Worst video card ever...then best

Worst for me would have to be 7800GT. I had three cards failing within a few months. The one I liked the most was my GF4 ti4200 that I had for awhile between my 9600pro being broken and my purchase of 9800pro. It didn't cost me much since it was fairly old when I got it, but it performed about as well in most games as the 9600pro I had earlier, it overclocked like crazy and still didn't become very warm and best of all it never failed me. It's the only card I've had with no issues what so ever with drivers, crashes or anything.
Worst was the 6800GT that I had to RMA two times to finally get a decent working card. Best was the 8800GT due to the incredible generational leap at such a low price, Yeah.
Worst card ever x1800xt 512mb because the x1900xtx came out so shortly after and had the performance I wanted. Felt pretty dumb having spent all of that money, it wasn't a bad card it just didn't do what I wanted. It was my jealousy card. 8800 GT has been my best, but I loved my 9700 pro as well. Split decision.
I remember having big problems with ATI9700 and also nvidia5800. My best is my current, 8800gts :D
My favorite card ever was a Ati Radion 9800xt. That card revolutionized gaming for me.
My worst card would be my first video card. Cirus Logic
Ill tell you what, My mx4000 sucked my fing time out the wazoo. I had butt load of problems getting it installed and working, but my old 3870 sucked worst, constant BSOD, 2 RMAs and noting fixed. My fav is my current. At $150 the 4850 was the least troublesome and best performing card I ever bought.
LOL, I know what you mean. We ended up with a ton of those at a place I used to work for and I had to find drivers for the damn things after a month of looking I found ones that were actual Rage drivers.

What a PITA.

Yeah I never understood why essentially the same hardware was given a different name and different drivers.

ATi drivers were terrible back then.
Best: Hopefully 4870, but either my 9800Pro, or my 7800GT's SLi

Worst: By far. I bought an FX5600. When I replaced it, I had my fiance's uncle take a video of me blowing it up with a .50 BMG. I need to get that video over to digital.
Worst - Hercules Prophet 4000 XT PCI - piece of Kyro II doo-doo.

Best - 8800 GTX - changed everything
Worst was my FX5500.. complete turd. My favorite setup was my dual voodoo II with a matrox G200.... $600 worth of video cards about 10 years ago! Hitting 100fps+ in quakeII was the shit. :D
Ahh, bad memories come flooding back. I hated my FX5900SE. Sold that POS after 6 months. What a waste of ~$200.

My favorite video card was the x1950pro.
Stealth3D 2mb (Diamond-Verge 3d chipset)

Advertised as a 3d accelerator....more like a 3d decelerator. I remember getting 2 fps and weird ass textures when using the 3d function.

Best card ever: Monster 3d addon card. It extended the life of my pc for 2 more years, and I was experiencing graphx like no other!(this was the snes/genesis/playstation1 era).
Worst card I ever owned: 8-bit Hercules monochrome graphics adapter

Best card I ever owned: my current 8800GT, blistering framerates in Windows and works with EFI strings for OSX86
Worst - Riva 128 - had terrible grainy image quality, extremely bad, to keep up with the bigger boys.

Best/Most Fond - Voodoo 2 SLI / Radeon 9700 Pro tied.
Worst was an ATI X850XT
Tried for an hour to get the drivers to work in my sisters Dell and finally just grabbed my 9800Pro AIW out of my HTPC and stuck that into her Dell. 9800 installed fine in hers.
X850XT installed fine in my HTPC as well.
Really Strange I think.

All the rest of the cards I used had no issues.
Best:8800GTX that lasted me from nov 25 -06 until march 08. Even if the 7900GTO was good but that i did not owned that to long to make it a gbest ever buy due to it was a shelf clearance of 7900GTX items before G80 was born.
Worst ever: Obiously the 9800Gx2 that i only had 3 month and did not charmed me that mutch. even if this card gave a free ticket to a GTX280 it still is the worst card i had and i skipped the whole FX-era adn was in lap of ATI that time.
Worst card ever: x1950pro, couldn't properly do multimonitor for 3 driver revisions, first card that could do F@H, but ATi only made certian drivers for the first 8 months that could do folding, and they weren't the ones that could properly do multi monitor until about 7.4. First one wouldn't run clocked at stock speeds, 2nd one sucked at overclocking.

