Search results

  1. S

    Upgraded TO 1440P, Getting Mouse Lag

    After going from a 24" 1080P monitor to a 1440P 27" (Acer K272HUL), I've noticed my mouse seems a bit sluggish, inaccurate and laggy. I'm using the onboard video from my Intel i5-4590 and Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI motherboard, which should be enough to support the resolution according to the specs...
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    Storage Pooling: FlexRAID or Other?

    Been trying out StableBit the past few days and it's going pretty well. Does what I want and extremely easy to set up & configure. Will give it another week or two and decide whether to buy a license.
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    Storage Pooling: FlexRAID or Other?

    I want to avoid storage spaces because I've heard many horror stories regarding it. StableBit looks like a possibility, thanks for the suggestion.
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    Storage Pooling: FlexRAID or Other?

    I'm looking for a storage pool solution and will most likely go with FlexRAID but was wondering if there are any other (better) alternatives. Don't need any redundancy or parity, this will only be used to store media files which are fairly easy to recover. I do want two features: 1. Run on...
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    Storage Setup Options Without Separate Server / NAS?

    After doing some more research a proper, separate NAS does seem like the way to go. I think I'll stick with my JBOD setup for now while I still have some unused space and then take the plunge into a proper RAID 5/6 setup. Reading about RAID 5 and URE has me leaning towards RAID 6 now, or am I...
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    Storage Setup Options Without Separate Server / NAS?

    Many years late I'm sure but I'm finally looking to set up a RAID. My media collection has grown to span 3 drives now and it's just a hassle to find which show/movie is on which drive. I've been doing some reading on different RAID setups but everything seems to need a ~$500 NAS or a $1000+...
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    WD Greens For Storage, What For Everything Else?

    Yeah ended up getting a 3TB red yesterday, only marginally more expensive than greens
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    WD Greens For Storage, What For Everything Else?

    Thanks for the replies, looks like I don't have much to worry about. Regarding reliability of greens, it's not a huge deal for me since nothing on it is irreplaceable, the important stuff is all backed up. Although it seems like the price of reds have gone down a bit so might just go with reds.
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    WD Greens For Storage, What For Everything Else?

    I'm planning to upgrade my computer, have a quick question about HDD setup. Right now I have a WD 640GB and two 2TB Greens. The 640GB has my OS and is where downloaded files go, whatever I keep is then moved to the Greens. I plan on getting a SSD for my OS and adding some more drives for...
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    Do I Need HDMI?

    Thanks for the quick response.
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    Do I Need HDMI?

    I've been looking to buy a new monitor and was wondering do I really need one with a HDMI input. I won't be playing PS3/Xbox or watching Bluray DVDs on this monitor. Is a HDMI input useful for anything else besides that? Thanks
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    Did My DVD Drive Die?

    Just tried a TDK DVD-R disc, same errors. Anything else that could cause this problem? If it's of any relevance, I've recently been unplugging and replugging in the SATA and power cables for this drive because I got another hard drive and my motherboard doesn't have enough SATA slots for 4 HDDS...
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    Did My DVD Drive Die?

    I've been using Verbatim DVD-Rs. I have a 100 pack and all the other discs burned fine, now I'm down to about the last 10 or so and these errors started happening. Have a pack of TDKs so I'll give those a try. Thanks.
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    Did My DVD Drive Die?

    I have a Samsung sh s203b DVD burner but ever since two days ago it would always fail when burning. With Nero, it gives an error message saying something about "the block could not be read." I though it was just Nero so I switched to Cheetah but it also gave a "Logical Block Address Out of...
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    Desktop Computer and Wireless Router

    Thanks. Cheaper is always better :) but do you find that the cheaper ones disconnect you from time to time? I don't wanna sacrifice performance for price.
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    Desktop Computer and Wireless Router

    This is probably a dumb question but I'm going to be moving my desktop to a place with wireless internet. What do I need to connect? Will one of these things work? Thanks
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    WYSIWYG Site Maker

    Can someone recommend a simple, easy to use wysiwyg website maker? I'm not doing anything fancy, just need to make a site for class. Simple formatting (H, BODY, TITLE, HR, etc), frames and tables are all I need to do. I do have access to my friend's Dreamweaver but would it be overly...
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    Recommend a Simple TV Tuner

  19. S

    Recommend a Simple TV Tuner

    Well I did do a search but it seems as if the other threads had really specific needs. All I'm looking for is a simple tv tuner card that can let me watch tv on my computer and maybe record a few shows. Looking to get one that fits into a PCI slot and would prefer not to spend more than $40. Any...
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    The KMPlayer

    I'm actually looking for a new video player, ever since I got a new computer Zoom Player just hasn't been working correctly. How are the screenshot capabilities of KMPlayer?
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    Crucial RMA Experiences?

