Its me once again with some more problems..


Oct 30, 2003
I don't know what is up with my video card, but its been screwing up once again. It was working fine when I first installed the video card, but recently its been giving me a lot of problems especially with CoD it seems. It could be the game, but then again I don't know.

Its just everytime I am in the game, it would just freeze up out of the blue and I have to do a reboot. It wouldn't ALT + CTRL + DeL or anything like that. Sometimes I am just trying to take a screenshot of my score and it would just freeze up then as well.

I don't know what's up with it, but then there are times where it would just go crazy and the screen would look all weird. Next thing you know, there would be some kind of error which says VPU Error and its resetting everything to default or something like that.

I don't know what is up with it and I have been trying different drivers. Is it something to do with my PSU? It is about 350 though, thought that would be enough. Then I am guessing it could be some kind of conflict, but I have no clue where to say.

Any help would be good because its not fun playing the game you love the most especially with all the freezing up.


do you have the newest Chipset drivers (including AGP) for your motherboard, and the newest Catalyst for your card? Is ANYTHING overclocked in your system? If nothing is overclocked, and you have all the newest drivers, I suggest you go into SmartGart and disable Fastwrites, and the same in your BIOS. Other then that.. perhaps your suffering from a problem that is becoming VERY common.... A PSU that isn't pumping out enough.

I wouldnt recomend anything under 400w with the equipment floating around these days, and of course, you get what you pay for. Cheap PSU.. shitty performance :(

Also make sure you have airflow into and OUT of your case, so the cards fan isnt just blowing around hot air with no chance to refresh it.
I don't have anything overclocked in my system and I do have the latest chipset drivers for my mobo. I am using the 3.9 drivers right now since the other one's were very laggy when I played CoD. I have one of those X-dreamer case with a glass window on the side.

It might as well be the PSU then. Perhaps I can get a 450W PSU or something, maybe that will help.

I am not sure, but they were laggy for me in CoD.

I mean if you play Brecourt, its really bad on yours eyes if you play CoD that is.

It could be my ram as well, but then again I don't know, hehe.

yea why does brecourt require so much power from your card?

oh, and ATI has released CoD stability patches(i think), well at least thats what they were called when i installed it
ya I did use that patch. I mean I reformatted my whole computer so everything would work fine, but it doesn't seem like it, lol.

Brecourt use to work fine with newer drivers, but it is very laggy with older one's. I am just trying different drivers and everything.

If not then I will just get a new PSU or something.

I Keep getting VPU recovery stuff?? I don't know what that means. It just keeps happening.

I mean my sound keeps repeating and my screen just turns off and on and all these little colored blocks are all over the screen.

What is up with that ?? It has been happening a lot lately :(

Help Somebody!!

if you have a shitty power supply and are getting flakey performance at stock speeds.... upgrade your power supply... seriously.

if you get colored blocks and wierd crap on your screen always, or even at the very start of playing, you may have a problem with the vid card.

if you are getting blocky weird crap after playing games for awhile, you may be having a heat problem... look into more airflow / cleaning up your case wires.