Holding off the Countdown to Shame....


Jun 23, 2001

At this rate, OCAU will pass us in 12 days.
We are being outproduced by 40,000 points per day!

Holding off the 'roos will take a massive team effort.

I've added 12.3 ghz in the last 3 days. What have you done? What will you do?

P.S. To all OCAU members, thank you in advance for poking fun and gloating in seperate threads, and not in this one.
I've convinced my daughter to run it on her machine, and tonight when I get home from work I will convince my son to run it on his machine for a total of 4 CPUs for a total of 6Ghz
Turned on approx. 23 GHz in the last week. It'll help a little. You can't stop the roos, you can only hope to contain them (until it's winter in the states that is) ;)
I've been traveling for work but have dropped 4.4GHz on a couple of machines out here. Once I get home this weekend I'll be able to kick in some more.
Well, I replaced an 866 with a 2.6 and brought 2 1.3 durons back online after replacement parts arrived.... :cool:
I'll have two 2000+ boxes running FAH at home. Of course with 3 other machines in the same room, I may have to move them to the basement... it being damn warm already.
Was off at home for awhile again due to connectivety and moving. Brought a 2.0 back up... will complete the network and can maybe bring a 1.7 and a 600 back up. I just have a pile of projects to do before I can put the network together... wifey will kill me. I moved in to a new house and it needs to be wired, tastefully. It took them weeks just to connect the damn cable. Not like a single 2.0 could pound out a bunch of WU's, but we lost nearly a month's work from that pc... when viewed over 4weeks, it adds up.
Many (most?) of us are folding what we have. Mine is a home farm and I have no access to any borgs. I think “Shame” in the title of this thread is way off base. I feel no shame. Seeing how many [H] members are in the 200K and up range compared to OCAU I see nothing to be ashamed of.

Yogi, I’ll be glad to turn on another 20 gig if you pay my electric bill.

Just keep folding [H]ardBro's.
Winter time will come.
I've got one pitiful 677 Celeron to bring up, but otherwise, you've got full production from this CPU tater patch. Even recovered the Tyan S2460, though I'm still wondering what the hell is wrong with it when mounted in a case. The basement is hot, humid, nasty, and holding about 17 GHz of [H]ard power.

I'm looking at it this way, folks: if I dropped offline, it'd be 41K points a day lost, instead of 40K. It'll be that much less ground to retake when the solstice arrives. :D

BTW, if we're #1 or #2, clear view ahead or looking at a 'roo, it's STILL a damn good day for the science! :)
Forgot entirely about the roos... Now I feel guilty again...

Between relic's poetry and the darned roos, I'm going to be a poor man this summer.

About 6 GHz waiting in the wings... give me a couple weeks, too long, I know.

Had a similar issue with a tyan board. Never did find out the why part, even put in in the case one screw at a time. The fix was old fashioned plastic standoffs. It's still working fine.


BillR said:
Many (most?) of us are folding what we have. Mine is a home farm and I have no access to any borgs. I think “Shame” in the title of this thread is way off base. I feel no shame. Seeing how many [H] members are in the 200K and up range compared to OCAU I see nothing to be ashamed of.

Yogi, I’ll be glad to turn on another 20 gig if you pay my electric bill.


I don't mean to imply that you should fold beyond your means. Everyone like you giving everything they can are examples of what makes this team great.

What I am saying is that I believe that as a team I believe we can do more. Whether it be running more machines at home, getting permission to farm at work, borging a relatives computer, convincing a friend that their computer can do double duty... There are lots of little things that we can do to reach our full potential as a team.

If there is any shame in being passed, (not saying that we will), it is the shame of a worthy compeditor who gave a great effort, but was defeated, at least until their next chance. But as long as there is more that we can do as a team, as long as we have the ability to somehow hold off the charge of OCAU, then there is at least some shame in accepting defeat.

Summer in the north makes it harder for us to compete, but wouldn't it be great if we didn't have to console ourselves with the knowledge that winter will come? What if we could say that we overcame the obsticle of summer and didn't let it hold us back? What if we increased our production to make OCAU's future lead a short one, or even better, prevented it entirely?

My challenge isn't to any individual, it is to a team of hundreds. Look at what you are contributing, and decide if there are any little things you can do, keeping in mind your budget and limitations. If you are at 100%, then I commend you, and you can truely stand tall. But I know that there is more that I can do, and I believe that there are others who are also able to increase their production, by whatever amount possible.

I see this challenge from OCAU, perfectly timed with the return of the forums, as a chance for us to, as a team, rise to a new level and provide that much more research for Standford. If we ramp up, then so will OCAU, and the science will benefit most of all.

If everyone on the team ponders their own situation, and considers the possibilities, then I believe that there will be a lot less shame to go around.
Two more duallies coming up!

As soon as I hit 2 mil in UD, full power will be restored :D
I've been off for a while (somehow still managed 10k) but just added a pitiful athlon 1800+

I'll run it all summer, and see what else I can add on
My folding career might becoming to an end soon. But if it doesnt i should have another 100 machines up in about 2 weeks.
MidnightFreak said:
My folding career might becoming to an end soon. But if it doesnt i should have another 100 machines up in about 2 weeks.

