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  1. C

    Bulldozer delayed til Q3?

    I don't think they meant to say that it would force AMD to do anything. It's just a common sentiment now that many people are getting unwilling to wait longer. It's no attack on AMD. It's just that people were holding out, hoping they were close to release and there was information out there (...
  2. C

    Ditching for or adding a Bulldozer? Anyone?

    I've been rocking a 939 X2 4400+ since mid 2006. I used to upgrade every year or so, but this machine has lasted me longer than any other. This July though is my upgrade and I'm hoping to go Bulldozer 8 core, but I am considering an i7 as well. I do lean more toward AMD though so as long as it's...
  3. C

    Sell or keep my 939 x2?

    939 chips go for alot? Why is that, is it people that don't want to upgrade to a whole new mobo? If that is the case, why pay so much for older chips? I myself have a X2 4400+ im about to upgrade, but I can't see why people would be willing to pay good money for it.:confused:
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    Question about Windows 7 OEM

    I've been using an OEM version of WinXP since the launch of WinXP. Its gone through 4 major total rebuilds, it was originally on a old 1.2 athlon thunderbird, then a 1.8 athlon, then a 2.4c intel, then a 4400+x2, and now a phenom II. Each time I went through a total rebuild, I just had to call...
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    Windows 7 wont install, what am i doing wrong?

    I burned the ISO following directions online and used imgburn. After then trying to boot from the cd, i get the message "NTLDR is missing, unable to boot from CD". I tried buring the ISO twice, using two different programs, and thats the message I get each time. Any ideas?
  6. C

    Need Help on dual boot of XP/ Windows 7

    Thanks Danny! Exactly what I was looking for! You rock
  7. C

    Need Help on dual boot of XP/ Windows 7

    Hello, forgive me if its been asked before ( I did search but couldnt find any threads about it) but Id like to dual boot Windows Xp and Windows 7. Im not a rookie when it comes to hardware, but when it comes to dual booting, I havent had experience with it yet. Im going to do a fresh install of...
  8. C

    Worst video card ever...then best

    My worst was the Radeon 8500. I had just months before bought a 7500, and had seen the 8500 come out so i ran out and bought it. The problem at the time though, was the ati drivers were awful and most games I had to disable or tone down graphics because of graphical glitches and bugs. It did get...
  9. C

    Which brand of Radeon 4850?

    Whatever is cheapest is the one to buy. Other than that, they are all clocked the same and probably 99% similiar in quality.
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    Will the Accerlero S1 work on a 4850 or 4870?

    Yes, it will work.
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    Keep my 9800GTX or get one of the new cards?

    Id do it on a step up, if you cant step up, id wait till the next release of cards in what, the fall?
  12. C

    2 4850 or 1 4870 ?

    This is the same question ive been asking myself. Im not building my new pc until next month, and i figured I could get 2 4850s for like $100 more than a 4870, and it should beat it in performance. I guess ill see where the prices are next month.
  13. C

    Need help with Nvidia card choice, unsure

    OK, i havent used an nvidia card in probably 5 years. Right now im using a Radeon x1900xt, x2 4400+, and i game at 1920 x 1200. Now I want to upgrade to an Nvidia card, as it seems they have the best performance right now, and the game i mainly play, City of Heroes, HATES ATI cards, and gives...
  14. C

    Sapphire wants to replace my X1900XT with a X1950Pro

    Wow im glad i stumbled upon this thread. I currently own a X1900XT from sapphire and it hasnt given me any problems. I was thinking of a Sapphire 3870, but now...hell no. I wont support a company that treats customers this way.
  15. C

    water cooled case

    Im thinking of trying out a water cooled case, but as this is my first foray into that, i have no idea what to buy. Id like to buy something premade with everything in it if possible. The reason im thinking of water is that my system gets very hot and VERY NOISY when playing games. Literally so...
  16. C

    XP SP2: "Unknown PCI Device"

    im having the exact same problem for about 3 months now. Although im using the abit at8 mobo. No idea what it is, everytime i reboot, i get the message that windows wants to look for a driver for an unknown pci device. I have so far been unable to find what this is.
  17. C

    Four HyperX ram on ABIT IC7 does not work

    Im having the exact same problem. Same ram, and some Mobo. I can get it to boot fine with 3 sticks, but when i add the 4th, i get a ram checksum error.