Search results

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    File Transfer while in Target Display

    Hopefully some one has experience with this, Is it possible to transfer files through the thunderbolt connection from my macbook air to my imac while using the imac as a display in target display mode? Currently I am logging into my imac from the air over the wifi network while in target...
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    Ikea desk gallery

    I just bought the galant desk for Ikea and have to say it's the best desk I have ever owned.
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    Post Your Mac Setup!

    I apologize for including a image of my desktop when posting images of my setup. I have since removed the image.
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    Weird Startup

    It was not an update but the OS repairing a directory problem. I appreciate the reply though.
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    Weird Startup

    Razorhog over at Mac Rumors was able to tell me what happened. The following link describes what happened for those who may have the same experience.
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    Weird Startup

    Looking for some advise When I turned on my machine today and the white screen with the apple logo came up, instead of the normal spinning icon there was a progress bar displayed and the machine took about 2 minutes to start. When the machine finally started it was very slow and spotlight had...
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    The official "clean desktop" club.

    The wallpaper came from Deviant Art
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    The official "clean desktop" club.

    Here's the desktop from my new iMac. [/IMG]
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    Post Your Mac Setup!

    There are some really nice setups in here. I like come here a steal peoples ideas for my home office. LOL Just bought a 27 iMac yesterday and thought I would share. [/IMG] [/IMG]
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    Shaw cable warp service

    My current setup consists of a Time Capsule Router , 2 game consoles and a PC (ethernet), 2 laptops and 2 android phones wifi. I am looking into some kind of bandwidth monitor but to get an accurate number I would think a hardware solution would be the only option. Is there a piece of...
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    Shaw cable warp service

    I have yet to meet or exceed the cap, however I just signed up for netflix. My concern is when you combine some moderate gaming 5 hours per week and regular internet use along with movies this seems like something that could become an issue for me in the near future. I guess I will have to...
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    Shaw cable warp service

    Just thought I would post the speeds I have been getting form the updated warp service here in Spruce Grove. There has been alot of miss information regarding the availability and speed of the service here in town. There were also questions about the DOSCSIS 3.0 modem shaw is using (Motorola...
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    Show off your OSX desktop

    :eek:Do you have a link to that wallpaper, I have not been able to find a photo that nice of the gold gate bridge.
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    Facebook Breaches Canadian Privacy Law

    Your example perfectly makes NeghVar's case! What would you say if Chine wanted to apply their labour laws (or lack there of ) to the company you work for, even though your company dose not operate or do business in China ! Countries cannot go around enforcing their laws on corporations /...
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    Who uses Anti Virus Software ?

    The reason I initially asked was due to pressure from friends to start using something. It's good to see I am not alone. I have not had any problems so far due being careful and paying attention/ monitoring my system. Thanks for the responses.
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    Who uses Anti Virus Software ?

    I was just wondering what anti virus software people here are running, if any on their macs. I personally don't (I find not being a idiot helps a great deal). I do use a firewall (Hardware and Software) , scan for spyware and monitor my system. I am very interested to see how many users here are...
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    New speed testing site

    God I wish they (Shaw Cable) offered better upload speeds, But things could have been worse. [/URL][/IMG]
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    Question about DSL

    I have already posted earlier that I was under the false impression that I was suppose to be getting 15 mb/s, since my initial post people have kindly informed me that I was suppose to take the 15 mb/s and divid that by 8 which proves that the speed that I am getting is in fact correct. For...
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    Question about DSL

    As indicated in the pic below they offer 100 Mb/s service, I will be calling them to get a price on the connection. I live just outside of Edmonton Alberta , Canada [/IMG]
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    Question about DSL

    I stand corrected, I was under the false impression that I should be getting 10 to 15 mb/s as advertised by my ISP. After dividing by 8 I see that my connection is right were it should be. So I guess my only option is to upgrade to their 100 mb/s connection !
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    Question about DSL

    Hello, I have been considering changing my ISP from cable to DSL due to inconsistent download speeds, as you can see from the pic below I have a terrible connection. Dose anyone know what I can expect from a DSL connection = real time download speeds not theoretical speeds ? thanks [/IMG]
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    Windows 7 on Blackbook

    Got it going late last night, things seem to be stable and in fact I have noticed a small performance increase over vista. It took 3 hours to download, what kind of times did you guys/gals get?
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    Windows 7 on Blackbook

    Hello, Has anyone tried to run the windows 7 beta on a macbook yet ? I am currently downloading the beta and am just curious to see if anyone has had any success yet!
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    The official "clean desktop" club.

    I the wallpaper from Deviant Art ! Under the HD wallpapers 1920 x 1080, or
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    The official "clean desktop" club.

    Clean as it gets for me !
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    Resolution pain !

    Hello everybody, My macbook is being a real pain in the ____ when I hook up to my 22inch display I have to constantly play this game of turning the macbook on and off multiple times to get it to run the display at 1680 x 1050. Is there something that I am doing wrong or is this common? P.S...
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    Mighty Mouse !

    Thanks for the advice, I just got back from the apple store and they exchanged my mighty mouse for Kensington Si670m bluetooth mouse. The mighty mouse will go down as one of the worst mouses I have every used. Why the hell dosen't apple just build a three button mouse?
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    The official "clean desktop" club.

    Here's the link:
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    The official "clean desktop" club.

    Here's mine!
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    Mighty Mouse !

    Right clicking, I have selected the option to make the right side of my wireless mighty mouse act as primary button 2, however it dose not seem to work. Am I missing something or do I have a defective mouse? Any help would be appreciated!
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    NVIDIA Quadro® FX 5600

    They are willing to let me purchase the system for 1,300, this is due to the fact that we recently went through a water main brake and insurance is replacing allot of our equipment.
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    NVIDIA Quadro® FX 5600

    Has anyone had any experience with this card outside of a professional setting? I currently have the opportunity to get a work station form the engineering firm I work for and I am wondering if this card would be useful in a home environment?
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    Proprietary Encoding

    Hello everyone, I know you all must be getting sick of noobies like me asking for help on these forums, but I would really appreciate some help. I currently have a lot of music backed up on an external hard drive. The problem is all of the music is encoded in Sony's .aa3 audio format and I have...
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    One or the Other?

    Thanks for the help! The problem was the router was acting like a hub,
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    One or the Other?

    Hello, I am hoping some one can help with a problem that is becoming more frustrating everyday, I have a black Macbook and a HP DV2000 notebook, my cable modem is connected to my D-Link wireless router. I am unable to have both machines connected to the Internet at the same time and...
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    What the heck?

    I have tried a firmware update for my router and still the same problem, I will be going to best buy and picking up a Linksys router to see if that works! I called D-Link and the tech there informed me that they have been receiving hundreds of calls form apple owners concerning the same issue of...
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    What the heck?

    I think you guys are right, I have checked a few other message boards and it seems that it may be specific to D-Link routers! Well I am sure this will be addressed in the coming days (GOD I hope not weeks). I wounder if the problem could be on the D-link side as apposed to apple? It may seem...
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    What the heck?

    I can't believe that I must use my HP laptop to find out why my Mac keeps dropping the WIFI connection, Yet as you can see my HP laptop has no issues at all. I have reset the router three time and checked the network setting on my router and the Mac, with no avail. I must be missing something...
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    Trip to the Mac World Store!!!!

    The trip to Mac World was awesome! I have never been so excited to be at a store. They had very good support staff and they actually provide you with great and useful advice, unlike anything I have experienced in a PC store. I will definitely be back for all my Mac needs. The free classes that...