gawd
Nov 28, 2004
Task Manager not showing memory, x64
I have 6gb of ram and i am running Vista x64 and in the Task Manager It is only showing 2024mb are available. I have noticed that my computer has been running really slow latley and i wasnt sure why, could this be why? My Computer says i have 6.00gb of ram tho.

I am thinking it has to do with SP1
Last edited by Messiah62 : Yesterday at 01:13 PM.
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First of all, did you get your copy of Vista before SP1 came out?

If the answer is "Yes," then did you originally install the OS with all 6GB of memory installed? If that's true, then you will have problems. The first release versions of Vista have problems if the OS is installed with more than 2GB of memory installed in your system. The only fix for this would be to install Vista with only 2GB of memory installed in your system, then download and apply either the 3GB hotfix or SP1 before you install the rest of your memory in the system.
That's not entirely accurate. I bought Vista Home Premium x64 in January along with 4 GB of DDR2 800 ram. I installed the ram in the mobo then installed Vista, no SP1, that just installed a couple of days ago, with all 4GB populated and Vista installed with zero issues. I would try running the built in windows memory diagnostic, you get to it by pressing F8 on startup. or run Memtest x86 from a floppy or CD and test that ram.

Could also be OS corruption.
That's not entirely accurate. I bought Vista Home Premium x64 in January along with 4 GB of DDR2 800 ram. I installed the ram in the mobo then installed Vista, no SP1, that just installed a couple of days ago, with all 4GB populated and Vista installed with zero issues. I would try running the built in windows memory diagnostic, you get to it by pressing F8 on startup. or run Memtest x86 from a floppy or CD and test that ram.

Could also be OS corruption.

There is a Vista patch that some motherboards require to see all you’re RAM. Double check you have all matching RAM and try a BIOS reset. If that doesn’t do it a reinstall may be necessary.

SP-1 is a tricky bugger. If you have a later edition of Vista with SP-1 installed good. If you have an older version of Vista and regular Vista updates haven’t offered you a service pack yet, go to the MS SP-1 download site and read first.

It is strongly suggested you NOT dl the patch, especially for a single machine. There have been a few issues with SP-1 slowing some systems down, not speeding them up.

So, if you don’t have it and don’t see it in updates, leave well enough alone. SP-1 is little more then a few driver patches, additional drivers and a few security patches.

Luck ;)

What kind of motherboard do you have? A good number require changing a setting in the bios in order for additional RAM above 2GB to be recognized. For example, in Asus boards the setting is "memory remap" and not always on by default.
I have Vista x64 Buisness of of msdn. I installed with 2gb and then added 4gb later on. My motherboard is The MSI Neo2-fr... The thing is 'System Properties' has 6.00gb but task manager and Everest only see 2. Before sp1 i had all 6gb i believe. And i do feel that sp1 has slowed my computer since i only have 2gb of usable ram now...
Although it's unlikely, it certainly wouldn't hurt to check this...
Run>msconfig>boot>advanced options...see if "max memory" is checked and if so, how much.