Best card ever: 6800GT, it overclocked, you could bios volt mod it, I had ESD'ed onto it multiple times, ripped it out of the socket multiple times while the computer was running (forgot to put the pci screw in), and it kept running, still runs today in a friends computer.
Worst - Rage Fury MAXX, hands down. It just never worked right, especially at 1024x768. Another would be an Elsa GF2 board I had, but they took it back, so no tears there.

Best - That's hard. the best performing one would obviously the 8800GTX I have now. The fondest memory though would have to be the Diamond Viper V770U (TNT2 Ultra). I'll never forget loading the demo for Nocturne (fixed camera horror/adventure) and setting for 32bit color. Man that game sucked, but it had some great graphics for the time.
Best for me.. 6800GT (at the time), huge performance jump for me. Worst.. going from a Geforce 3 ti200 to an FX5200 (impulse buy, thought the higher number meant higher performance, boy was I in for a surprise).
Best for me.. 6800GT (at the time), huge performance jump for me. Worst.. going from a Geforce 3 ti200 to an FX5200 (impulse buy, thought the higher number meant higher performance, boy was I in for a surprise).
That's like when my Geforce DDR 64mb died and I replaced it with a Geforce2mx-400 64mb. It's 64mb so it's probably the same right? Wrong!
Worst: All nVidia FX series.

Best: Radeon 9800
This was the most stable card I have ever come across. It's just about perfect. I have a Voodoo3 (32mb version?) that just needs one small capacitor replaced; it's a rare classic model. ;D
I burned up two Geforce 4 Ti4600's. So that was the worst for me personally. but the worst I've ever seen was the 32 PNY Geforce 4 Ti4200's we had at work that all died in less than a years time that PNY refused to replace. They all had faulty capacitors and fried VRM's.

One of the best cards I ever owned was the Geforce 2 GTS 64MB. I had that card for the better part of two years and it served me flawlessly. Other honorable mentions were the ATI Radeon 9600Pro and the EVGA e-Geforce 8800GTX's which I had two of. I also had (still have) a BFG Geforce 8800GTX OC that I don't use much. It was part of my 3-Way SLI 8800GTX setup.
Worst: 5200FX, Was total shit.

Best: 8800GTX. it was a kickass overclocked ran all my games on high.
My worst was the Radeon 8500. I had just months before bought a 7500, and had seen the 8500 come out so i ran out and bought it. The problem at the time though, was the ati drivers were awful and most games I had to disable or tone down graphics because of graphical glitches and bugs. It did get better as time went on though.

The best was the Radeon 9700pro. I bought that card on launch day and used it for a good 3 years, the longest ive ever used a video card for. Never had a problem with it.
The one I'm probably most disappointed in is the X1950XTX Crossfire edition. I bought it like the day it came out even though I had just bought an X1900XTX eight months before, when they had just been released. Even though I was gaming at 2560x1600, running this in Crossfire with my X1900XTX didn't seem to improve performance all that much in any of the games I played. It was basically $600 thrown out the window until Crysis came along.

Best card for me was probably the Radeon 8500. Bought it as soon as it was released, then used it for 3 years less a week or so and had it warranty replaced at the last minute for a 9800 Pro. It was a genuine problem of losing video modes one by one (bad DAC). The 9800 Pro saw me through Far Cry, Half-Life 2, Doom 3, and a final six month feast of Battlefield 1942. So I sort of consider the 9800 Pro as part of the 8500 purchase. Bought the 8500 in October 2001, used it and the 9800 Pro until February 2006!
Worst: "upgrading" to an FX5500 from a GeForce ti4600 what epic fail that was.

