Facebook Breaches Canadian Privacy Law

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The Privacy Commissioner of Canada says that Facebook breaches Canadian privacy law because, among other things, it keeps personal information indefinitely after users deactivate their accounts. No worries, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner has suggested helpful ways for Facebook to avoid being deported.

The popular social networking site, which is used by 12 million Canadians and 200 million people worldwide, also keeps personal information indefinitely after users deactivate their accounts, contrary to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, says the report released Thursday by assistant privacy commissioner Elizabeth Denham.
Do these Canadian laws also apply to ISP's who may have users that pirate?
Do these Canadian laws also apply to ISP's who may have users that pirate?

It's the privacy law that governs all of Canada, so yes. You're only allowed to keep someone's personal information on file for as long as absolutely required. In Facebooks case, it's never necessary that they keep information. For other companies the amount of time differs. Banks are 3 years or so, ISPs probably have their own timeline.
Canada has almost 2x more facebook users per capita than the US?
Where are the facebook servers? Where is fb hq? Canada? Canada thinks they can enforce their laws on foreigners. What's next? Kyle's going to get a speeding ticket from Canada for driving too fast on LBJ?
Where are the facebook servers? Where is fb hq? Canada? Canada thinks they can enforce their laws on foreigners. What's next? Kyle's going to get a speeding ticket from Canada for driving too fast on LBJ?

I think you're missing the big picture here :rolleyes:
i hate fb too open. keep profile private to keep companies away from emailing you!
I think you're missing the big picture here :rolleyes:[/QUOTE
Agreed. If FB opens its service to Canadians it is bound by Canadian law. A better analogy for the OP there would be Kyle speeding in another car on a Canadian highway. Sure, his car (their servers) may be in the US, but he (the user) is up in Canada driving, and therefore bound by the laws.

i hate fb too open. keep profile private to keep companies away from emailing you!

Wait, what?
Canada's laws, or any other country's, are null and void if the company is completely inside the US. All that matters is complying with US law. FB can pretty much give Canada the finger.
This has always annoyed me. Facebook deals in information, and every single thing that you post on it is used in market research, sold off to dozens of other corporations. I try to keep most of my identifying information off, and I don't touch those idiotic apps, which are not only useless but also distribute your information to even more parties. The fact that they retain those data means that even if you want something deleted, it's still available to them, or potentially hackers, representing a massive threat to security. The problem is that Facebook has become so ingrained in culture that simply telling people to "stop using it so much" is contradictory to most people's interests - you don't see people telling you to "use your computer less" if you're afraid of getting a virus, do you?
They could just block it from Canadians, I don't care

I don't know how many sites that force you to register these days, first name "no", last name "thanks", email [email protected] and ill never check it again.... all they do it sell of the info to make money so annoying, the laws were put in place for good reason, we even have to sign a disclaimer at dentists and doctors now or anyone else who keeps our records, we can go after them if they share out info with someone we didn't agree too all kinds of good reasons for the law.
Canada's laws, or any other country's, are null and void if the company is completely inside the US. All that matters is complying with US law. FB can pretty much give Canada the finger.

Again - You're missing the point.

The problem here is, "Why does Facebook KEEP and DISTRIBUTE this personal information."

Regardless of whose laws say what - If you delete your account, your information should go too. Period.
What's with all the arguing about Canadian weather?

Canada has 2 seasons. Winter and July.
2.5 months for SW Ontario? I'll sound the bullshit horn as I live in this region now.

Waterloo area here with an hour commute each way... i WISH it was 2.5 months, even with snow ties and a 4x4 truck it sucks lmao

but yes the point of the law is when you delete, de-register, etc the info goes as well, they don't hang on to it , or sell it, etc etc. its to cover your ass, i dont think the idea of the post was a QQ Canada has nothing on facebook because its base somewhere else, the point is why are they doing this? my face book account didn't last 5 hours in total way back when, and my crap is still there if i login lol
Canada's laws, or any other country's, are null and void if the company is completely inside the US. All that matters is complying with US law. FB can pretty much give Canada the finger.

Why don't you say that to Google, Yahoo and Microsoft over China's Laws. It would be only fair, don't you think?
Why don't you say that to Google, Yahoo and Microsoft over China's Laws. It would be only fair, don't you think?

Your example perfectly makes NeghVar's case!

What would you say if Chine wanted to apply their labour laws (or lack there of ) to the company you work for, even though your company dose not operate or do business in China ! Countries cannot go around enforcing their laws on corporations / people who are NOT in their country or operate in their country.

If the Canadian government wants to block access by Canadians to Facebook then that is their prerogative, but I don't think they have a right to enforce their laws on other nations.
What's with all the arguing about Canadian weather?

Canada has 2 seasons. Winter and July.

Correction: Winter and Construction.

We only had snow from late December to early March last year, so I'd say 2.5 holds for Grimsby (so far).

On topic, the fact that Facebook has a privacy policy on a .ca domain means they should be subject to some Canajan privacy laws, no?
Or 2.5? SW Ontario here....

its 0 on vancouver island, lols. the worst is that the people around here actually have the nerve to complain about the "cold", it doesn't get cold here, it gets chilly. ok, maybe the northern island might get a bit cold, but in victoria? hell no.

admittedly most facebook users I know don't seem to care about any of this, kind of creeps me out that they don't give about their privacy.