That's quite the contrast.
Is everything ok?
11 days....
If we keep chipping in I'm sure we can start making that number grow.
I don't think that anyone's directing shame at any current producers. I wouldn't even direct shame at any past producers. I would hope that this thread wakes up some of our sleeping producers - we've lost 100 people since the forums went down! The core is still here, but where'd the other people go?
MidnightFreak said:
My folding career might becoming to an end soon. But if it doesnt i should have another 100 machines up in about 2 weeks.

Say it isn't so MF. Tell us that you'll keep carrying us at least until we can beat down the roos again. If you do end your folding career then I hope everything works out, and thanks. :(
Each country has a disadvantage during their respective summers. We passed them during their summer, and now they are passing us during our summer. I wouldn’t worry too much.

As for me, I’ve had to stop folding on all my boxes at home as the power bill really kills us in the summer. In the winter I can at least justify it as the computers are also heating the house, but in the summer, it just makes the AC work that much harder :(

That being said, I have a decent number of Borgs that are still working as hard as ever and I’m contemplating putting more boxes in my father’s office as he doesn’t pay the powerbill there and is always complaining that the neighbor turns the AC down too low (they share an AC between the two offices). :)
I just finish cleaning my boxen.
Just blown the 3rd L3 bridge on my 2400+'s so they run at 2.266 Ghz.
So I'm now back up to 2.5 boxen for 10.5 Ghz.
Should have 2 more up tomorrow for another 9 Ghz.
Aiming for either 24.4 Ghz or 27.7 Ghz.
It all depends what I have killed.

Luck........ :D
Point taken Yogi :D

Tigerbiten, that's right about where all my duallys are, can't seem to get much more out of them. 4.5 gig per box isn't half bad tho for old outdated components ;)

Nothing smoother then a good dually (Don't even think it :D)

7 days.....

They are catching up by more and more everyday, and our production is dropping while theirs is rising. I know many people have heat problems to deal with, but I think that we can still do better as a team.

Fold on!
Losing 130 active members isn't a problem with heat or summer. I think the damn forum outtages cost us big time. A team without a home is just going to continue to fade until only the core members are left, which is about where I bet we are right now. We need another membership push and some front page pimpage. We need to get back those people that are just looking for a some good competition!
Mattman said:
Losing 130 active members isn't a problem with heat or summer. I think the damn forum outtages cost us big time. A team without a home is just going to continue to fade until only the core members are left, which is about where I bet we are right now. We need another membership push and some front page pimpage. We need to get back those people that are just looking for a some good competition!

Maybe relic or CIWS could bend the big mans ear since he's posting on the front page today??? :)
hi i just got this program today and was wondering if i set it up correctly.

i installed it and it asked me for my name and team number, so i put jovetata and 33, is that all i have to do? ima contribute this 2.5 amd and my 3.2 intel when i get a heads up from u guys, thanx
jovetata said:
hi i just got this program today and was wondering if i set it up correctly.

i installed it and it asked me for my name and team number, so i put jovetata and 33, is that all i have to do? ima contribute this 2.5 amd and my 3.2 intel when i get a heads up from u guys, thanx

That should get you going, check the FAHlog.txt file in the install directory to make sure it's advancing frames. Times vary for different wu's so be patient. When you get a little more familliar look into running the client with flags (-advmethods -forceasm -forceSSE, am I forgetting anything?). Check the stickies at the top and also the folding site for more indepth info, overall it's not too complicated. Thanks for the help! :)
we (work) just ordered a P4 3.2E (the one with 1mb cache) for me to use. when it gets here it'll soon be folding. hopefully I can still keep the 1.4 folding as well, but only time will tell.

just ordered a couple more parts for a 2500+ based machine, It'll be up and folding in a couple days as well as the dual 1.0 (hopefully) :)
4 days.....

Our production took a dive yesterday. Let's see if we can bounce back a bit.
wife said my office is getting hot and it cant be good for the pc's. She had me put in a window unit to help cool it...

Then she moved a big (4x6) table in there for me to work on computers instead of my desk...

Bless her... bless her.

Anyone remember when the deal was it all had to fit on the desk ?
I just got my 2200+ back online minutes ago after seeing this thread, after some harddrive swappings F@H didn't get reinstalled, plus I was out of town this weekend with both rigs offline.

Anyway my sister's Athlon 800 is back since she's home from college over the summer, and it'll be hooked up once my friend gives me my KVM switch back and set to Fold. Not much, but it's some MHz. Then sometime over this summer I'm sure she'll be getting a new computer altogether, built by myself and F@H will be the first thing installed. But as that's possibly months from now it's of little consolation.

So that's 4.9GHz right now and 5.7GHz at the end of the week. Low numbers compared to some of you guys but it's the best this highschooler can muster.
Hopefully getting new parts tomorrow.
Dead/ unstable memory is stopping two boxen from folding.
So as long as I can stand liveing in a sauna then there is another +8 Ghz comeing online soon.

Luck....... :D