Jan 8, 2003
Hey guys. My dad was reading about VoIP recently and he was wondering what sort of hardware and or software he would need to run it for his company. Anyone have any good information or links they could give me?
I demo'd some VoIP equipment at Cisco's Lab in Richardson a few months back. They had some really nice equipment but man it was a bit on the expensive side. You may want to check out Cisco's website for some of their products and general information. There's probably a crapload of cheaper vendors that would be just as effective.
Deviationer said:
LOL. You might want to look into what VoIP is.

I have been using Vonage for a few months (and I wrote a review of it for Designtechnica) and I really like it. However, its not really great for a business with several lines because it would require several converter units.

Take a look at their competitors to see if they have any options for business - www.voicepulse.com and www.packet8.com

I would just google for "voip business" and see what you can find out.
Tech said:
I demo'd some VoIP equipment at Cisco's Lab in Richardson a few months back. They had some really nice equipment but man it was a bit on the expensive side. You may want to check out Cisco's website for some of their products and general information. There's probably a crapload of cheaper vendors that would be just as effective.

you get what you pay for I suppose... Cisco's VoIP systems are pretty damn amazing
If you want a complete PBX to interface with the POTS as well as a VoIP solution, check oout http://asterisk.org

I can say from experience, that it works fucking awesome in a small business environment, with ~30 clients, and 4 outgoing phone lines
Cisco's solution can't compare to Avaya's. I use an Avaya 4620 and a 4630 at work and an Avaya Softphone on my laptop at home. One thing about Avaya's IP soultion is the fact that it is hardware encripted, unlike Cisco's which is not.....here is a neat app for "listening in" on Cisco IP phones on your network: http://vomit.xtdnet.nl/
Where I work, we are replacing our telecommunications switch infrastructure with a bunch of Sonus equipment. I think it would be overkill for most companies, as it just happens that my company is a telecommunications company. With the new Sonus equipment, we now have voice over IP from customer edge to customer edge. The quality is superb and maintenance is quite easy. I think the only complaint we've had is from the old school telco guys who aren't experienced in using a "soft switch" as we are now.
VoIP is interesting, but the marketing behind it sort of bugs me. They all talk about "free" phone calls...sure if you live in FreeBroadband Country, but here in the real world you will be taking up already used data lines for voice traffic. And T1's still aren't cheap.

We looked it over for our company and beyond the voice quality issues (I have not heard a recent demo but those here who have said that it still isn't anywhere near the quality of a standard phone call), it would actually cost us more than our phone bill because we would have to double or better our WAN lines to compensate.
I agree buckeye. While the quality of my Vonage service is just as good as POTS, if I am hammering my net connection with an FTP or a few downloads, quality suffers. Multiply this by several factors in an office setting and you'd need a dedicated T1 just for the VoIP lines.
ultiply this by several factors in an office setting and you'd need a dedicated T1 just for the VoIP lines.

You should have that anyway.

VoIP is interesting, but the marketing behind it sort of bugs me. They all talk about "free" phone calls...sure if you live in FreeBroadband Country, but here in the real world you will be taking up already used data lines for voice traffic. And T1's still aren't cheap.

You are not seeing the larger picture. As we speak Verizon, Qwest, MCI, AT&T are all replacing their core networks with VoIP solutions. Eventually everything will be IP from end-to-end. No mroe long distance, no more International Charges. So in a way the marketing isnt lieing, and broadband is never free, and the cost will only continue to decrease.
I think if you are a business and you're looking into voip/converged network solution... cisco is the only choice out there since they have a mature product that is widely deployed. Cisco call manager software and there choice of IOS based gateways are great in a converged network. Avaya is known for there traditional circuit based switched pbx's but they've had some trouble making headway into the voip market since voice is now a data packet and cisco pretty much owns all layer 2-3 infrastructure in the enterprise space. alot of vendors do not offer true voice over ip where there implementation is sticking a voip enabled card into there circuit switched fabric.

cisco has the most deployed customer base running there voip software and ip phones. Cisco does use a proprietary signaling protocal called "skinny" but will have a sip based call manager out "soon".
vthee, where do you get your information that Avaya is having difficulty in VoIP, I believe they have consistantly been #1 in the VoIP market. Avaya does have network data switches, but they aren't a big push for them and they realize that they can't take down Cisco, so why try. I've never had a single problem with any of my Avaya Data switches.
I work in the industry and I use to work for cisco (kinda bias i know). We also won against avaya. Lets be honest here what % of the mark does avaya own in layer 2-3 switching? less than 10% for sure... cisco owns 80% of that market. From friends in the industry there"eclipse" branded voip solution is having problems getting adopted.

