Best place to look for internships???


Jul 23, 2006
Hello everyone,

I am finishing up my Bachelors degree of Technoloy in Network Administration. To finish up, I need to find an internship which would utilize some if not all of my skills that I learned in college. I was wondering where I should start to look for them. I have looked on sites like Dice, and Monster, but tend to stay away as they are full of recruiters who are looking for full time employees right now. Even though I am not ending my spring semester until May, They usually are not interested as they are looking for someone as of "right now".

I have applied to a good number of companies already, usually through the way of articles in magazines such as business week, information week, and others detailing the types of companies to intern for.

So, where would you all start to look for internships?


well it doesnt really matter, but for preference if its outside of my liveable area, then i'd like paid, otherwise if its near where I or a family member of mine lives then unpaid is cool too.

I am looking in Florida, NY, Boston, NJ, and in some cases Virginia.

ANywhere west I would have to have assistance with housing and whatnot...
Hey Matt, How is Morrisville treating you? I am a Morrisville Alum. I put my resume in all the hospitals in syracuse to find my internship. How about your schools district, government agencies. I just got hired at the place that I did my internship at. Greg
Your school doesn't have a career center where they can put you in contact with local businesses looking for help?

None of your professors have any contacts?
I would look toward the university itself. They are always looking for cheap labor, and generally have some pretty complex stuff that is good to learn with. The biggest challenge is getting into a position that isn't just grunt labor.
Well because our school is mainly agricultural, their career department caters more towards that area of careers. Yeah I do use my professors contacts as well. But I was just looking for some more resources than the ones I have found already :).

Hey Greg, nice to see another Mo'ville alum here :). Movilles doing ok, the new wireless-N networks bugs have been worked out for the most part. So its doing its job. Theres a lot of changes going on, both in facilities and technology here on campus. Cayuga is undergoing renovation and is coming out great!!
Cisco has a co-op program where you setup lab re-creates for TAC engineers. It pays pretty well too.

The position should be on the job page.
Ahhhh good they are preparing you for the bs that is life after school. I suggest that you apply like crazy and volunteer yourself for anything applicable. Were you actually hoping to get paid???

Internship = kindly drop the soap...... :eek:
Haha that made my day Shaggy, thank you. Like I said earlier, I don't really mind paid or unpaid, but like anything the sweeter the deal the better.
Just trying to understand. They want you to get an internship but have no staff to help with the process? It is a part of the required BS anyway. And by BS I don't mean the degree. Also usually the colleges have like an online site where jobs will be posted.
Like jfyeh, take a look at the Cisco Internship program:

There maybe a company in your area that is advertising it like this one in mine:

You could also check craigslist for opportunities. But the Cisco program looks like a dream job for anyone aspiring to jump into the Network Admin/Engineer field: Paid training and a chance to earn the CCNA, CCNP, and CCIE certs on someone else's dime. There is a thread at ArsTechnica that gives some insight into the program. One of the posters in that thread, Boscoh, also posts here in the [H]forum from time to time so you get further insight from him regarding that program.