Help with 9800 NP :/


Oct 30, 2003
I am not sure what is wrong with my video card. It has been having problems lately though for some reason. It only happens when I am playing CoD though for some reason. I am guessing it doesn't like CoD or something like that.

Perhaps it doesn't like it when I run IRC or Trillian in the background. I am not sure, but it just went funny like few minutes ago. I was just playing and I did have IRC running in the background. It was running fine and the out of the blue, the whole screen just froze up and I see a red error in a box. I can't make out what it says though.

The whole screen went funny and I pressed Alt + ctrl + del and nothing happened so I just had to reboot. I have been getting that lately though and of course it was making some beep sound as well inside my case. It sounded like it was making some infinite loop or something.

Any help would be nice. It could be the drivers, but then again I don't know.

I am using the latest 3.10 drivers and it was happening with the 3.7 as well.

The system specs are at the bottom, if you need more I will just post more. By the way, its just running at stock and I haven't oc'ed it or anything like that.


err, idk exactly what these are, but i've heard people can fix some of their problems with "Omega drivers"
I had same problem awhile ago with CoD. ATi made a hotfix for it, and it should be included in the 3.10 cats.

All I know is my problem went away after the fix :)
my game just froze up alittle while ago though?? I still get those random freezes. Is that have to do with drivers or my video card is not placed in properly??

I will just take off all of ATI drivers and try to install them freshly or something.
