Help me get to 3.2 Gigs


Jun 20, 2004
Hey, I have a 2.4 Celeron D using the stock heatsink. The temps are around 42-44 Degrees Celsius under load. The specs are as follows...

ECS 848P-A
2.4 Celeron D
256 PC2700 @ 206 FSB. Dividers are stuck at 4:5

Right now, I can get it stable at 3 Gigs but thats it. Anything higher and the comp posts but restarts. The voltage on the ram is also at 2.65. I would change the divider but it seems that I can't. Is this why I am limited to my oc? Thanks and LMK (the CPU is at 165 FSB and the ram is at 206.) LMK and thanks.
can you set your ram to 3:2? if you ram is limiting you, that will solve.
I wouldn't set your RAM at 3:2 just for a 200 mhz increase, but that might be different for celeries.
HOLY CRAP!! I was able to change the dividers to 1:1 (changed from auto to 266 which let me get 1:1). I am up to 195 fsb on the ram and on the cpu. I also purchased 2 new ram sticks of ram with D-43 chips (PC2700). Can anyone say 3.510 on the stock HSF and stock voltage? Btw, the ram is at 2.65 volts. Will getting a better cooler such as the zalman 7000 get me to 200 fsb? LMK and btw, how do I take pics of my cpuz?
Open the cpu-z and hold control+ alt+ print screen and then go to paint or somethign and right click and select paste. It will stick the cpu-z image in the new document then of course get it hosted.
Thanks. Btw, if I get a new CPU HS, will I be able to hit 200 fsb? LMK. Thanks.
You might. Its not guaranteed that a new hsf will get you anything over the max of the stock heatsink. But more than likely you will get an extra bit that the temps would have otherwise kept you from getting.
My temps are at 45C under load :/. I think that it may be the mobo thats hindering my oc.