Database Administration


Limp Gawd
Mar 26, 2002
Sorry if this is in wrong forum but here goes, I have been in software for along time(mostly QA but alot of development as well). I have been wanting to get into database administration.
What is the best way to get into this specified field? have any stories about how "you" got into this field? post them

Do you know SQL? If not, learn basic SQL syntax and oporation. Then move into the specifics of the commercial packages like MS SQL and/or Oracle.
MorfiusX said:
Do you know SQL? If not, learn basic SQL syntax and oporation. Then move into the specifics of the commercial packages like MS SQL and/or Oracle.

I agree, SQL is going to be the way to go, see if you can get a trial of SQL Server or something, but learn the basic's of SQL first
Yeah, being a developer for sometime, I am very familiar with SQL statements. I think I know enough to go to next level. but what is the next level?

-(Xyphox)- said:
I agree, SQL is going to be the way to go, see if you can get a trial of SQL Server or something, but learn the basic's of SQL first
Normally I would recomend this approach. But coming from the developer side of things, I though he might already know the language.

As far as where to get it:

Start playing around with the server. There are a lot of guides and books that will show you administration:
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Look into the tests required for the MCDBA. That is Microsoft's cert to certify someone as being a Database Admin.
Maybe start working with some of the RDBMS that are out there. Start with something easy like MySQL, move onto PostgreSQL, then Oracle or SQL Server.

Play with installing them on various platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X). Learn what you can about security, user administration, etc.

That was the easy part. :)

Now, find a good theory of relational database management systems book. (I can get you the name of the one I used later on, when I get home). You'll want to build a strong understanding of good schema design and normal form. These books will also teach you about things like ER diagrams, query optimization techniques, data integrity, locks, and indexes.
thanks for all the great information. I will definetly look into all the suggestions. Oh btw, I picked up the book for the new MCTS certification a couple of weeks ago and have started playing around with the SQL Server 2005 that came with book.

I still welcome all input. lets keep this thread going

thanks again
Bumpage. I'm downloading MS SQL server 2005 as we speak. Gonna play around with it as much as possible. Spring '07 my Uni will finally be offering a class in databases, I'm gonna get good with it so I can follow the money trail up the GIS ladder.

Access, SQL server and Oracle are the preferred database software in my field... any good books that you guys have used that I should look at? (On the SQL side of things?)
don't waste your time learning MS SQL.

Learn Oracle or DB2. Those are the only two databases that count in enterprise IT.
But does Oracle offer a free trial? If they do, I'll check that out. I just wanna learn SOMETHING before I take the class.
Stang Man said:
don't waste your time learning MS SQL.

Learn Oracle or DB2. Those are the only two databases that count in enterprise IT.
What kind of crack are you smoking? I've worked for multiple billion dollar companies that use something other than those. I'm not saying that MS SQL is king. But, to say that MS SQL doesn't count in an enterprise is asinine. Aside from that, Apache and MySQL (LAMP) runs the majority of the internet.
I'm a DBA for a tech company and we almost exclusively use MS SQL. The best way to learn it is to install SQL Express on your own machine and just play around with the SQL syntax by reading a book or online tutorial.

Creating and analyzing maps. Everything from simple single layers to complex huge geodatabases containing massive amounts of data. Anywho, it seems as though SQL server and Oracle are the two main ones to learn if you want to follow the money trail up the chain. You can be on the front end doing analyses and field work, or the back end managing the databases etc. (more money in the latter). So that's what I'm going to try to do, just wanted to get some experience under the belt with the apps before I take the class in the spring.

So far, this seems complicated as hell, lol.
Just download the evals and do it. Try to create a simple application that uses a database. I find one of the best ways to learn it to take a problem and attempt to solve it. Say to you self "I am going to create a simple reservation application" and do it. Along the way you have problems that need to be solved. Approach them individually. You will learn a lot doing this.
MorfiusX said:
What kind of crack are you smoking? I've worked for multiple billion dollar companies that use something other than those. I'm not saying that MS SQL is king. But, to say that MS SQL doesn't count in an enterprise is asinine. Aside from that, Apache and MySQL (LAMP) runs the majority of the internet.

when your database is 10's of terrabytes and even more, you're not using MS SQL, nor are you using MySQL. They're both okay databases, but they're no where near "enterprise." I'd like to see what organization runs MS SQL as their standard database system.

What the majority of the internet run does not equal what enterprise systems have to handle, either. Don't get me wrong, MySQL is great, but it just can't stand up to the type of loads we put on enterprise db's.

Most large organizations are either running Oracle, or DB2, mainly... I do find some dba's and developers at work running MS SQL or MySql, and even PosgreSQL on their workstations for development, but production environments are only Oracle and DB2.