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  1. R

    Best place to look for internships???

    Haha that made my day Shaggy, thank you. Like I said earlier, I don't really mind paid or unpaid, but like anything the sweeter the deal the better.
  2. R

    Best place to look for internships???

    Well because our school is mainly agricultural, their career department caters more towards that area of careers. Yeah I do use my professors contacts as well. But I was just looking for some more resources than the ones I have found already :). Hey Greg, nice to see another Mo'ville alum...
  3. R

    Best place to look for internships???

    well it doesnt really matter, but for preference if its outside of my liveable area, then i'd like paid, otherwise if its near where I or a family member of mine lives then unpaid is cool too. I am looking in Florida, NY, Boston, NJ, and in some cases Virginia. ANywhere west I would have...
  4. R

    Best place to look for internships???

    Hello everyone, I am finishing up my Bachelors degree of Technoloy in Network Administration. To finish up, I need to find an internship which would utilize some if not all of my skills that I learned in college. I was wondering where I should start to look for them. I have looked on sites...
  5. R

    FS: Mac Mini, C2D Macbook, HP Tablet

    wheres the tablet?
  6. R

    IP Cop and remote logging

    naw it doesn't enable a firewall by defaul;t... but i will try the sniffer ... thanks for the info... let ya'll know how it goes.
  7. R

    IP Cop and remote logging

    I did already. I went into the syslogd file and set it to run as -r and then restarted the service. Before the IPCop OS was installed; it was a ubuntu box with 6.10 server as well. it was setup as a client and was successfully sending messages to the server box. Now with IPCop installed; I went...
  8. R

    IP Cop and remote logging

    Hello all, I am running IPCop 1.4.15. I have set it up to log requests to a syslog server at another box running Ubuntu Linux 6.10 Server. I have an internal network (this is a lab setup btw) of for the Ubuntu box and for the IPCop box. Even though I setup IPcop...
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    IT Resume Thread

    This is my resume... Please be critical/harsh :) Matthew Gonzalez <address and the such taken out for posting> Education: 8/04 &#8211; Present Morrisville State College; Morrisville, New York Bachelors in Technology &#8211; Network Administration In Progress; to be...
  10. R

    cannot ping gateway (linux vpn solution)

    yeah that was the problem... it seemed to be a routing issue, I was changing things so quickly to figure out the problem that I had not restarted the interfaces on the boxes so that the routes would clean themselves up... so when I had one of my colleagues look at it they did it and it worked...
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    cannot ping gateway (linux vpn solution)

    Hello all, I am building a site to site VPN in linux utilizing shorewall and racoon-tools. This is for a class. I am using Cisco routers, and have the setup like this LAN A Router: s0/0 fa0/0 RIP v2 enabled clock rate 4000000 (this is the DCE) LAN...
  12. R

    FS/T: Dell Axim X51v

  13. R

    FS: HP Laptop, Skt A, RAM, WXP MCE, etc

    how good is the battery on the laptop.....
  14. R

    Email and proxy (linux based)

    thanks very much for the reference link, has more information then some of the IPtable documents I have on hand. I think this is what I will end up doing though. Although I will look at the possibility of your earlier suggestion of the application firewalls. again thanks. -Raj
  15. R

    Email and proxy (linux based)

    it would be POP3S (Secure POP3; port 995). This has to be a linux solution though. I understand that it will impair log issues, but again this is in lab at the moment, we are just trying to get the email server to go through the proxy server. Thanks, Raj
  16. R

    Email and proxy (linux based)

    I'm trying to get it setup so when a user goes to access their email, if you did a network analyze of the session, youd see the source address come from the proxy box instead of the mail box. no spam filtering, if I wanted I could use spam assassin, but for now this is an in lab test.
  17. R

    Email and proxy (linux based)

    Hello all, I have a question. I setup AXIGEN on ubuntu server 6.10. I have POP3S running. On a seperate ubuntu server 6.10 box, I have squid running as a proxy. I need to run the email server through a proxy (linux based). How can I go about doing this, is there someway with squid? I am...
  18. R

    FS: Hitachi Projector, DFI Motherboard

    Hello, I hope you are doing well. The projector has sparked my interest. But I was wondering on some things; like how long has it been used, how fresh is the bulb and if you could possibly provide some 'in use' shots of it displaying a movie or game of some sort. Thanks.
  19. R

    FS: 2800+, Games, 1800+,ATI video card and more Got to clean my closet up.

    whats the specs on the x5... and maybe some pics thanks :)
  20. R

    Network Administration... what to know?

    Hello, Thanks everyone!! I appreciate everyone's responses. Yeah when I was in my networking course; one of our projects was to describe a networking technology in simple language. Also when I was in my A+ cert course we did a lot of customer relation exercises. But I know that these are some...
  21. R

    Network Administration... what to know?

    Hello all, I am currently a student entering my third year (junior) going for a Bachelors in Technology for Network Administration. So far I learned about Ethernet, OSI Reference model, cabling plant setups, EIA/TIA cabling standards, IEEE standards (frames and the such). This semester...
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    Hello UN, Wondering what shipping would be, and how that would affect pricing of the product. Also I was wondering if your lowest price is 499; or if your interested in going lower,and if anything by how much. Thanks, Rajin