Think I have an Xbox networking issue


Nov 7, 2010
After about 24 hours, it seems my xbox has trouble connecting to the network. I turn it on and it cannot connect to xbox live. If I restart the xbox it will sign in with no problem. Also, if I run the network troubleshooting test, it will find xbox live with no problem.

I haven't made an network changes. I have assign a static IP to the xbox. Not sure what is going on and if it is a problem with my router or with my xbox.

Any ideas/suggestions on what is going on or how to troubleshoot this?
Concur with DHCP lease issue. Is the Static address assigned outside of the DHCP pool?
It's not on 24/7. I play for a couple hours and then shutdown. When I try to boot the next day, that is when it has trouble connecting to xbox live.

The static IP range is in the DHCP pool.
What is the specific error that it is giving you when you try to connect? Also are you able to use services like twitter, youtube, and facebook from your xbox?
Why's it in your dhcp range.... Try sticking it outside of the range.
It's not on 24/7. I play for a couple hours and then shutdown. When I try to boot the next day, that is when it has trouble connecting to xbox live.

The static IP range is in the DHCP pool.

You don't want the static IP to be in the DHCP pool, your router could be giving that IP to a different device on the network.
What is the specific error that it is giving you when you try to connect? Also are you able to use services like twitter, youtube, and facebook from your xbox?

I don't think I have any access to the internet but I can check when I get home.

You don't want the static IP to be in the DHCP pool, your router could be giving that IP to a different device on the network.

I will assign an IP range outside of the DHCP pool and see if that works. However, initally, the Xbox was not assigned a static IP and I was having the same issue at bootup. The Xbox is hard wired into the Airport Extreme. Laptops which are wireless are not having this issue. I'll do some more troubleshooting when I get home.

Thanks for the suggestions.
Your not making it static. Just reserving the lease for the Xbox. Delete the dhcp reservation on the router and go to the Xbox and manually set the ip to outside the dhcp range.
Cool, I think I tried that but it wouldn't let me. I'll try again to make sure and post the results. Thanks for the suggestion.
Two questions.

1. Why does the xbox need a static IP?
2. Do you have your xbox port forwarded?
OK, I think I figured it out by accident. First all, thank you guys for the responses. This site is awesome.

So, apparently if I set the Xbox to "automatic" it works. I take out the IP address and set the IP assignment to "automatic" in the xbox. I then go into the router ad assign the Xbox a static IP using the Xbox MAC address.

To clarify, I had a static IP address set up on the Xbox AND on the router. I took out the static assignment on the Xbox and left the static assignment on the router. And bingo, it works!

You guys were probably telling me the same thing but I was too dumb to get it.

Thanks for all your help.