Just finished Crysis - WOW

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Deleted member 68403

I bought Crysis when it first came out, but my system at the time (Q6600+8800GT) couldn't run the game very well, so I decided shelf it until I had a system that could better handle it. Fast forward to now and I just finished the game on system in sig. First off, this game is gorgeous with all the settings maxed, absolutely beautiful. But I actually had one of those Neo "whoa" moments during the scenes inside the spaceship.

That whoa moment ranks right up there with seeing Quake 1 run in OpenGL for the first time, the opening montage of Half-Life 1, seeing Quake 3 in 32 bit color, the island in Far Cry, some of the scripted scenes in Doom 3, and Ravenholm in Half-Life 2.

I was not expecting the story of Crysis to be as good as it was. However, I must say I was thoroughly impressed with the quality of the game and enjoyed every minute of it!
I originally played though on an 8600gt and 5000 X2 on medium settings at 1024x768(crt). it ran fine except for the snow and carrier levels but I didnt think to run in DX9 because that would have help a lot. basically averaged over 30fps in DX10 bench and 40fps in DX9 with that wimpy setup.

anyway I thought the game was quite a bit of fun until after the snow level. after that it was just way too linear in some parts. still one of my favorite games because you could play it just like you wanted to for the majority of the game. sometimes being sneaky was the best method though.
It's a very solid game and I'm glad you enjoyed it. My first playthrough was on an Athlon 64 X2 4200+ and an 8800GTS 320MB and it chugged in spots at 1024x768 at high detail so I can understand your wanting to wait until you had the hardware to run it. I'd give it another playthrough myself, but I can't seem to get it to work at all under Windows 7... :(
I also agree that it's a very solid and visually stunning (albeit very demanding) game. I enjoyed both Crysis and Crysis: Warhead, and am hoping for a sequel.
I also agree that it's a very solid and visually stunning (albeit very demanding) game. I enjoyed both Crysis and Crysis: Warhead, and am hoping for a sequel.

There is supposed to be two more seguel's. I can't wait. :cool: Supposedly Crysis 2 is going to be released March 30th 2010.

"Crysis was announced to be the first game in a trilogy by Crytek. Despite this, the next game released under the Crysis name is not the second chapter in the trilogy. Released for Microsoft Windows on September 16, 2008 in North America and September 19, 2008 in Europe, Crysis Warhead is a stand-alone expansion that allows the player to play the story told in the original Crysis, but this time from the viewpoint of Sgt. Michael Sykes, also known as "Psycho". The multiplayer element in Crysis Warhead is now called Crysis Wars. On May 30, 2009, Crytek announced the second chapter in the Crysis trilogy, which will continue where the first game ended. With no release date given, Crysis 2 is currently in development for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360."
Going into the crashed alien ship was definitely my favorite part of the game. Crysis gets a lot of crap, but all in all it was a good game.
Glad you enjoy the game. I did very much too.

I first played it on a 8600GT, tune everything down to medium, and completely turn off shadows. Its Crytek, so I can't help comparing it to FarCry and even then (with medium and low settings), it was already more stunning than FarCry

When I replaced my card with a 9800GTX+, yes, the first game I played through was Crysis, manage to get most setting up to high, frame rate still suffers a little at many part of the game, but nothing I didn't expect.

its still the benchmark of graphics, but its certainly more than that. Its a very enjoyable game IMO. I still look forward to playing it with maximum quality someday when I can afford a next gen card or something :p

I think you should try out some custom levels created by fans. There's some that's very well done, like The Resort, its somewhat more demanding than Crysis's SP levels, but shouldn't be a problem for your HD 59 card

Nice setup btw
I was not expecting the story of Crysis to be as good as it was. However, I must say I was thoroughly impressed with the quality of the game and enjoyed every minute of it!

l o fuckin l.

I'm sorry but if you have ever watched a bad Sci-fi movie in the past 15 years you already knew the ending of Crysis before you even played the game. Typical cookie cutter crap.
i almost shit myself the first time i got to play through at highest settings.
the alien ship was like:

Going into the crashed alien ship was definitely my favorite part of the game. Crysis gets a lot of crap, but all in all it was a good game.

Every play Prey? yeah it came out about 2 years before Crysis. Yeah they stole that Idea.
I'm sorry but if you have ever watched a bad Sci-fi movie in the past 15 years you already knew the ending of Crysis before you even played the game. Typical cookie cutter crap.
Your opinion, which clearly many here disagree with (and I'm sure plenty do agree with you).

Sure, the story was generic. But it was presented well, and I find that to be the most important thing for shooters as far as story goes.
Your opinion, which clearly many here disagree with (and I'm sure plenty do agree with you).

Sure, the story was generic. But it was presented well, and I find that to be the most important thing for shooters as far as story goes.

I didn't realize Crysis has a story. Presentation is definitely the key point of Crysis. I remember running it on high setting with my 4870x2 and dropped my jaw during the cave section. Gameplay wise, I don't find it any special. The suit gets old really quickly. Most of the game is there just to show you the technology. Just when you think the game picks up the pace, it's over.
I thought Crysis was awesome. Running on a Q6600 and a 9800GTX+ I can manage most settings on High with playable FPS.

I load it up all the time just to clear through a level or two. You can do each level quite a few different ways thanks to the suit. I thought the weapon customization was done really well too.
I first played crysis on my old QX9770 4.0ghz at 2560x1600 2xAA on the highest settings back in 2008.
I first played crysis on my old QX9770 4.0ghz at 2560x1600 2xAA on the highest settings back in 2008.


Crysis really is a good game. It caught alot of flak but it stands up there in stalker and hl2 on my list.
I liked Crysis - but not as much as some people liked it.

