Java technology for building websites.


Limp Gawd
Mar 26, 2002
who here uses the Java Technology for building websites?
What are your thoughts on this? What have you used and what was the site for? Just give details and opinions on what you did.

I do.

1) My thoughs? Besides beer there aren't that many.

2) My history with java server-side? Well, I saw her at a party, she was standing there with her big blue eyes. She was also holding a beer, it was love at first sight!

Ahum... On a more serious note, I started using it since the begining. In the days of the Servlets. Compared to other techs back then it was alright. A little buggy... (Damn that Microsoft VM!) But I worked on some nice projects.

Of course today, the kids they use a framework such a struts and such... Ohh, tongue twister right there. The biggest project I worked on with struts was a project for Bell Canada. It was a temporal website. Crazy days I tell you.

Is there anything in particular you wish to discuss?
Well, I am just trying to figure out if Java is the technology I should use if I plan on doing web development. I have coded java applications before and did a couple of web pages with JSP, but I do not know if Java is heavily used in building websites. I see alot of websites that are using PHP, ASP, ASP.NET. I am trying to figure out which one to FOCUS on. I have used all the above, but want to, I guess, specialize in one.

That depends on what type of web work you wish to accomplish. That temporal webapp I spoke of earlier would have been next to imposible to do with any other technologies. Where as, we had many projects where PHP was just perfect. If you want to be a lonesome coder doing small projects, then PHP is a good call. If you'd prefer the huge teams of programmer working on projects the size of encyclopedias, then the Java platform would offer some good tools.

I wish I knew what to say about that new .NET thing, I've heard a lot of good things about it. But I don't have any first hand experience with it. So perhaps someone else can fill you in on its pros and cons.
I am very experienced is Java, JSP and J2EE.

Find it very flexible and have yet to find "anything" that can't be done (without being silly).

Loads of support, however that said haven't really done that many major projects with php/asp.

Also downside with jsp is it costs a lot.
boycee said:
Also downside with jsp is it costs a lot.
I'm not sure what you mean. If you're doing very serious, large-scale development, yes, it can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars: WebLogic, Oracle, big iron to run them on, and so forth. If you're not, there are plenty of free app servers, databases, and development environments. Most of these free tools are very well supported and documented, too.
sorry "a lot" were the wrong words really. I ment as far as getting a server that supports it compared to something like php. (JSP is in the same boat as ASP I find)

if your in the region of "needing" a website to use JSP or ASP it's going to be expensive as far as a consumer is concerned as they usually are big, and sometimes based across multiple servers.
Surely PHP servers are definately more abundant but I wouldnt say that JSP servers cost too much. The amount of resources needing to run a jsp site compared to a comparable php site dont differ by much and there are hosts out there which are competitively priced against their php counterparts.

My only problem with Java is it's not too efficient, so you get slow response times and whatnot (at least in my experience). Personally, I love PHP, and I've used a bit of ASP, which is nice too, however if you find a bug, MS just gives you a work around instead of actually patching their crap. :p

</2 cents>
sirviro said:
My only problem with Java is it's not too efficient, so you get slow response times and whatnot (at least in my experience). Personally, I love PHP, and I've used a bit of ASP, which is nice too, however if you find a bug, MS just gives you a work around instead of actually patching their crap. :p

</2 cents>

Applets != jsp/servlets ;)

sirviro said:
My only problem with Java is it's not too efficient, so you get slow response times and whatnot (at least in my experience).
Any system that is set up poorly can be slow. ;) Believe me, WebLogic is no slouch, nor is ColdFusion. I though I had read at some point that Amazon runs on top of a J2EE layer, but I can't seem to find anything to corroborate that.