Avaya is not #1 in the voip market... you have to look at market market in many different ways... are you talking about pure voip or voip enable pbx's? avaya might be #1 in voip enabled pbx's because cisco doesnt sell any pbx's. But in pure voip installs cisco is by far the market leader. I personally subscribe to the thinking that voice is now data. who treats data the best in the enterprise space... cisco does. just my 2 cents.

i personally work with call manager and cisco products so i'm saying this from a biased point of view... but i have also talked to and worked with avaya shops as well as nortel shops... and there engineers always complain to me that they lose deals to cisco in voip.

I work out of the LA area. It might be different in where you're from.

I also work in the industry and I have always worked on Avaya PBX's(biased just like you). We have never ran CCM in a production environment but we did run it in a test environment about 2 years ago and it was just not liked by anyone here. But that was our personal preference. We do run Cisco's ICM and CTI in production. I will admit I'm not a fan of either of them, much prefer Genesys, which we also run. Cisco had been bugging me to let them set up the latest CCM and try it out and their latest IP sets, I told them to bring them on as I love new things, well that was 6 months ago and they still haven't appeared. So if anyone from Cisco and their CCM/IP Phones is reading this shoot me a PM and let's talk!
Hi everyone...has anyone else heard about the yapper?..from what I understand www.yapinternational.com has an absolutley incredible new dial up voip solution...I ve been told it works great....and you dont even need a computer or broadband connection!
yapintern said:
Hi everyone...has anyone else heard about the yapper?..from what I understand www.yapinternational.com has an absolutley incredible new dial up voip solution...I ve been told it works great....and you dont even need a computer or broadband connection!
Yaa, way to pimp your own stuff there buddy. I'm sure you've "been told" since going by your name you are a intern for the company. If you want to insult us as dum consumers, continue to makes posts like this, but if you want to get anywhere try telling us straight up that you work there and we should check it out.
yapintern said:
Hi everyone...has anyone else heard about the yapper?..from what I understand www.yapinternational.com has an absolutley incredible new dial up voip solution...I ve been told it works great....and you dont even need a computer or broadband connection!
Met-AL said:
Yaa, way to pimp your own stuff there buddy. I'm sure you've "been told" since going by your name you are a intern for the company. If you want to insult us as dum consumers, continue to makes posts like this, but if you want to get anywhere try telling us straight up that you work there and we should check it out.

Dont you REALLY think it is an important new?dont you REALLY think that you are talking about VoIP all the time, but, for example, your grandma doesnt have a computer and if you want to call her you have to spend a lot of money? www.yapinternational.com has nothing to do with me, I put that name coz i was going to talk about it most of the time, and because Im thinking on buying that, but Ive check in their web site and they havent started to sell it yet. Sorry if you really think that im selling my own product, if you find me something with the same characteristics as that yapper, i would be really glad to talk about it.


yapintern said:
Dont you REALLY think it is an important new?dont you REALLY think that you are talking about VoIP all the time, but, for example, your grandma doesnt have a computer and if you want to call her you have to spend a lot of money? www.yapinternational.com has nothing to do with me, I put that name coz i was going to talk about it most of the time, and because Im thinking on buying that, but Ive check in their web site and they havent started to sell it yet. Sorry if you really think that im selling my own product, if you find me something with the same characteristics as that yapper, i would be really glad to talk about it.


Your full of shit. Tell us, what does yapintern mean beside yap intern?
yapintern said:
has nothing to do with me

And yet you changed the color of the font in the original post and linked the website a second time....... not to mention the only two posts you made are the "sale pitch" and the defense of that post.

In an effort to be useful - seconding the use of http://asterisk.org
If you have someone with the time and talent to setup and monitor it's a very cool bit of software.
Ok, back to being usefull.

That Asterick software looks real promising. Sounds like with a little work, you could be up and running a kick ass PBX system.

Myself, at home, I use Packet8. They have business plans as well with equipment and stuff.