    I guess your RMA is faster than mine. They got my RAM last Monday and shipped out the replacement yesterday. Still don't know when it's going to arrive, the tracking number they gave me only tracks, doesn't tell me the date of delivery.
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    Crucial RMA Experiences?

    Quick question about their cross-shipping if I ever need to RMA again in the future: As I understand it, they charge my CC for a replacement, then once I ship the bad RAM to them, they credit my CC again. What if my computer is having problems, and I'm not 100% sure it's the RAMs fault but I...
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    Recommend Me a Skin/Shell Program?

    I'm just looking to change the visual style of Windows XP. This theme for AstonShell really caught my eye. I like the clean and simplicity of it, but it doesn't support widescreen resolutions. Can Windowblinds do something like that?
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    Recommend Me a Skin/Shell Program?

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this but what is a good, easy to use Windows theme program? I've seen a lot and just wanted to hear some opinions instead of spending hours trying them out one by one. So, WindowBlinds? RocketDock? AstonShell? Something else? Thanks
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    Crucial RMA Experiences?

    Thanks for the info. Since I don't see an option to track RMA status anywhere on their site, I assume Crucial will send me an email when the replacement has been shipped? And do they give tracking numbers when shipping?
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    Crucial RMA Experiences?

    Damn, didn't know they offered cross shipping. Well according to USPS they got my package on Monday, so hopefully the replacement will be shipped out by the end of the week and I'll get it some time next week.
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    To those who have sold WoW accounts.

    I sold my account about 2 years ago. I put it on ebay and they kept canceling my auction but this guy contacted me via the ask a question thing and I ended up selling it to him off of ebay. Everything went well.
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    Crucial RMA Experiences?

    Does anyone have any experiences with Crucial's RMA? I sent some Ballistix RAM back last week and the person from support tells me it will take 5-7 days to process once they receive it before they send a replacement to me. Seriously, 5-7 days to process? When I RMA'ed a HDD to Seagate my...
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    Need Help, Can't Boot

    Yeah in the end I just ended up doing a complete reinstall after the repair install didn't work.
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    Need Help, Can't Boot

    Safe mode doesn't work. I'll try doing a repair and see if it helps. Doing a repair wouldn't affect the non-Windows files on the drive right? My plan was to install the OS on a spare HDD and clone it over to my main HDD. I have a 40GB partition on my 640GB drive that has my OS on it, if I...
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    Need Help, Can't Boot

    I put in a spare HDD and booting from that HDD worked fine. Perhaps the OS files are corrupted in the old HDD?
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    Need Help, Can't Boot

    I got a BSOD yesterday and after restarting, my video card drivers were somehow uninstalled and my DVD burner wasn't recognized anymore, but I reinstalled the drivers and everything was fine. However, today, my computer won't fully boot up. After the Windows XP screen, my screen would flash blue...
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    WD WD6400 Transfer speeds

    Got my WD6400 recently but the minimum transfer rate seems a bit low. This is how my HD Tune looks. Is it within "normal" parameters? Thanks
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    If the air intake-duct doesn't line up w/ HSF..

    The side vent thing is actually 70mm and I want to get a fan for it. Anyone know where's a good place to buy 70mm case fans? I looked on Newegg but shipping costs more than most of the fans.
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    If the air intake-duct doesn't line up w/ HSF..

    I'll get on that later tonight then. Anyways, what's the proper way to measure fan size? Is it diagonal? Circumference? Radius? Pi x radius squared?
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    If the air intake-duct doesn't line up w/ HSF..

    I lifted it up today and looked underneath, it's all sealed up too. Would having 2 fans in the front provide better airflow within the case? Blowing the air towards the rear exhaust fan?
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    If the air intake-duct doesn't line up w/ HSF..

    Yes, I'm sure. The fan says D80SM-12 in the center.
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    If the air intake-duct doesn't line up w/ HSF..

    I have a Dynex case that I picked up for really cheap a while ago. Also, as the specification say, there is space for two optional 80mm fans on the inside in the front of the case. However, the front is entirely closed...
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    Quick Question About Updating Firmware

    Right my mistake, I meant updating the drivers.
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    If the air intake-duct doesn't line up w/ HSF..

    It's actually smaller than 80mm. I have an 80mm fan and it's too big for it.