Unlock Pentium 2

I'm pretty sure when you have a locked intel processor, its just un-unlockable.
There is no way to unlock a "locked" intel processor it is "locked" inside the CPU die.....
Not completely true. there are hack bios's out there that allow the multi to be changed by alterign the code of the bios and then flashing to that bios...Also there is the abit mobo bios glitch that recognizes the multi of the prescotts as an incorrect number. Or you could just buy an eng sample off ebay. But yeah other than that its impossible.
chucky_d said:
Not completely true. there are hack bios's out there that allow the multi to be changed by alterign the code of the bios and then flashing to that bios...Also there is the abit mobo bios glitch that recognizes the multi of the prescotts as an incorrect number. Or you could just buy an eng sample off ebay. But yeah other than that its impossible.


Thanks for the info on that one. I was just assuming that they were all locked since the pII... I stand corrected :D
There are unlocked engineering samples out there that are already in an unlocked state. But generally speaking you can't unlock a Pentium II.
Correct. The p2 would be pretty impossible to unlock since you couldnt find a aftermarket bios for it. Pretty much anything newer than socket 423 can be unlocked if you really wanted to.
DR_K13 said:
genclock will not work?

I dont think so. I tried it on an old slot form p3 at work and it didnt work. The bigger question there is.....Why in the heck was i trying to do anythign with an old slot p3. lol
hey chucky_d

I tryred to OC a p3 today as well, no dice ( dell demension 4100 ) lol :D
there is NO way to unlock any locked pentium CPU, the last cpu's that were semi-unlocked were the p2 350's which but messing with the b21 pin on the slot you could use either a 3.5 or a 4 multiplier. there are no bios hacks, there is no more pin mod...it simply cannot, and has not been done to any modern pentium or celeron. the only unlocked intel cpu's are engineering samples and mobiles.

I beg to differ with that statement. I was running a hacked bios on my ic7 up untill i swapped to amd. No they do not allow you to change the multi as you wish. They do however allow precoding of any selected multi as long as the cpu will handle that freq and multi change. And yes there are some chips that simply wont accept the change. But i know for sure that it has been done. The bios i had was hacked by a vietnamese guy who owns a little mom and pops computer store here in atlanta. It allowed a multi of anywhere from 8 to 12 to be programmed for a 2.4c. Anybody who has heard of the misreading of prescott cpu;s on certain abit bios's would realize that if the way the abit bios was written could set the multi at anything different than factory "locked" defaults then anybody who could write a custom bios could and has written for custom multi's to be used.

Edit: Id also like to add that there is at least a 75% chance of the bios flash not working when doing this....thus reducing your board to nothing more than a useless sheet of pcb
IF i remember correctly, you could change the latency of the L2 cache on the P2's and get a higher FSB out of it.

i had mine totally naked with an alpha heatsink on it, had the FSB up to 145 (bios wouldnt go any higher) ..Damn i miss the BX chipset :(
On my p2-400, I was able to put a small strip of electric tape over pin B21 and drop the multiplier to 3.5, and bump the fsb up to 133 on my asus p2b, making it 466mhz. Some motherboards (abit be6-2 perhaps?) had a setting in the bios that was something like sel high/lo or something that did this same thing, but my p2b had jumpers to set fsb and multis, none of that fancy softmenu stuff.
did we forget that the Pentium Pro didn't have a fixed or locked multiplier? didn't we have to set the Voltage FSB and Multiplier jumpers in those days? How about the celeron 300A ?I would say that anything after the Pentium Pro and 233 days that Intel incorporated a locked multiplier that was sychncronized in memory,cpu, chipset and yet has never been broken to date besides Prescot samples. wasn't that what going on 10 years now when win 95 was the thing.

Damn I am only 21 and I feel old compared to technology on the move. Memories.... thanks for the visit into Memory Lane. =)