It cost's $34.95 per month per extension, $99 for equipment costs, and $39.99 for activation.
lets stop talking about yap 4 a while, ok? now, is there anything else that you can find without using a computer?VoIP is allright, but if you always need a pc it can be used just by advanced users, but what about my grandma?and...what if i want to travel?can i use anything(but the yapper, because you dont want to talk about the yapper) else to make international calls through VoIP without a computer and being able to transport it?is it possible?good sound?i dunno, just tell me!
yapintern said:
lets stop talking about yap 4 a while, ok? now, is there anything else that you can find without using a computer?VoIP is allright, but if you always need a pc it can be used just by advanced users, but what about my grandma?and...what if i want to travel?can i use anything(but the yapper, because you dont want to talk about the yapper) else to make international calls through VoIP without a computer and being able to transport it?is it possible?good sound?i dunno, just tell me!

What a bunch of spam. Fuck off, the topic had nothing to do with grandma.

Anyways... For a small business I think Asterisk is a good way to go. I'm not quite sure most businesses are ready to go full on end to end VOIP, but for internal stuff it's a good choice.
I used Vonage for a little over a year here at home and loved it. Back when I joined they were giving out Cisco ATA-186(?) interfaces which did the actual conversion though I hear they are now giving away devices by Motorola. Not sure which is "better" per-say as I've only owned the Cisco.

We use Avaya at work and it "works" just like a regular ol' phone does. Some of the newer corporate solutions by both Avaya and Cisco look quite promising.

The only problem I had with Vonage and what ultimately made me go back to a land-line POTS is the fact that when we moved into our new house and were waiting for Comcast to install the cable modem, we had no phone. This isn't an issue for people who have cell phones obviously but my wife had no way of even calling 9-11... not acceptable to me.

It is one of those technologies we'll just have to wait and see where it goes over the next few years.
That yap guy lol. So full of shit. Reminds me of the Iraq information minister

Anyway let’s get back to the post:

Ive used both Avaya and Cisco handsets. Avaya one is ok but nowhere near as much fun to work/play with. Anybody know if you can download ringtones? :D

Anybody have any prices the VoIP parts from different manufacturers and the cost to implement them? It would be interesting to see
i wouldnt spend all this time trying to sell something that is not in the market yet, i dont know yapinternational, im a spanish guy that is right now in canada so i want to speak cheap, and im starting to hate all these phone cards...anyways, im coming back to my country this weekend, and i want to speak with friends of other countries very cheap and without a computer(i dont mind using a computer, but as I have said, my grandma CANT use them coz she is useless) so i heard here in canada about this product and i wanted to know if its as cool as it seems to be(i have some knowlegde about the VoIP market and I used to use the computer for my calls, but im sick of that, because im not an expert like all of you are)! and also another question: what do you use VoIP for?calling who?do you use it at work? coz companies would save a lot of money with VoIP....or not?
yapintern said:
lets stop talking about yap 4 a while, ok? now, is there anything else that you can find without using a computer?VoIP is allright, but if you always need a pc it can be used just by advanced users, but what about my grandma?and...what if i want to travel?can i use anything(but the yapper, because you dont want to talk about the yapper) else to make international calls through VoIP without a computer and being able to transport it?is it possible?good sound?i dunno, just tell me!
Yaa, you can use Packet8 and Vonage while traveling. I'm sure there are others. All you need is your DTA and regular telephone and a ethernet connection just like the ones that most hotels have in their rooms. So take you yapper and get lost. The original poster asked about getting VOIP for their office, not for traveling.

If you want to peddle your yapper crap, go try here:
Met-AL said:
Yaa, you can use Packet8 and Vonage while traveling. I'm sure there are others. All you need is your DTA and regular telephone and a ethernet connection just like the ones that most hotels have in their rooms. So take you yapper and get lost. The original poster asked about getting VOIP for their office, not for traveling.

If you want to peddle your yapper crap, go try here:

nicely done ;)
Somebody should start a sticky listing all the VOIP services that are out there.
Sorry to dig up an old thread, but do most of you see this as "the wave of the future"? I helped setup a Cisco VoIP once (basically installed the router, and the admins for this company did some remote configuration) and was very impressed at the way things worked. I've also seen some realativley cheap home setups offered through Linksys (which is part of Cisco i ibelieve). Is this a service that would be wise to learn?
Roast said:
Sorry to dig up an old thread, but do most of you see this as "the wave of the future"? I helped setup a Cisco VoIP once (basically installed the router, and the admins for this company did some remote configuration) and was very impressed at the way things worked. I've also seen some realativley cheap home setups offered through Linksys (which is part of Cisco i ibelieve). Is this a service that would be wise to learn?

Not sure if it's the "wave of the future" but it's not going away anytime soon.
If you see yourself working with any level of phone systems, IVRs, or networking in general, then yes it's something you should at a minimum be aware of.