Storage Pooling: FlexRAID or Other?


Oct 20, 2006
I'm looking for a storage pool solution and will most likely go with FlexRAID but was wondering if there are any other (better) alternatives. Don't need any redundancy or parity, this will only be used to store media files which are fairly easy to recover. I do want two features:

1. Run on Windows
2. Fills the drives in sequential order. So once drive 1 is full it goes to drive 2, then 3 and so on. That way if I do decide to unpool the drives in the future, I won't have, say, all the episodes of a TV series spread out over 6 drives.

I know DriveBender is a popular program but AFAIK it auto-balances the drives so every drive is more or less equally filled. Is there an upside to this other than less wear on one single drive?

Any other alternatives? Thanks in advance.
Stalebit DrivePool is the other popular one. As to which is best I dunno.
I want to avoid storage spaces because I've heard many horror stories regarding it.

StableBit looks like a possibility, thanks for the suggestion.
Horror stories are just that, Stories.

Unless you have dealt with an issue yourself, quit taking the word of others who in many cases, don't even use it or deal with it and just give out tainted opinions.

It does work and works well if you take 5 minutes to learn it. Use half-decent parts and your laughing. You are not even wanting Parity or mirroring so it is even sweeter.
Err doesn't storage spaces fail at one of the two things wanted, specifically:
"That way if I do decide to unpool the drives in the future"

Which you won't be doing with storage spaces.
Been trying out StableBit the past few days and it's going pretty well. Does what I want and extremely easy to set up & configure. Will give it another week or two and decide whether to buy a license.
Err doesn't storage spaces fail at one of the two things wanted, specifically:
"That way if I do decide to unpool the drives in the future"

Which you won't be doing with storage spaces.

Remove drive works. If system fail, place drive or drives in another and away you go.