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  1. M

    Plugging in or unplugging a USB device causes audio volume to drop

    This issue popped up out of nowhere recently. If I plug in or unplug any USB device then the volume on any program actively outputting sound will drop to near mute level. I've got to open up the volume mixer and turn the individual programs sound back up. It's not extremely annoying but an...
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    Dual sound cards, assigning app output?

    Right now I'm using my on board sound as my default device. I also have a PCI sound card. I'm trying to figure out if I can assign individual apps to a specific card. For example I want things like Firefox and Vent to output through my on board audio which I have headphones plugged in to...
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    AMD 5 series or nV 200 series?

    I don't know..I really just need a card to get my computer back up and running so I can get back to work. I'm thinking of just dropping like 100 bucks and buying another 9800GTX. Thought I might spend 60-70 more for a 5770 for the DX11 and better performance to hold me over for just a little...
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    AMD 5 series or nV 200 series?

    I read a lot about some problems with the 5770 causing crashes and vertical lines showing up on the screen during games and video playback. I Googled for 5770 problems and found a lot of threads but no solutions. Anyone know if this is still a major problem with the 5770 cards?
  5. M

    AMD 5 series or nV 200 series?

    Sorry I should have said in my OP that I'm just using this A64 system till I get a new card because my 9800GTX died. My main computer is a Q6600, 4GB RAM, Asus P5K Deluxe mobo.
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    AMD 5 series or nV 200 series?

    Think this Sapphire 5830 last me at least a year and a half, possibly up to 2 and half years? I don't really want to go over $250 right now. Right now I'm on a 6600GT, Athlon 64 3000 with 1GB of DDR until I can get a new...
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    AMD 5 series or nV 200 series?

    My 9800GTX recently died and I'm looking to replace it. Trying to get the most bang for my buck, limited to $200-$250 USD. I'm looking at the 5770 for now but people have also suggested the 5830 or a GTX260. I really haven't been paying attention to hardware for the last year or two so I...
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    Anyone else disgusted with feminine male characters in Japanese RPGs?

    Duke Nukem is stupid. The obsession of "I must play a big manly man" in this thread is retarded. Do you guys not play a video game if you have to play as a girl?
  9. M

    Irony thy name be MW2

    Matchmaking is completely fucked now. I've been playing on 360 and I almost solely play Domination but now there is a glitch that allows private matches to go public. It ends up every single game I join is 9v9 in an unending Domination match and almost always on Rust. 50% of the time I join a...
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    Anyone else disgusted with feminine male characters in Japanese RPGs?

    I never even thought it about it ...what a ridiculous thing to complain about. I don't see what the big deal is.
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    Just finished Crysis - WOW

    I thought Crysis was awesome. Running on a Q6600 and a 9800GTX+ I can manage most settings on High with playable FPS. I load it up all the time just to clear through a level or two. You can do each level quite a few different ways thanks to the suit. I thought the weapon customization was...
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    That time for my LAN party and need some game recomendations

    At our lans we usually play UT2k4, CnC3, Quake 4, AoE3/AoM and the first Dawn of War.
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    World of Warcraft Patch 3.3.0 Released

    Because I would come back for them. Challenging raids were fun. Doing the same pushover of a raid over and over for weeks on end gets boring fast. And when they only release a few bosses at a time it's even worse. Though if they released them all at once the instance would be cleared in a...
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    World of Warcraft Patch 3.3.0 Released

    I'm glad I quit... Just saw that my guild cleared all four of the current ICC bosses on release night. Then they have to wait 30 days for 3 more bosses that are complete pushovers. WTB MC/BWL/AQ style raids. Not this complete shit that is WotLK raids. Ulduar hard modes were good, Coliseum...