AMD 5 series or nV 200 series?


Dec 3, 2009
My 9800GTX recently died and I'm looking to replace it. Trying to get the most bang for my buck, limited to $200-$250 USD.

I'm looking at the 5770 for now but people have also suggested the 5830 or a GTX260. I really haven't been paying attention to hardware for the last year or two so I don't really have any idea of what's best right now.

Also I'm running an Asus P5K Deluxe which is Crossfire compatible but not SLI. Though it is a 16x and a 4x PCI-E. Would it be worth it to run Crossfire on this board even though the second PCI-E slot is only 4x?
1st the p5k deluxe is a p35 chipset right? so crossfire on the 2nd card would be running pci-e x4 which isn't that great, i know on my x58 board it doesn't make a difference due to pci-e 2.0 spec but not sure if p35 is pci-e 1.1 or 2.0.

5770 is a great card if you like to overclock, get a original pcb version with samsung memory and 1000core/1300+mem and it really shines.

The 5830 outclasses it in everyway, just that the price doesn't seem to be that great atm due to no competition and retailers charging more than msrp.

If you are thinking 5830 i would save for a couple weeks for a 5850, trust me it will be worth it over a 5830 and will blow away 5770.

Other option is if p35 chipset is pci-e 2.0 spec adding a 5770 later when prices drop, i have had a play with crossfire 5770's and they are impressive and can only get better with cf driver support, if it works faster than 5870 if not then 4870 lvl support.

All depends what you want, a 5770 should be a decent upgrade over a 9800gtx so if you didn't plan upgrading that soon maybe a 5770 would be fine for your needs.
Since I assume you'll be stuck with this card for the next couple of years I would say 5800 series or bust.
Since I assume you'll be stuck with this card for the next couple of years I would say 5800 series or bust.

Think this Sapphire 5830 last me at least a year and a half, possibly up to 2 and half years? I don't really want to go over $250 right now.

Right now I'm on a 6600GT, Athlon 64 3000 with 1GB of DDR until I can get a new video card for my system. This PC is killing me, can't game and the CG work I do is sooooo slow (rendering, high poly 3D scenes etc..). A scene that took 4 minutes to render before takes 30 on this computer =/
OK the problem with your system is that it will severely hold back your graphics card. You will still have a very low line for minimum FPS until you get a serious dual core system. Trust me, I used an 8600GT on an Athlon 64 3200+ and when I put a 9800GT on the same system I saw virtually no FPS increase due to the CPU. You're going to need a complete platform upgrade. Get something like a Phenom II 550 with 2GB of RAM, and then add a used 8800 for $60 to hold you over.
Sorry I should have said in my OP that I'm just using this A64 system till I get a new card because my 9800GTX died. My main computer is a Q6600, 4GB RAM, Asus P5K Deluxe mobo.
Sorry I should have said in my OP that I'm just using this A64 system till I get a new card because my 9800GTX died. My main computer is a Q6600, 4GB RAM, Asus P5K Deluxe mobo.
Heh you had me confused for a bit there, seeing as how you mentioned a totally different system from your OP. 5830 is a pretty nice card. I'm sure it will deliver 5850 performance after a little OC without the huge price premium. Stay away from 5770 for sure though, I played with one and returned it, content with my 8800 having almost the same performance where it matters.
I read a lot about some problems with the 5770 causing crashes and vertical lines showing up on the screen during games and video playback. I Googled for 5770 problems and found a lot of threads but no solutions. Anyone know if this is still a major problem with the 5770 cards?
There were some problems with 5770, particularly XFX, but XFX is the 5770 I tried and I had no problems. Some buggy behavior, but nothing new from ATI. But seriously I suggest you stay away from 5770 because it will not deliver in the next generation of DX11 games. Spend the extra $ and see some serious performance.
I don't know..I really just need a card to get my computer back up and running so I can get back to work. I'm thinking of just dropping like 100 bucks and buying another 9800GTX. Thought I might spend 60-70 more for a 5770 for the DX11 and better performance to hold me over for just a little longer but then I found hundreds of posts about people having issues with it.

I'm thinking the 9800GTX should be fine for SC2 and D3 and that's all I really plan on playing in the next year or two.
I don't know..I really just need a card to get my computer back up and running so I can get back to work. I'm thinking of just dropping like 100 bucks and buying another 9800GTX. Thought I might spend 60-70 more for a 5770 for the DX11 and better performance to hold me over for just a little longer but then I found hundreds of posts about people having issues with it.

I'm thinking the 9800GTX should be fine for SC2 and D3 and that's all I really plan on playing in the next year or two.

Yeah that's what I would do. The 5770 would be wasted money in your situation.