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  1. L

    Please help me get my Windows 7 PC online!

    A few things I see; first, if you have a static IP on your desktop you need to make an exception for it on the DHCP server (probably located on your Linksys router). Second, if you are using the trendnet router to act as an access point, make sure router functionality is turned off (e.g. DHCP...
  2. L

    Need a way to connect to the Internet

    You are gonna need a router between the modem and your computer you know. Concerning the product you bought, it looks like it will work in your situation.
  3. L

    Hey guys please help me with this stupid router problem

    I've had some weird problems with computer connection after implementing a new router config before. Usually I give it three days before it somehow resolves itself. Also the problem has occurred with Windows.
  4. L

    T1 Install.... what next?

    I'm kinda in agreement with Red Squirrel. I would look at setting up an external firewall using something like pfsense or devil linux. However, I would also look into the kind of router they're giving you; if the level of security on the router is good, you could do without the extra firewall...
  5. L

    Can't connect to external website from inside my network.

    I did do a tracert and nmap scan. Both returned saying that the request stops at the WAN on the other end of my router.
  6. L

    Can't connect to external website from inside my network.

    Also, the DNS server has a gateway of in addition to the router default gateway.
  7. L

    Can't connect to external website from inside my network.

    We've tried that; same scenario, any other website but my own.
  8. L

    Can't connect to external website from inside my network.

    I have run wireshark but I couldn't find anything; I'll run another one and post it.
  9. L

    Can't connect to external website from inside my network.

    I had trouble with getting my IPv4 set up that way. Think I should try that again?
  10. L

    Can't connect to external website from inside my network.

    I know its really hard to understand and I'm trying the best I can to describe what I know. We have no VPN implementation. We have no firewall rules that would block this traffic(I've even turned off the firewall). To make modifications I think we just use the onboard service provided with...
  11. L

    Can't connect to external website from inside my network.

    I did try using the IP address and found that the website cannot be reached from IP. Apparently my website is hosted virtually. I have no idea what this means routing wise.
  12. L

    Can't connect to external website from inside my network.

    I don't have another router, and I don't think it is mis-configured. Every other website is directed correctly and I can ping my website from my router(with user level 15).
  13. L

    Can't connect to external website from inside my network.

    The webserver is hosted outside of my network.
  14. L

    Can't connect to external website from inside my network.

    My website and ADDS domain don't have the same name. My router is using the ISP's DNS servers and my clients are using a windows DNS server. I do have a WWW record(I think, its the one in the lookup zones right?)
  15. L

    Can't connect to external website from inside my network.

    What makes you think its NAT and why for only my website?
  16. L

    Can't connect to external website from inside my network.

    For the past few days I have not been able to connect to my website from inside of my domain(I am running in an AD DS environment). I can connect to every other website except my own. Outside of my domain I have no problem(e.g. the denny's down the street, neighbors house, etc.) I've tried...
  17. L

    Why exactly arp spoofing slows the network significantly?

    In addition to what Liger88 said, arp traffic also causes each computer to take the time and computational power to look at each arp packet and decide to drop it or respond. This is called a broadcast storm.
  18. L

    Secure encrypted connection via the internet

    I wouldn't suggest the DD-WRT because by the looks of that guide you should have a background in this stuff and know what you're doing.
  19. L

    Secure encrypted connection via the internet

    I wouldn't suggest the DD-WRT because, by the looks of it, that guide assumes that you have a background in this stuff and you already know what you're doing.
  20. L

    Secure encrypted connection via the internet

    This depends on the VPN service you use. Some are more heavily encrypted then others. To have something at the military level you would probably need a specialty personal VPN or something like that. However, I think for you, after looking through this thread, that the build in VPN service in...
  21. L

    Secure encrypted connection via the internet

    You're probably looking for a VPN. Firewalls wont achieve what you're talking about and the software you'd use is a VPN client. Private Internet Access, I hear, is a pretty good VPN and it only costs $40/year.
  22. L

    Question about the IT world.

    I wouldn't say that. First, you are to competeing with other people who are also trying to get a job in the field many of which have a degree; even if IT is in demand at the time, you will be pushed to the back of the line by those who are certified. Second, nobody can just enter any field...
  23. L

    CCNA Exam Location?

    Pearson VUE offer Cisco tests. Just go to their website and look up a test center near you.
  24. L

    HP LaserJet 4600 dn and network issue

    You could try turning off the firewall.
  25. L

    HP LaserJet 4600 dn and network issue

    Try the first three instructions on this page
  26. L

    HP LaserJet 4600 dn and network issue Use this guide on another computer with windows 7 on you network to migrate the printer configuration from the other computer to the one with the trouble connecting. Remember to remove the printer from devices...
  27. L

    HP LaserJet 4600 dn and network issue

    Did you re-install with PLC6 drivers?
  28. L

    HP LaserJet 4600 dn and network issue

    Okay so, next time you get the chance, run the troubleshooter by right clicking on the printer in the Devices and Printers menu. If that doesn't work remove the printer and then add the printer using the PCL6 drivers. Please post results.
  29. L

    HP LaserJet 4600 dn and network issue

    Can you ping the printer's IP and is the computer wireless; also are all your other computers running windows 7 and is the computer in question relatively new?
  30. L

    A good up to date CompTIA A+ resource?

    Why is A+ looked down at? Posted from App for Android
  31. L

    Think I have an Xbox networking issue

    What is the specific error that it is giving you when you try to connect? Also are you able to use services like twitter, youtube, and facebook from your xbox?
  32. L


    Know definitions, use study cards, and spam practice tests and look up every detail you don't know. Posted from App for Android
  33. L

    school me on network login

    For the user accounts you can configure AD DS and then sort your users into OUs. After that you can use Group Policy to send out applications and I believe even files based on OU. Also you can set up a file share through windows server and allow access rights based through security groups...
  34. L

    MAC Address Filtering

    Not necessarily, you would need to find out a legitimate MAC address; however if someone was determined to get into your network and MAC white lists are the only thing stopping them, they'll get in.