HP LaserJet 4600 dn and network issue


May 14, 2003
This may not be the perfect place to post this, but it does deal with networking. If it needs to be moved, then please move it to the correct area. Thx!

Our church has an HP LaserJet 4600 dn printer that is networked to all of our computers and has worked perfect on all of them for a long, long time. Suddenly this week one of our Windows 7 Pro 64 bit computers has started showing the printer as being "offline". After an hour last night I finally removed the printer and let Windows re-install it and it started working again. Then today, it has stopped again. I shows the printer as "offline" again.

All other computers on the network still print fine on this printer. The computer in question still surfs the web and I can see everything on the network, it just will not print to the printer. Since HP actually does not have a driver for this printer, it uses a Microsoft driver from within the OS...I'm lost.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be happening and how to fix it?
Can you ping the printer's IP and is the computer wireless; also are all your other computers running windows 7 and is the computer in question relatively new?
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Can you ping the printer's IP and is the computer wireless; also are all your other computers running windows 7 and is the computer in question relatively new?

Yes, can ping the printer and no it is hard wired. Some of the computers are running Windows XP, some 7. Yes, the computer is a newer computer, it is not brand new. It is a Dell XPS system and has been working fine with this printer for a while. It just started having problems this week.

When I go to install a printer, there is not actually a driver for the 4600 dn...Windows lists drivers like 4600 PCL5 and 4600 PCL6. I had it working last night with the PCL5 driver and then today it started the "offline" thing again.
Okay so, next time you get the chance, run the troubleshooter by right clicking on the printer in the Devices and Printers menu. If that doesn't work remove the printer and then add the printer using the PCL6 drivers. Please post results.
Okay so, next time you get the chance, run the troubleshooter by right clicking on the printer in the Devices and Printers menu. If that doesn't work remove the printer and then add the printer using the PCL6 drivers. Please post results.

I ran the troubleshooter last night and it didn't find anything. I removed the printer then and then re-installed it and it worked last night. But then today it started showing "offline" again. I have tried removing it today and then re-installing it and so far it is not working today. See, this gets deep :eek: definitely got me scratching my head...I'm clueless...makes no sense.
Did you re-install with PLC6 drivers?

Yes, tried PCL5 and PCL6 and neither would print today. I wished there was a specific 4600 dn driver, that would make things easier than trying to guess which one will work. I checked the TCP/IP settings and didn't see anything in there that might be causing it.

Use this guide on another computer with windows 7 on you network to migrate the printer configuration from the other computer to the one with the trouble connecting. Remember to remove the printer from devices and printers on your problem machine. Also in step 1 of "Back Up the Printer Configuration" you right click on Printer Management and select "Migrate Printers...". The same goes for step 5 in "Copy the Configuration Settings to the New Computer" although here you gonna wanna import the config file. If this doesn't work I'll consult my peers.

Use this guide on another computer with windows 7 on you network to migrate the printer configuration from the other computer to the one with the trouble connecting. Remember to remove the printer from devices and printers on your problem machine. Also in step 1 of "Back Up the Printer Configuration" you right click on Printer Management and select "Migrate Printers...". The same goes for step 5 in "Copy the Configuration Settings to the New Computer" although here you gonna wanna import the config file. If this doesn't work I'll consult my peers.

Thanks! Will give this a go tomorrow and let you know what happens.
If you are using a standard TCP/IP Printer port in Win7, try editing the port settings and turn off SNMP monitoring if enabled.
If you are using a standard TCP/IP Printer port in Win7, try editing the port settings and turn off SNMP monitoring if enabled.

Edit what? It has the correct IP address and SNMP is turned off. I really don't know what else to edit there.


Thanks for the driver link...I looked all over that site and never could find it. All I came up with is use Microsoft Windows 7 driver. I agree...I don't think it is the driver either...but something is going on.
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Tried all the tips, including downloading and installing the HP Universal driver. It sees the printer, shows the status, like ink levels and such, but when I go to print it shows the printer is not on. The printer is on, connected to the network and othr printers can print to it. This is the craziest thing I've ever seen. Scanning for malware and virus' now...only thing left I know to do.

OK, tried the offline thing and the "use printer offline" is already unchecked. I checked it and then unchecked it and still no luck.

I can't understand why everything shows up fine...the printer shows up with a green checkmark and shows no problems...the HP Universal Driver can read the status of the printer and show the ink levels, but when you try to print keeps showing offline. This pc is running McAfee Suite with firewall and all...could that be any kind of an issue. I have tried every tip and trick I can come up with and nothing works. :(
If you're getting itermittent connectivity to the printer, I would do a few things.

1.) Scan for any virus problems
2.) Check Firewalls, a lot of the HP line have a Scan and Print Utility that
can be used to check for issues.
3.) Remove the drivers and all components with Revo Uninstaller: www.revouninstaller.com
4.) Reinstall the drivers
5.) Test

I do this seemingly daily for a lot of HP units.
The print and scan doctor is actually useful in some situations where ass backwards registry entries can not be easily seem / firewall issues are not evident.
I have had a lot of issue with Kaspersky and HP printers, way more than any AV software, like 30-40x more.