Am I the only one?


Jan 12, 2003
Its been a little over 2 years, and I'm still gaming on my GF3 Ti 500. I've considered getting a new card, but I keep holding out for that next Gen stuff that knocks everything else out of the water. ( mostly just waiting for D3 and HL2 to come out to see where the hardwear is ) But this forums seems like everyone has the ability to buy the newiest card the second its released. I wish I was that rich :rolleyes:

Anyone else here still using GF3's or something in that range?
Because of me using a GF3, there are already certain games out that I choose not to play, because I'm worried that either it will just look like crap, or run like crap. I thought about getting a 9800XT but by time these newier games come out, its gonna be a year old.

My sisters still gaming on my old V5 5500. I don't know how she does it, but she does. How many other people here arn't up-to-date?
I usually stay behind the curve. I went from a gf2mx, to a radeon 9k, to a rad 9600
heh I got a GeForce3 when it first arrived and didn't think it was all that fast back then

im a speed freak, no way I could use that card now
I like the $150 cards, I tend to buy the ex-big dog card when it hits that price.

I spend so much time working on them I don't game much. Most of my games are old, I like the $9 rack... Serious Sam bundled for free, etc...
I buy one new game a year at full price, the rest of my stuff is old.
This year is looking up tho, I plan on getting Doom3 and Half Life 2, so I may be playing a bit more.

There's just not many games I feel like spending much money on, if I want it I'll buy it at full price, if it just looks interesting, I'll wait.
Not me i had GF3 and GF3 TI 200 i killed the cards with
overclock :p
my friend still use asus gf3 deluxe :p
I'm making use (barely) with 733mhz CPU and GF2.


The reason is -- not many games are interesting right now,
so it makes more sense to wait until great games are available
before sinking money into hardware.

But I think this summer is the time for the upgrade after
this round of next gen video is fought and the winner crowned.

I also built two systems for my kids, Athlon XP 2500 (Barton),
but I'm using Matrox Millenium (1995) video card in one
and GF2 in the other. --> for them, I'm waiting to buy a
ATI 9800 Pro for $100 when the price wars hit in a few months.
i tend to get the $200 range cards that arnt the best, but are known for great overclocking. that way, i'm almost upto speed with the big dogs.
nope, you're not.

i use a gigabyte 9600xt (got it for $120),before that I used a gf3 ti 200. I did try the 9800s, but i always felt guilty for spending the money for them, so I sold them :p

oh well, a 9600xt is plenty for me right now.
Been using a used Radeon 8500 for the longest time now here. Suprises the heck out of a lot of people, especially when I beat the pants off them in UT2004, and considering how much I post about videocards.

I plan to make the jump to either the 6800 or X800 as a reward to myself for doing some hard work this year. Its not like I don't see the new stuff everyday, installing new computer components is a daily occurance for me (occasionally envious of what people buy for their rigs, like Dual-Raided Raptors, BH5 memory and of course 9800XT's.)
Meh. If you really DO upgrade pretty often, it doesn't end up costing that much.

You just have to sell your old card when it's still worth something to eat the biggest chunk out of buying a new card.
Well for awhile there wasn't really any games out that made it worth while for me to upgrade. But so far 2004 has been a good year for games.

So now I'm back to upgrading all the time. But I tend to buy the biggest badest video cards once a year. The other reason I do that is I have bad luck getting the good overclockable parts. So I don't even chance it. I buy what I want and if I can get anything more out of it, I feel it's just bonus.
One of the best card i ever used was gigabyte gf3 64mb ddr!!
i bought the card then its came out...
after that i burn it so i changed to ti200 and after that to
ti4400 and after that to 9000pro i use it onlt for 1 week after
that i change back to ti4400 and now i have 9700pro :p
I have GeForce 3 cards exclusively. I have 3 machines and all have GeForce 3 cards. Everyone is always surprised when I am whipping them in BFV and they have a 9800XT. I am looking at jumping to a 9600 Pro for $110. Can anyone tell me if I will see REAL WORLD performance increases? Thanks in advance.

Would it make much difference in performance to spend $40 more and get a 9800SE with 4 pipes and 256bit DDR memory? I am just looking for a good leap but less than $150, if possible. Does a 9600XT actually perform noticeably better than a 9600Pro? Thanks in advance.

Most ATi cards outperform the 9600Pro. Take it from me there not that great unless you can get one that OC's well.
Look at what people spend to play fucking Golf :rolleyes: . I consider this hobby cheap in contrast to that. I will be buying an NV40 most likely. Just waiting to see what ATI has first. If ATI lacks PS3.0 for cetain, nvidia gets my $'s this round.

