MBM Question!


May 24, 2002
When I install MBM the latest one they have (i think MBM5370.exe) Which motherboard I pick? I have the A64 Shuttle SN85G4. I don't see it under Shuttle, but I see my other one which was the SN41G2. or it doesn't matter, you'll still get the same temp?!
Even when I pick the right mobo in MBM it still manages to get a couple of the sensors wrong. Just pick the closest mobo to what you have and make the adjustments yourself.
Ive never used mbm before but id like to know how it does on system resources and if there is a performance hit for having it on. I guess you could just launch it when you wanted to check something..
The performance hit is minimal to say the least. I have it start with windows and always leave it running.
Sideroxylon said:
The performance hit is minimal to say the least. I have it start with windows and always leave it running.
thanx for the answer man. I think i'll try it. The msi utility that came with my board is crap....bout 10c off on the cpu