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  1. S

    dodgy memory?

    what does happen when you reset your CMOS anyway?? Does it default all your settings or something like that?? I don't know much about CMOS and stuff so I am just curious here, hehe. -rahul
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    9800pro on new egg

    That's cool though. What are you in exactly? Marines or something?? Ya if you order from through Newegg and if you are living in NJ or NY or some other state, they have ware houses here so you have to pay sales tax which sucks. I had to pay 6% which isn't much, but still atleast I got the...
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    9800pro on new egg

    I just bought it the other day for $204, d'oh! I could have used that $5 towards the damn tax :/ I ordered it on 20th and got it today the 22nd, that is pretty quick, but then again it shipped from the nj warehouse, hehe. I will still miss my BBA 9800 NP though, but its all good, this one...
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    Am I the only one?

    I had a BBA 9800 NP which I screwed up by putting the VGA Silencer (stupid me :D ) So I put my Gainward GF4 TI4200 right now and I am just playing BF:V with it, but it doesn't look all that pretty atleast. But then again it runs better then my GF2, hehe. I just ordered the Sapphire...
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    VGA Silencer + My Card = Fubar

    I don't remember scraping anything off for sure. I will repost the pictures soon though. Someone said to remove the shim and its even worse now, lol. I have killed the card even more now though. My desktop looks allright, but the games look terrible. I won't be trying something like...
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    VGA Silencer + My Card = Fubar

    I was suppose to remove shim?? I don't remember it saying in the instructions though, lol. By the way I haven't even overclocked my video card. Sorry about the pics by the way. -rahul
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    VGA Silencer + My Card = Fubar

    Well I finally had the guts to do it tonight and it didn't come out the way I plan for it. I mean I thought I did everything right though, but I am guessing I screwed up somewhere. My desktop looks ok, but I got a black straight line with my cursor and the icons on the desktop look funny...
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    What do you guys think of the NV 40?

    I smell ATI and I smell Nvidia going head to head with some crazy competition (in a good way of course) ;) There is never a real defeat though on either side except one side just pulls ahead in the race, but then it evens up and the competition continues. It is something that is not going...
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    merged: NV40 Review and the [H] reviewing system.

    This new video card is something though, props to Nvidia for that :) That is some real good competition though and it will be even more when ATI releases its new video card. All this new technology just raises everything to a newer level. Things just get better and better :D -rahul
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    New Setup Recommendation!!

    That is good then. I got cable and they gave me a NIC card that came with it and I am using that :D I will probably order this sometime this week for sure. -rahul
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    Microsoft XNA.... OMG!!!!

    Nvidia Vs. ATI, its like a never ending story :D Those videos are sweet and I am just in aww :eek: As long as either one of these cards can make my system work, I don't really care about anything else, hehe. Once the next generation of video cards are out, we will know how good they are...
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    New Setup Recommendation!!

    Well its going to be IC7 or the Giga mobo, they are around the same prices almost. I am just wondering what can you use the Lan for exactly?? I believe I have on this mobo, but I never really used it. So I am just going to choose between those motherboards. I know that the Abit's are pretty...
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    New Setup Recommendation!!

    ASUS 865PE Chipset Motherboard for Intel Socket 478 CPU, Model "P4P800 Deluxe" -RETAIL -- $122 GIGABYTE i875P Chipset Motherboard for Intel Socket 478 CPU, Model "GA-8IK1100" -RETAIL -- $127 Albatron 865PE Chipset Motherboard for Intel Socket 478 CPU, Model "PX865PE PRO II" -RETAIL --...
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    New Setup Recommendation!!

    I know I can always do that, but what about the site that I put up. But I thought I might as well get a new mobo and a processor and new ram while I am at it instead of wasting that money on another 512 stick. Is that a good deal or just a rip off in that site?? I got some money so I figured I...
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    New Setup Recommendation!!

    I don't now what I really want though. I do have a Intel P4 2.4A right now though. Its just that it doesn't run all that good in BF:V though and I am guessing its due to the cheap ram that I have. My system specs are in the sig though I believe. I was thinking about getting myself this ...
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    Its me once again with some more problems..

    I Keep getting VPU recovery stuff?? I don't know what that means. It just keeps happening. I mean my sound keeps repeating and my screen just turns off and on and all these little colored blocks are all over the screen. What is up with that ?? It has been happening a lot lately :(...
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    switching from Nvidia to ATI = problem?

    Ya I did a fresh reinstall of XP after I reformatted so everything would work great. It did for a month or 2 and then everything just went weird. It only screws up with CoD though. It is a good idea though if you have time on your hand and everything. I say go for it :D -rahul
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    Its me once again with some more problems..

    ya I did use that patch. I mean I reformatted my whole computer so everything would work fine, but it doesn't seem like it, lol. Brecourt use to work fine with newer drivers, but it is very laggy with older one's. I am just trying different drivers and everything. If not then I will just...
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    Its me once again with some more problems..

    I am not sure, but they were laggy for me in CoD. I mean if you play Brecourt, its really bad on yours eyes if you play CoD that is. It could be my ram as well, but then again I don't know, hehe. -rahul
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    Its me once again with some more problems..

    I don't have anything overclocked in my system and I do have the latest chipset drivers for my mobo. I am using the 3.9 drivers right now since the other one's were very laggy when I played CoD. I have one of those X-dreamer case with a glass window on the side. It might as well be the PSU...
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    Its me once again with some more problems..

    I don't know what is up with my video card, but its been screwing up once again. It was working fine when I first installed the video card, but recently its been giving me a lot of problems especially with CoD it seems. It could be the game, but then again I don't know. Its just everytime I...
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    Issues with Audigy 2 soundcard

    I know my Ethernet card is sharing the same IRQ with something else. -rahul
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    Issues with Audigy 2 soundcard

    Naa I didn't, I skipped a slot and then installed it in the next one :) -rahul
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    Issues with Audigy 2 soundcard

    I am just having problems with this sound card. I mean I just got it like last week from Circuit City and I do have it installed. The first time I installed it and put the drivers from the cd and rebooted it worked fine. Then I rebooted again and my whole screen looks like waves I mean...
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    Help with 9800 NP :/

    my game just froze up alittle while ago though?? I still get those random freezes. Is that have to do with drivers or my video card is not placed in properly?? I will just take off all of ATI drivers and try to install them freshly or something. -rahul
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    Help with 9800 NP :/

    I can try that. -rahul
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    Help with 9800 NP :/

    bahh no one can help?? :/ -rahul
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    Help with 9800 NP :/

    I am not sure what is wrong with my video card. It has been having problems lately though for some reason. It only happens when I am playing CoD though for some reason. I am guessing it doesn't like CoD or something like that. Perhaps it doesn't like it when I run IRC or Trillian in the...