Search results

  1. N

    OK...been out of the game for a while

    OK...What technologies are these Web 2.0 sites using to develop? Just go to and most of the sites they talk about are the ones I am interested in. They look so new and fresh but what are they using to develop these sites? I am kinda of lost because I do not see php or
  2. N

    can some tell me what this website is using? I mean, is it blog software or is it a website that was created to allow users to enter comments? I hope this made since. thankz
  3. N

    C# thoughts, opinions

    ROFLOL!!!!!! I did not mean to type "M$". SORRY, it was my subconscious or something. It is childish. I am just so used to seeing it that is seeped into my brain. Thanks for the reply. Very useful insights.
  4. N

    C# thoughts, opinions

    What are your thoughts on C#? Is it going to be around for a long time? Like C++. There is alot of development in progress with c#. Will it continue or will all work become legacy? C# is the next C++? C# is the next generation of programming for M$? Just thinking in text. Have a great day!
  5. N

    Free php hosting....

    Are there any?.... Any good ones? I want to use to develop....
  6. N

    programming languages

    OK, I know there has been alot a talk about which programming language to learn. An yes, it would be great to learn them all, BUT, what does it mean to learn a language? I have been developing for some time now, around 8 years. I have developed in VB, VB.NET, C, C++, C#, Java and pretty much...
  7. N

    SQL Server 2005 or other databases

    More specifically for SQL server. I am trying to find good training material for the MCTS for SQL Server. I would get more out of some sort of training rather than just reading books on my own. Anyone here have any training in databases? if so, from where? online? videos? Any info good.
  8. N

    C# code

    What is the C# code to open a webpage? thanks
  9. N

    old harddrives

  10. N

    Reformatting a laptop....

    I hope this is the right place to ask this, so here goes. My laptop has a ton of spyware and other crap. I want to reformat the hard drive. I do not have the original cd for this laptop, but I do have a copy of OS that i want to install. However, the laptop doesnot have a floppy drive which I...
  11. N 2.0 and databases

    Well this is what i am doing. I have a database with name and address fields. I can display all the data in the table but want to populate the table with data. I have a form with a name and address textbox. I want to press a submit button and have the data in the textboxes inserted into the...
  12. N 2.0 and databases

    I see a ton on information on how to retrieve and display data from a database. However, i want to add data to a database and cannot find any information. Can someone help me out? How do I add data to a database? What controls, if any, are used? thanks in advanced Node
  13. N

    website dev

    For you guys who do a ton of web development, was is your programming lang/scripting lang of choice? Which language do you use the most and which do you like to use the most?
  14. N

    Ruby on Rails career question

    Are there many opportunities, career wise, for spending time and learning this? I hear alot about it but I do not know if it is going to be around for awhile, or is just a fad. Just wondering. Any information would be great thx
  15. N

    My plan of study for networking

    Looks very similiar to my Computer Science degree plan at Texas State University. Good Luck
  16. N

    Database Administration, IT, Security

    How does one get into these positions? Books? Classes? What? I have been in software for about 10 years now. Software Development, Systems Analyst, QA,...etc. I do I make to move to a Database Admin or Security Pro? Any help or suggestions welcomed!!!!!
  17. N

    Another blog question

    Let me clearify alittle... I did not mean "host my own blog". What i meant was to purchase some webspace and install the blog software on "that" server (just like setting up a website at a hosting company). My main question was whether the process i just described would be "better" than using a...
  18. N

    Another blog question

    OK... remember back in the day when a person could get a website up without hosting the site themselves? I forget the names but the websites gave webspace and the url included there name as well. it was a long url with you title at the very end. Well, it was not recommended to use those for...
  19. N

    Database Administration

    GIS...what is that? please explain what your field is?
  20. N

    Database Administration

    thanks for all the great information. I will definetly look into all the suggestions. Oh btw, I picked up the book for the new MCTS certification a couple of weeks ago and have started playing around with the SQL Server 2005 that came with book. I still welcome all input. lets keep this...
  21. N

    Database Administration

    Yeah, being a developer for sometime, I am very familiar with SQL statements. I think I know enough to go to next level. but what is the next level? thanks
  22. N

    Database Administration

    Sorry if this is in wrong forum but here goes, I have been in software for along time(mostly QA but alot of development as well). I have been wanting to get into database administration. What is the best way to get into this specified field? have any stories about how "you" got into this...
  23. N vs. 2.0

    Are the only differences some more features? or is there some big underlining difference that articles on the web do not mention? For instance, is connecting and querying a database the same in both versions? I have an book (not 2.0) and want to connect to a database using 2.0. will the...
  24. N

    Blogs and websites

    OK here goes..... I am a programmer by profession(apps and web apps) and I have a question about blogs. Keep in mind that I have never "made" one but I have done a little reading on them, how can you not these days. Anyway, are they not just regular websites? I mean i can create a very simple...
  25. N

    old harddrives

    ok I get it. thanks for all your help
  26. N

    old harddrives

    please explain the 37swipe method. thx!
  27. N

    old harddrives

    thanks guys.... I will use eraser and then put my harddrives up on ebay...thanks again
  28. N

    old harddrives

    I want to sell a couple of my old harddrives and have a couple of questions. What is the best way to make sure data is no longer on my harddrive to where a person who purchases it will no be able to recover data? will formatting take care of this? Also - is it even a good idea to sell an old...
  29. N and windows 2000

    Can I run pages on a windows 2000 box with IIS 5.0 installed.
  30. N

    visual basic and microsoft access

    What is the vb code that is used to create an access database? I know how to connect to an access database, but I want to know the code that actually creates the database. thanks
  31. N

    VB question

    Easy question. How do you call a vb program from another vb program? thanks
  32. N

    Java technology for building websites.

    what do you mean by costs alot? financially or time consuming or? ?
  33. N

    Best tool to do first data capturing web site?

    Well, you can just use a form that the user would fill out and then just capture the information upon submission. PHP comes to mind. But any scripting language will work.
  34. N

    Java technology for building websites.

    Well, I am just trying to figure out if Java is the technology I should use if I plan on doing web development. I have coded java applications before and did a couple of web pages with JSP, but I do not know if Java is heavily used in building websites. I see alot of websites that are using...
  35. N

    Java technology for building websites.

    who here uses the Java Technology for building websites? What are your thoughts on this? What have you used and what was the site for? Just give details and opinions on what you did. Thanks
  36. N

    Java IDEs

    I have been away from the Java scene for sometime now and was wondering what are some of the better ide(s) to use for java programming. I used eclipse awhile back. How has this ide evolved? thanks
  37. N user controls

    I have added a user control to me web form. It is a login user control. What is the code for my page that checks to see if the user is already logged in and if so does not display the login user control? HELP
  38. N

    ASP.NET and ACCESS problems

    Thanks, but it no worky. Any more suggestions
  39. N

    ASP.NET and ACCESS problems

    Here is my code '-- Create and issue an SQL command through the database connection SQLString = "Insert Into login ( username, password ) Values ( '@username', '@password' )" DBCommand = New OleDbCommand(SQLString, DBConnection) DBCommand.Parameters.Add(...
  40. N

    threads with C.... help

    I need some help. I am using threads in the C language. I want the variable integer books to decrease by one after every time the thread is created. The problem is that 100 is descrease in the thread but does not "STICK" in the main program. I thought that the pthread_create passed args by...