I wouldn't put Crysis in the same category as Half Life 2, for example - when I stepped out of the train station at the beginning of Half Life 2 I knew I was in for one of the greatest experiences I would ever have on a PC. Or stepping out of the sewer in Oblivion for the first time. Or leaving Vault 101 in Fallout 3 and seeing the capital wasteland for the very first time. Crysis just never matched any of these moments for me.

A good enough game, but not great - for me it was nothing to write home about.
I liked Crysis - but not as much as some people liked it.

I wouldn't put Crysis in the same category as Half Life 2, for example - when I stepped out of the train station at the beginning of Half Life 2 I knew I was in for one of the greatest experiences I would ever have on a PC. Or stepping out of the sewer in Oblivion for the first time. Or leaving Vault 101 in Fallout 3 and seeing the capital wasteland for the very first time. Crysis just never matched any of these moments for me.

A good enough game, but not great - for me it was nothing to write home about.

So you just like stepping out of things?
Yep, crysis is definitely one of the most memorable games in recent history, nay sayers be damned. At least it pushed boundaries and provided an entertaining plot.
I enjoyed it a lot, minus the way the last two big bosses were so generic in shoot x to kill x not bombard with every shot off the ship etc. Also there was no real time limit or sense of urgency to take them down or they would sink the ship.

Other than that the game was great!

Who cares if they used ideas from other games? Most games do, same with movies and most forms of entertainment. I enjoyed the different presentation of Crysis and Warhead. I look forward to the next two.
Yep, crysis is definitely one of the most memorable games in recent history, nay sayers be damned. At least it pushed boundaries and provided an entertaining plot.

Pretty much. Nothing more epic then watching the face of mountains crumble away revealing alien technology all while engaged in tank battles. Inside the alien ship was kind of a let down but the rest of the game more then made up for it.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
I loved crysis and warhead's gameplay and story too. Like someone said, it's how it's presented. You can say that just about everything out there is cookie cutter, doesn't mean they aren't good. I loved the suit powers and the customizable weapons. I rarely beat single player games but these held my attention.
I just recently finished playing it thru for the first time myself. My 1024x768 / 9600GT combo has me at around 45 FPS average with everything set on Medium except shaders which are on High. Even at that I can tell the graphics are standard setting.

My next card will probably be a 5770 and then a 22" monitor will be next on my list but I will definitely fire up my humble 17" Sony CRT monitor one last time with the 5770 so I can play it thru with everything set to max!

As far as the story goes, it was nothing special. The first part of it had me wanting to continue on to figure out what those flying monsters were, but after you find out it gets a little stale.
Loved it. Replaying it again now actually. And I would love to see another genre of game like Risen take place with the graphics/lighting, etc of Crysis. Or better yet a thief type game (which is kinda like I play Crysis, with lots of stealthing). I just love how the world looks in Crysis, and would love to spend more time there, but getting bored of the same Crysis/Crysis Warhead missions.
Every play Prey? yeah it came out about 2 years before Crysis. Yeah they stole that Idea.

Yeah, I've played Prey. Prey was a pretty different game with a different atmosphere to it. While it was dope, were talking about Crysis here. There have been plenty of games that have gone a similar route, neither game were firsts. Crysis did it a special way though. ;) Plus-- Prey doesn't look anything like Crysis. Playing Crysis maxed out definitely adds to the experience.
I really enjoyed Crysis. I had so much fun with the nano suit and toying with the enemies.
I'm pretty forgiving with cliche storylines, so as long as the gameplay is fun, i'm pretty easy to please.
i used to hate it (probably because it was so unoptimized on release) but now that it runs fine i kinda like the game. The aliens kinda took away from it but it was still fun nonetheless. Not a half life killer or even close in my mind, but still fun and unique
Funny,I see people complaining about the aliens and the sci-fi plot a lot,they seem to forget not everyone is into Modern Warfare type games.Some of us prefer an element of the fantastic.Sure,Crysis doesn't compare plot wise to Half Life 2,but the graphics and gameplay more than make up for that.
I always wanted to play the game for it's game play and not the graphics. But sadly my video card is very shitty I think I might need a upgrade overhaul on my whole computer.
I always wanted to play the game for it's game play and not the graphics. But sadly my video card is very shitty I think I might need a upgrade overhaul on my whole computer.
yeah if your video card is too shitty to play on medium then its too shitty to play any modern games. an 8600gt and decent dual core cpu can run Crysis on DX9 medium settings at 1280 just fine.
I also enjoyed. I also can't stand reading fallacious comments about how Crysis is the perfect example of "graphics don't make a good game".

Even though I found the alien to ship to be a bit annoying, I found the entire game to be overall be gripping. When I finally finished Crysis... all I could think was, "that was epic".
I hate the alien ship part as well. It was quite confusing and took me a long while.

The rest of the game is stellar, though. Beyond the graphics I found the gameplay to be rather enjoyable.
I actually like to play up to the point that you get Prophet escorted back to the house. After that it gets too linear.

About every third time, I will play it all the way through but I do play it a lot and really like it as well.
Pretty much. Nothing more epic then watching the face of mountains crumble away revealing alien technology all while engaged in tank battles. Inside the alien ship was kind of a let down but the rest of the game more then made up for it.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

I was thinking of the exact same part while reading Wabe's post! I thought that part was fantastic... although, to be fair, the game didn't maintain the feeling throughout as well as the other games mentioned.
It's a shame such a beautiful engine won't be put to good use.

I really hope Crysis 2 isn't any more jungles. I'm sick of jungles. The carrier level showed how good the engine was at doing interiors. I want to see this engine render a city or something.