My plan of study for networking


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 24, 2004
Hello, starting this fall I will start college at Purdue University. I plan on majoring in the Networking curriculum they offer. From what I heard its a really good program. Im just asking what you "Networking Gurus" think of the classes I will be taking and just by looking at the Plan of Study, how well it will be.


I know you probably cant tell much by looking at the classes but at least what do you think of the curriculum they offer? Step in the right direction, etc?
awesome...i'm taking the same classes at purdue next year (not this fall, the one after)...I'm actually filling out my application tomorrow!
Lazy_Moron said:
Hello, starting this fall I will start college at Purdue University. I plan on majoring in the Networking curriculum they offer. From what I heard its a really good program. Im just asking what you "Networking Gurus" think of the classes I will be taking and just by looking at the Plan of Study, how well it will be.

I know you probably cant tell much by looking at the classes but at least what do you think of the curriculum they offer? Step in the right direction, etc?

most of it except the programming...I think they only teach you stuff like Java, a half-worthless language from what I hear anyways, so I'm teaching myself C and Python in my spare time
ndruw said:
most of it except the programming...I think they only teach you stuff like Java, a half-worthless language from what I hear anyways, so I'm teaching myself C and Python in my spare time

LOL I have a book called the "Bible of Javascript" Its 1000 pages. Yep there is JAVA and I hate it. I failed it in Highschool!!!

ndruw said:
awesome...i'm taking the same classes at purdue next year (not this fall, the one after)...I'm actually filling out my application tomorrow!

Awesome, good luck. Whats your background? I got in pretty easy with a 2.8 GPA, some networking background and one class of VB. If you ever need a contact, questions or what nots you can always contact me(PM me if you want me email or phone)
Same here, Accutally I wish i took more programming in my Degree, Half the stuff i do i could have done with scripts. I think Networking with a little background in programing is a great combo. Need any info pm me or get ahold of me on aim or that, info on profile
I'll be starting my junior year at Purdue in that curriculum, and the programming was pretty easy. I learned java in high school and ended up getting As in the 3 programming classes. One thing that will bum you out being a freshman is that you won't get to take any networking classes until your junior year. If you have any specific questions about the classes feel free to drop me a PM and i can help you out with whatever you need.
I just changed my major from Business Management to CIT (networking track.) Taking all 5 of my CIT courses online (enrolled at IUPUI.) If you need any help with books try out Right now at iupui you can not buy your books as they do not have most of them in. If you are going to iupui check out Select your classes, get the ISBN number and plug it in at abesbooks. They are cheaper than buying them at the bookstore.
And to be honest... i suggest going to the class and then deciding if you need the book. I wasted so much money on unused books my freshman year it was disgusting.
yeah, Zo has a point, considering me and most of my friends learned everything we know on our own. (e.g., I took web design this year at my HS, and was forced to buy a $50 book for it, although we already knew it and knew it well. Needless to say, it was the most impressive class my teacher ever had for web design.
Looks very similiar to my Computer Science degree plan at Texas State University.

Good Luck
I am going to the University of Toledo. I am majoring in computer network administration. I get to jump right into my networking classes so I am pretty excited.
depending on what you want to do with a degree in network, i would advise you to take more math, especially prob. & statistics.