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  1. T

    Windows 7 install oddity

    Did you ever find a solution to this? I did an install on one machine and it worked fine...but the second one is doing exactly what you described. I suspected the drive as it had previously been used in another machine and had really poor I/O. I just ran to Fry's and picked up a 1TB Hitachi and...
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    Colored [H] links for all!

    I guess I've Missed something...
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    How Fast is your Internet connection?

    3MB/256 Cable
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    Network Technician Position

    I'm not certain on compensation. If I had to venture I'd guess somewhere in the 35-45K range depending on experience and knowledge. I'll see if I can find out though.
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    Fiber at Home

    Good Points. What you describe sounds exactly like what happened when CLEC's were allowed to sell services on Ma Bell's lines. There was a huge explosion of DSL providers that started offering services damn near everywhere the ILEC had a footprint. Most of those are long gone now days though...I...
  6. T

    Dedicated/Shared Hosting facilities?

    Their support is top notch. They offer a management site that allows you to submit/review tickets regarding changes and also view SNMP traffic of their infrastructure. This site also allows you to view upcomming maintenance plans as well as any changes that may effect your server(s). Since last...
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    Fiber at Home

    I remember SBC doing a Fiber to the Curb project a few years back but haven't heard much of it since. Lately I've noticed a crapload of Verizon trucks and fiber splicers all over my neighborhood (In Keller, Texas). Low and behold I come across this article that seems to explain things. I'm not...
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    Dedicated/Shared Hosting facilities?

    I have a server out of The Planet and would recommend them without second thought. I'm not sure if they do Colo's anymore but it's worth a look.
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    Network Technician Position

    My Company is currently looking for a Network Technician to support the WAN connectivity of our fleet. We have quiet a few [H]'ers at the office so I figured dropping a line here only makes sense. If anyone of you guys are interested or know anyone who would be interested drop an e-mail to tech...
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    Prescott Survial Kit from AMD

    I'd love to have one of those in my Cube at work.
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    Holding off the Countdown to Shame....

    I've been traveling for work but have dropped 4.4GHz on a couple of machines out here. Once I get home this weekend I'll be able to kick in some more.
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    Novell anyone?

    Reading this thread brings back all of the supressed memories of intranetware and client32. Good times....good times....
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    Show off your networking gear!

    It's good to see more people putting racks in their house these days. I was able to land a shitload of new equipment from a .com that finally died in late 02 and built this beast. 12 Port GB Managed Switch 3 24 Port 10/100 Unmanaged 50 Port Patch Panel Rackmount UPS (Self Powers entire...
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    I demo'd some VoIP equipment at Cisco's Lab in Richardson a few months back. They had some really nice equipment but man it was a bit on the expensive side. You may want to check out Cisco's website for some of their products and general information. There's probably a crapload of cheaper...
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    How do you guys plan it all out?

    I'll draw a few drafts on paper and toy with some ideas...once the tools come out though it's pretty much a wing and a prayer.
  16. T

    How much hardware have you fried?

    I did some custom wiring on a 450W PSU, made a careless mistake and wacked two 120GB SATA Drives and of course the PSU. Could have been much worse with the A64 3000+, 9800Pro and and XMS sticks in there I suppose :( I was so pissed I didn't touch the thing for two weeks....