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  1. C

    Wanna take my 6800u north of 500 on the core

    I have a vapo lightspeed but cant find a block for it as im sure nobody makes one. I can already bench at 470/1.25 on the stock air (gets hot though). Could i piece together a water kit good enough to get 500 on the core? Or would phase change be the only option? And if vapo is the only option...
  2. C

    I need help with ram choices and ocz booster.

    i checked on bh-5 and couldnt find a 2x512 kit for less than $400. I might pick some of that ocz up and try it out. I know the guy at monarch here in atlanta so if it doesnt work like i expected i can exchange it for something else on the down low.
  3. C

    I need help with ram choices and ocz booster.

    Thanx. Out of those which would you be more comfy with?
  4. C

    Unlock Pentium 2

    ^^^^ I beg to differ with that statement. I was running a hacked bios on my ic7 up untill i swapped to amd. No they do not allow you to change the multi as you wish. They do however allow precoding of any selected multi as long as the cpu will handle that freq and multi change. And yes there...
  5. C

    I need help with ram choices and ocz booster.

    For what i was wanting to do is there really a no-brainer pair of dimms i can get and if so could you rec me some?
  6. C

    Unlock Pentium 2

    :D yeah ive tried a couple different p3's and got nothing.
  7. C

    Unlock Pentium 2

    I dont think so. I tried it on an old slot form p3 at work and it didnt work. The bigger question there is.....Why in the heck was i trying to do anythign with an old slot p3. lol
  8. C

    I need help with ram choices and ocz booster.

    I want to be able to overclock my fx53 to about 230 or maybe even 240fsb while keeping my ram in a 1:1 with 2-2-2-10 timings. Yeah it sounds demanding.... What do i need to do to make it happen? I was thinking the only way would be to get some winbond bh-5 maybe mushkin or something similar and...
  9. C

    How much would getting better ram help me?

    Is there any 3500 that is rated at 2-2-2. Also from what im hearing 2-2-2 is wasted on the fx i have since it has onchip mem controllers that already have fast enough lantencies. I know for sure i dont want to get anything higher than 3500 since i wont be overclocking that much on air. So if...
  10. C

    How much would getting better ram help me?

    I have tried all possible combination of the above mention advice and nothign works. I did however lock the ram freq at ddr400 and was able to get to a 230fsb on 1 notch above stock vcore(1.55) and since i flashed the bios i was able to change the multi to 13. After all this i have settled on...
  11. C

    How much would getting better ram help me?

    I thought i had stated that i tried the max timings and the max voltage already as well as setting a divider. All of that either didnt work or axed my performance gain.
  12. C

    Unlock Pentium 2

    Correct. The p2 would be pretty impossible to unlock since you couldnt find a aftermarket bios for it. Pretty much anything newer than socket 423 can be unlocked if you really wanted to.
  13. C

    Help me get to 3.2 Gigs

    You might. Its not guaranteed that a new hsf will get you anything over the max of the stock heatsink. But more than likely you will get an extra bit that the temps would have otherwise kept you from getting.
  14. C

    Unlock Pentium 2

    Not completely true. there are hack bios's out there that allow the multi to be changed by alterign the code of the bios and then flashing to that bios...Also there is the abit mobo bios glitch that recognizes the multi of the prescotts as an incorrect number. Or you could just buy an eng sample...
  15. C

    Help me get to 3.2 Gigs

    Open the cpu-z and hold control+ alt+ print screen and then go to paint or somethign and right click and select paste. It will stick the cpu-z image in the new document then of course get it hosted.
  16. C

    How much would getting better ram help me?

    I got an fx53 running on a neo 2 platinum...socket 939 of course. Ive narrowed my choices down to either the corsair 3200xl or the ballistix...but i'll get neither if they wont give me alot of gains.
  17. C

    MBM Question!

    thanx for the answer man. I think i'll try it. The msi utility that came with my board is crap....bout 10c off on the cpu
  18. C

    MBM Question!

    Ive never used mbm before but id like to know how it does on system resources and if there is a performance hit for having it on. I guess you could just launch it when you wanted to check something..
  19. C

    AS Thermal Epoxy on a CPU/HSF!!! AHHH

    yeah both readings were taken with the onboard probe and the ambient was taken from the same spot after the same amount of time. The hsf was lapped to a mirror finish and seated with perfection so contact on either the adhesive or the paste wasnt an issue. So the diffence of the past and...
  20. C

    How much would getting better ram help me?

    It wont go much past that with the highest timings i can set and with the max 2.85vdimm my mobo supports. If it does go much higher than it will be counter productive to do it with very slack timings and a divider. Kinda pointless to oc and then cut your performance gain back to 0 to do so.
  21. C

    How much would getting better ram help me?

    I have corsair 3200c2pt which wont oc past ddr415 at its rated timings..SO my question is would getting some better 3200 like maybe 3200xl or some ballistix3200 give me enough of an oc increase to make it worth it. Im air cooled so i wont be overclocking past the theoretical boundaries of the 2...
  22. C

    Overclocking Corsair XMS 3200 C2PT (noob)

    I have the same ram and mine wont even run at the rated timings at stock freq. Not only that but it wont hold a 1:1 past 213fsb even with crap timings. Mayeb i got a bad batch....or maybe its just a oc dud. Im getting ballistix next week so it doesnt really matter.
  23. C

    AS Thermal Epoxy on a CPU/HSF!!! AHHH

    I had this happen a while back and the freezer trick worked like a champ. My temps strangley are about 2c lower with the adhesive as opposed to the regular paste so i guess i'll be freezin all my cpu's from now on.
  24. C

    Problems oc'ing 939 fx53 with neo2 platinum

    I have the following fx53 w/thermalright xp-120 &120mm delta neo 2 platinum 2x512 corsair c2pt 120gb seagate sata hdd 6800 ultra Antec truepower 550 I can overclock to a 215fsb with no problem at all but if i go to 216 (2592mhz). or above the computer wont post. I even had to clear...