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    Bittorrent user

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    Onbaord sound vs SB live 5.1

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    ABIT NF7 v1 or v2

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    Windows XP 64?

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    Lineage II

    Thats why i wanted someone who doen't play the game anymore. BUt o well
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    Lineage II

    Or if someone doesn't play beta anymore can i have their account?
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    Lineage II

    I just got Lineage II beta test and im waiting for my serial number. Its been three hours now. Is there a way i can get a serial number instantly b/c they still haven't emailed me back yet.
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    how much will City of Heroes Cost a month?
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    I am on the First real boss. This guy is huge. I fight him in a cemetary how do i beat him? Its the first world boss i forget his name but hopefully u know what im talking about.
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    Painkiller can't beat this guy

    I am on the Map Catacombs and the last guy (boss) i can't beat him. I can't use my weapons on him. But theres a firepit i was wondering if i put in there someway and how do i do it. Because im stuck.
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    Will this help my CPU?

    ok thanks
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    Will this help my CPU?

    I have a ABit NF7. Im not sure it will fit b/c my CPU socket it close to my PSU. If not that one which other ones would u suggest?
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    Will this help my CPU?

    I have a AMD Anthlon 2400+
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    Will this help my CPU? Will this lower my temps to be average? becuase now with stock its about 55idle and 62 load. (I am not overclocked) Will this help me? What will my temps be around?
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    AGP bus speed- help

    leave it at what the bois sets it at.
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    6900 Ultra with one molex?

    it says 8600 Ultra in the picture.
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    Best AMD Board and CPU combo for your buck?

    If u play games i would say get the AMD64 /w that motherboard and buy new ram. And you would be set for a while.
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    6900 Ultra with one molex?

    IN this picture this video card has one molex is this true?
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    Best AMD Board and CPU combo for your buck?

    I would say get this one
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    Best AMD Board and CPU combo for your buck?

    How much u wanna spend first?
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    2400+ non-mobile what are average temps.

    This is for people with stock cooling. What is ur average temps?
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    Extra 92mm Fan

    What would be the best place to put my extra 92mm fan? IS there a place i could put it to lower my CPU temps?
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    I have the full game. When i start single player i start out in a cemetart but i cannot move why is it?
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    I still can't find it. I am at the part where there waters and there is platforms and they have little bridges connection each platform that goes into a big house. BUt this house is closed and i killed everyguy what am i suppose to do?
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    Same here im stuck there i killed every guy, but the arrow is going to the church but the door is closed but the music is still on? WHat do i do?
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    What does AF exactly do?

    I had it off before then in control panel i changed it
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    Where can i get the UnrealEngine 3 thingy?
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    What does AF exactly do?

    They run around the same fps in Painkiller but, my i didn't see difference in graphics.
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    3dmark03 and GFX6800

    I just saw the 9800xt got 68 something and the geforce got around 11k almost double, but damn almost 100% better in performace.
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    3dmark03 and GFX6800

    IS this right the Geforce fx 6800 get double the score of the 9800xt? Is that a trick or is that real. IF so im getting ir first day it comes out.
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    What does AF exactly do?

    So is AF better one or off?
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    Bittorrent user

    Thank you
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    Bittorrent user

    Where do i type that --max_upload_rate xx ?
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    Bittorrent user

    What? I mean in bittorrent the program itself.
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    Bittorrent user

    I have a question is there a way i can CAP my upload speeds? Becuase when i try and play a game and its open i can't even play. If theres way can u help me thanks.
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    nv40/r420 or skip.

    Should i buy one of these videos card in the near future. I should i keep my 9800pro and wait till after the N40 and R420 has come out and wait for the generation after that? I mean Doom 3 and Halflife 2 are going to run fine what i have now. So what do u think buy the n40 or r420 or skip this...
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    What does AF exactly do?

    alright thanks
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    What does AF exactly do?

    What does AF exactly do?
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    Extra 92mm Fan

    But if i just cut a hole what is gonna hold it up and where can i get the filters things?
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    But couldn'ti turn this on in my video card settings?