Overclocking Corsair XMS 3200 C2PT (noob)


Oct 7, 2004
I have begun tweaking my RAM settings. They were originally 2.5,3,3,7 and now are 2.5,2,2,7. I still don't understand overclocking RAM. Is my goal to get lower latencies that I have now? I read through some articles but am still unsure. I have also read that the last number should be the addition of the cas, the tras, and add 2 to that. Is that right. Also are the 2 middle numbers supposed to be the same.

Also, is overclocking RAM the same thing as overclocking the CPU?
I am also confused with the ratio.
I have a p4 2.4ghz with a 133fsb and 533 bus speed (by the way, what is the difference between those numbers). Someone told me I cannot run 1 to 1, why
Is it the RAM frequency that can't be higher than the front side bus, or vice verse?
my current setting are a fsb of 145.6mhz (o'ced a little) and my RAM is 182 mhz.
what happens when i get the ram to 200mhz, can i go over that?

I know these are a lot of questions but i really would appreciate answers to them all, even if it takes a couple posts. Thanks HardOCPer's

You should really just run your ram at the same speed as your FSB and then overclock your timings. Your FSB is 133 * 4 becuase that's how Intel's architecture works. I don't know who told you you can't run 1:1 becuase if your FSB is only 133 mhz you definitely can. When you get to 200 mhz you'll probably be able to go higher, but you might have to increase voltage to the memory or relax your timings. And, 2.9 V should be just fine on memory.
I have the same ram and mine wont even run at the rated timings at stock freq. Not only that but it wont hold a 1:1 past 213fsb even with crap timings. Mayeb i got a bad batch....or maybe its just a oc dud. Im getting ballistix next week so it doesnt really matter.
-D-Cypher said:
In theory, If I tighten my timings it will be harder to overclock my cpu?

No. Timings only relate to your memory. Like, there is a relationship in RAM that as clock speed increases, timings should be relaxed. Your RAM clocks have nothing to do with how high your CPU will go as long as you can set a divider that will allow them to operate independently.