Speed is where's at, gotta pay to play.
I am still using a Gainward GF3 clocked at 220/545 This isn't even a Ti edition. I never use any AA or AF at all and I still seem to play all the games. A lot of people think that the better video card you have the better player you are. And when it comes down to it.. that's not true at all. I have been playing UT2k4 sense the demo came out and I can say I am almost always #1 on my team. FPS's is all I play and have been sense doom 1 shareware. Yea they might not look as good as they could.. but I guess I have never really played with anything faster so I don't really know what I am missing. (screenshots dont' really tell the story) After doom3 and HL2 are out I will decide on what new card to get. Doom1 shareware is the game that I started to play when I got into computers... I want doom3 to run with the fastest card at the time of release. Damn that brings back memories....
I went from a Hercules Kyro II to an AIW 9700pro.
It was quite a jump. The Kyro was nice though, very efficient. Would have been nice if it had Hardware T&L. It didn't render anything that you didn't see. And used some triangle thing. Don't remember all the details.

But my 9700 rocks.
I went from a V1 to a V3 2000 to GF2 Pro to a 9700-Pro. I won't spend $400 every gen to just have the fastest card. My next card will probably be in a year or so. I like to hold onto my cards for at least two years.
I'm still using my Radeon 8500. It works for me. I'd like to get a new card and a few months ago I was looking really hard at a 9600XT but decided against it. As much as I'd like a faster card that makes the games look better, I just don't play much of anything enough to warrant spending the money.

If I did a lot more gaming, then I would get a newer card in a heartbeat (that is if I still had the money).

When I went from my Radeon 32 meg DDR to my 8500 I notice a huge speed increase even after I raised the res on the games I played. I never really noticed the difference until I toss my friends 7500 AIW in my rig to see if there was anything wrong with it since it wouldn't work in his system. The card worked perfectly in my system. It also ran games about the same speed as my 8500 at the same resolutions, but damn, it looked like shit compared to the 8500. That is the main reason why I would like to get a new card. I know a lot of games out there just don't look anywhere near as good on my older card as they would on a new one.

Once I have a chance to get back into gaming again, I'll buy a new card. I just can't hardly wait until I get to see the R420 in action and up against the 6800. It should be interesting even if there is no way I can afford either one.:)
Yeah, the visual quality has improved greatly over the last few generation cards, that is for sure.

Better AF, AA and Trilinear makes almost every DX7 game look better than the old generation of cards. The new stuff has so many visual enhancements on top of that, its getting hard to keep track of them all.
I'm sorta with ya with my crappy old ti4200 (64meg version:( ). I've thought about upgrading many times, but i just cant justify it yet since the only game I play a lof of is CS (yeah i've tried ut2k4 and all that but never been really hardcore into it). I've decided that i'm gonna buy whatever is the best price to performance in d3 and hl2 (especially) when they come out. Hopefully there will be something like the 9800pro is now. Great performance for around $200.
I'm still on a ti4400 and it has served me well. I skipped the past couple generations because I didn't need it but now I could use a good upgrade so NV40 will probably be it. I'll wait, as we have to, for the 420 to see what it brings to the table but I'm not holding my breath. I usually keep my cards for 2 years so not having PS3 support or 128bit precision is a problem to me. I like to be futureproof as much as possible.
My TI4600 was my first video card purchase ever way back when, $320 was quite expensive for a 13 year old :D But it's still serving me well. Just added some ramsinks and a p4 heatsink, overclocked it all I could and I can run Far Cry at 1280x1024 smoothly.

I remember when the Geforce3 was gonna be THE Doom 3 card, then it was the Geforce4, then it was the I'm expecting Doom 3 to run just fine on my Geforce4, but if it won't I'll upgrade to a 9800 pro probably becuase they'll drop in price when the 420 is released.
I usually keep my cards for 2 years so not having PS3 support or 128bit precision is a problem to me. I like to be futureproof as much as possible.

It shouldn't be too much of a problem, PVS2.0 has been available in the 9700 pro for about a year and a half now, and there are a rare few games that use it. Those that do use them, are nearly the same as 1.4 anyways.

Nvidia will push 3.0 on developers much more than ATi pushed 2.0. If left to naturally progress, I'd say that 2.0 adoption will be more common by next year, and 3.0 two years after that. We still have just released DX7 games like UT2004, which really don't use even PVS 1.0 if that means anything to you.
i had Geforce3 ti200
but killed it with overclock
then went back to nvidia vanta 16mb
got sick of it so i jacked my friends Geforcefx 5900
waiting for new cards to come out to buy hehe:D
Still gaming with an Elsa GeForce 3 920 at stock speeds. It'll be 3 years old in August. Up until this last batch of games I hadn't really noticed any problems with it though.
I had a BBA 9800 NP which I screwed up by putting the VGA Silencer (stupid me :D )

So I put my Gainward GF4 TI4200 right now and I am just playing BF:V with it, but it doesn't look all that pretty atleast. But then again it runs better then my GF2, hehe.

I just ordered the Sapphire 9800 PRO and it should be on its way, hopefully by friday :)

My next upgrade after this would be next year perhaps who knows depending on my money situation since I am getting a new vw golf gti ;)

For the two years before I started building my own comps, I played games with a P3 550MHz, 128MB RAM and Intel Integrated Graphics.

Also, I think there's something about having old hardware and being good at FPS's. My freshmen year in college I had the above comp and just whomped everybody on my floor in UT99. They all had P4's with actual graphics cards, but I had the Shitty Comp karma on my side:D .
I think my GF2 Ultra is going bye bye this summer. Thinking about a 9800pro or something in the $200-250 range.