Best: My 9600GT. plays everything at max on my 22" screen (sans crysis of course), and overclocks like a champ.
Rage Fury Maxx was the worst card I've ever used, for sure. I didn't mind all the random little issues in games as much as the fact that it didn't have Windows2000 support at all when most other major hardware did. To this day I think they still only have windows98 drivers for that card. But you have to admit the idea of a Dual Rage128 was pretty cool...

Best card (in terms of fond memory) was probably my S3 Savage4 8MB card. 10 years ago or so when I was pretty young and building a rig on a super tight budget. I went with a K6-2 450Mhz and I was still using a Voodoo Banshee PCI. I bought the S3 Savage4 at CompUSA at some sale they were having for like $20, it was my first AGP card. It didn't have glide of course but it performed better than the banshee in Quake3; S3TC ftw!
The one I'm probably most disappointed in is the X1950XTX Crossfire edition. I bought it like the day it came out even though I had just bought an X1900XTX eight months before, when they had just been released. Even though I was gaming at 2560x1600, running this in Crossfire with my X1900XTX didn't seem to improve performance all that much in any of the games I played. It was basically $600 thrown out the window until Crysis came along.

Fortunately they seem to have worked out most of the bugs in Crossfire since that second generation.

Wow, the X1950XTX Crossfire setup I had ran flawlessly. The largest problem I had with that setup was that it was barely fast enough to handle resolutions of 2560x1600 in quite a few games at the time. It worked well and I'd be damned if I was going to run a pair of those POS 7950GX2's but the X1950XTX's gave me absolutely no problems. They just weren't fast enough.
Worst 6800NU That card just did not live up to my expectations and I couldnt unlock anything!
Best X800XT, it was my first top of the line high end graphics card and at the time it felt very very good.
Wow, the X1950XTX Crossfire setup I had ran flawlessly. The largest problem I had with that setup was that it was barely fast enough to handle resolutions of 2560x1600 in quite a few games at the time. It worked well and I'd be damned if I was going to run a pair of those POS 7950GX2's but the X1950XTX's gave me absolutely no problems. They just weren't fast enough.

Yeah I don't mean to dis on the card or Crossfire that much. It did improve performance and was bug-free, it was just not a huge leap in performance over a single X1900XTX from what I could see. Not $550 worth.
Yeah I don't mean to dis on the card or Crossfire that much. It did improve performance, it was just not a huge leap in performance over a single X1900XTX from what I could see. Not $550 worth.

At 2560x1600 it was fairly helpful, but it depended on the game. Even with two of them gaming at 2560x1600 wasn't possible in some titles. At least not with full eye candy.
Best - 9800 Pro or my x1950xtx
Worst - I've never really owned a "worst" card, I do feel dumb at times for paying $650 for my current GTX 280 when it dropped to $450 2 weeks later but the card itself is plenty nice.
Actually come to think of it my best card was my first: the Diamond Monster 4MB Voodoo1. Bought it in August 98, used it until November 2000 to play a shitload of Quake 2, Fighter Ace, Alien vs Predator (barely ran), Half-Life, Rainbow Six, Pod Racer, and Rogue Squadron. At the time I didn't even know what AA was, but the original Voodoos had it and it made everything real purdy.
Worst: FX5700 256mb. What a slow POS for the money.
Best: X800XT. First high end card I ever bought (replaced the 5700). That card was perfect all the way thru Prey and FEAR. Only replaced it because I did a new build. I have to say my new build was a bit of a dissappointment. Sure, benchmarks on the 8800gts destroyed the x800xt, but I can't say the gameplay was like "Wow!" better.
for me the 8800gtx was the worst and funnily enough it then became the best ;x

it seemed like everygame i played the 8800gtx had a problem with when it first came out.

FFXI is the best example of it - but i've been lovin the card for most of the 2 years (nearly 2 years) i've owned it.
My Experience:
Worst: ATI Rage IIC All In Wonder, S3 Savage 2000, Voodoo4 4500, nVidia FX Series
Best: 3Dfx Voodoo2, Redeon 9700Pro, 8800GTX, GTX280