Lets all pray the prices keep falling!
Well it seems like more people are riding in the same boat as me than I thought. Usually I'm over in the Games forum posting, and it just come off like everyone on here has top of the line comps all the time. People bitch and complain because they can't have their AA all the way up, or their resolution isn't above 1024x768.

I can't wait to build a new PC. The one I have now I tend to just play CS and GunBound... and my latest addiction Hitman2 (gonna pick up 3 this weekend)

I haven't bothered buying UT2k4 or FarCry, because I know I won't be able to view it like its supposed to, and even with crap turned down, it will probably run like ass anyways.

I have 2 PC's. One of them is a 500mghz V3 3000, that I got from Dell before I could drive... like 15.. I'm now 20 :X... but its still worken, and it works great for web browsing.... and thats about it.

The other PC I got is a 1.61 1900+ with a GF3Ti500, which is a little over 2 years old now. Its funny though, I got a GF3Ti 500 Xtasy from Visiontek... and now Visiontek only makes ATi cards.... but they still provide help for my GF3. The fan died on it, and they were kind enuff to send me a replacement fan.... even though it took them 5 months to do it :rolleyes:

Seems like a lot of people I know...... . . . well all the people I know are waiting for D3 and HL2 to come out before they consider buying new PC's. I think its funny how many people are waiting for these 2 game to upgrade.... but I'm doing the same. I think if any of you have stock in ATi or NVidia... buy some more right before these games released.. I'm sure their stock is gonna go up a whole bunch after the release of these game :p
I've been running a GF3Ti200 for the last 2 years now. I had a GeForce 1 SDR before that. All the games I'm playing right now (NFS : Underground - 1024*768/all details on max), (Call Of Duty - ditto) and LO:MAC (800*600, medium details) are running just fine on my system. I'm saving up for a 9800Pro, but I really like this card.
Baker, give UT2003/2004 a shot on your system, you'd be surprised as to how well they will run..(no AA/AF, of course).
Get one. I have two. One in My main machine.1 for sale. but not that is not what I am posting about.
I went from Xtacy (will never buy from them again)GF4 Ti4200 128MB. to ATi Brand ATi Radeon 9800 Pro AiW. frames went up, resolution cranked 1280x1024, gorgeous. I stop and just walk around UT2K4 battlefields sometimes. Before I go kill someone.

Its worth it. Still havent overclocked yet, yet.
Unreal tournament 2k4 runs very well on a gf2mx. (at least the demo) But that doesnt matter much.

ut2k4 actually runs better in many cases than ut2k3
I know this is off the subject, so to speak, but Baker...I have a GeForce 3 (classic, not the Ti series) and it plays smooth frames with Far Cry demo. I would buy the game, but I want to upgrade hardware first. Just a little FYI.

Originally posted by TechHead
Baker, give UT2003/2004 a shot on your system, you'd be surprised as to how well they will run..(no AA/AF, of course).

I bought UT2K3 when it first came out, and played it to the point of boardem. I'll play it every once in a while, but there are a lot of games that I have, that just arn't installed. I have over 90+ games, and only choose to play a few.

Mostly because I like to have fresh copys of Windows installed every-so-often and install games I know I'll be launching sometime soon.

UT2K4, I played the demo for a couple of weeks, and got board. I know the full version has more maps..... but its the same gameplay. Maybe one day I might pick it up when its in the discount bin :D

Originally posted by rsnellma
I know this is off the subject, so to speak, but Baker...I have a GeForce 3 (classic, not the Ti series) and it plays smooth frames with Far Cry demo. I would buy the game, but I want to upgrade hardware first. Just a little FYI.


Bob, what settings did you have running? My FarCry demo ran smooth, but with Medium.. if not a little bit lower than Medium settings. I didn't go back and read my post from earlier, but I think I said something like "I want to be able to play the game its ment to be played"?... I haven't bothered buying FarCry cause I want to see all the eye-candy it can provide at smooth rates.. and if I tried to do that with my GF3.. it would think to hard and blow up. I'll just wait till I get a new comp, before going out and picking up all the latest addictions. ;)
Ive gone from...

Here is the list of cards I have used in order(some are repeats since i sold the card prior to it and went back to older card))

Voodoo 3
Geforce 2 MX400
Geforce 4 MX440
ATI 9500np(modded to pro)
ATI 9800np(clock to pro and beyond)
Geforce 2 MX
Geforce 4 Ti4200

I always get caught up in the hype about cards, But I realize after 5yrs there is only one game that i still play 5 days a week, and thats HL and its mods(mainly Dod and HL) And i have no need for any card better than a ti4200. Im waiting for Doom3 or HL2 for my next upgrade, until then im using this card, and if HL2 sucks multiplayer wise i will sell my newly purchased card and go back to hl1 and mods)
I always stay a bump behind the top dog, GF2 GTS to GF4 4400 to GF FX5900 at 5950 speeds