Bulldozer delayed til Q3?

3rd Quarter is July. That is not a delay. They were planning to unviel the chip in June and sell it July. So I dont get what the scare is?
Honestly, I agree with you. I could care less if it launches in June or July. The interim CEO Thomas Seifert even said "early" summer for desktops and "late" summer for servers. JF-AMD, even though he is a rep for AMD, can only say with 100% certainty what happens on the server side since that is what he is head of. If things got pushed back a couple weeks since he last stated Q2 desktop launch back in January, you CAN NOT HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE FOR IT.

Quotes like these is why everyone is throwing a hissy fit:


We already said desktop in Q2, server in Q3

Bulldozer dates have not changed at all.

Q2 for desktop launch
Q2 for server production
Q3 for server launch

We do not give month granularity. The only time I have given month granularity is when we were in month 3 of the quarter and it was pretty obvious at that point which month it would be.
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lol, just playing along

I hope it isn't Q3 :( well maybe it will be better....Maybe I should just wait for windows 8 and Bulldozer rv. 1
It seems that some people in the Netherlands also get information of bulldozer not making it's debut until September. Really weird not sure if those are connected to retailers .....

*** the website published that retailers are saying that there is a delay
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This sucks (but I thought there would more info realise by now if they were going for a June release), it is my understanding that the reason for the recent delay was the change to 32nm (Bulldozer was originally targeted @45nm), now it looks like they are missing that boat as well.

Which is a shame, since we really need some competition in the mid to high end segments (but saying that Intel could have charged more for the first batch of Sandy's).
This sucks (but I thought there would more info realise by now if they were going for a June release), it is my understanding that the reason for the recent delay was the change to 32nm (Bulldozer was originally targeted @45nm), now it looks like they are missing that boat as well.

Which is a shame, since we really need some competition in the mid to high end segments (but saying that Intel could have charged more for the first batch of Sandy's).
Actually AMD has been producing Bulldozer chips on the 32nm process for a while. What mainly pushed Bulldozer back from mid '10 was the delay in GF's 32nm SOI process. This most recent delay may have to do with quantity of stock.

EDIT: Which makes me wonder, if all Bulldozer-based designs (Orochi = Zambezi/Valencia/Interlagos) were fabbed on a bulk 32nm process, could AMD have launched them much earlier? Would switching to Bulk Si over SOI help AMD bring out chips faster?
Honestly, I agree with you. I could care less if it launches in June or July. The interim CEO Thomas Seifert even said "early" summer for desktops and "late" summer for servers. JF-AMD, even though he is a rep for AMD, can only say with 100% certainty what happens on the server side since that is what he is head of. If things got pushed back a couple weeks since he last stated Q2 desktop launch back in January, you CAN NOT HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE FOR IT.

Quotes like these is why everyone is throwing a hissy fit:



Actually the last time he said it was whenever this video was recorded
Meh. I am not planning a revamp till august anyway. So while I want bd performance reviews now. It isn't going to effect my purchase for a bit anyway.
DNF has a release date. :p That still sounds funny.

Yeah that joke will be completely moot once DNF is officially out. :D

I'm honestly not that hyped up about the Bulldozer, but that's just because I can't afford a system upgrade any time soon. :p

I really hope it turns out to be worth the hype though. I'm more or less an AMD fan but Intel has been way ahead for a while now, would be nice to see AMD come ahead again.
BD is an architecture and not a product (although I'm sure you're aware of that). As I mentioned in the other thread where the video was reposted, it could easily be construed in either way. Yes, the BD architecture is almost definitely designed with servers in mind; however, the video addresses BD as a whole, with no reference to Llano or any other Fusion APU. Given what has already been posted in other threads, I'd say it's reasonable that people are considering Zambezi to be a client product (with Interlagos/Valencia being server). Otherwise, what keeps us from calling the 1366 i7s server products? They even use the same socket.

OK that might be a bad example, but either way whatever happens, happens.

well LGA 1155 is also a server chipset, don't believe here you go http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...=100008494 600126647&IsNodeId=1&name=LGA 1155
Im so confused. Im glad I bought my Thuban a couple weeks ago. Itll give me enough to play with while we wait and see what the hell is going on. Hopefully by the time I get bored with my X6 either Bulldozer, or whatever its gonna be called, will be out or Intel will have some good deals on an i7.
FX = Bulldozer, Consumer(Enthusiast) Product
Opteron = Bulldozer, Business/Elite-Consumer Product

Problem solved
How I see it, it will launch when it launches. Making that comment will not force AMD to launch it any sooner. If you can't wait, go SB. Simple as that.

I don't think they meant to say that it would force AMD to do anything. It's just a common sentiment now that many people are getting unwilling to wait longer. It's no attack on AMD. It's just that people were holding out, hoping they were close to release and there was information out there ( not officially of course) and that makes people hope it's coming out sooner rather than later.
I do realize that as pointed out AMD isn't that focused on the enthusiast crowd but this "delay" can't be good for them. I amongst other am not willing to wait longer. Does it really affect AMD? Probably not. Depends on how many people decide that they aren't going to wait any longer. They are really going to be behind the 8-ball if they launch up against Ivy Bridge and their processor doesn't even quite compare to Sandy Bridge.
I don't think they meant to say that it would force AMD to do anything. It's just a common sentiment now that many people are getting unwilling to wait longer. It's no attack on AMD. It's just that people were holding out, hoping they were close to release and there was information out there ( not officially of course) and that makes people hope it's coming out sooner rather than later.
I do realize that as pointed out AMD isn't that focused on the enthusiast crowd but this "delay" can't be good for them. I amongst other am not willing to wait longer. Does it really affect AMD? Probably not. Depends on how many people decide that they aren't going to wait any longer. They are really going to be behind the 8-ball if they launch up against Ivy Bridge and their processor doesn't even quite compare to Sandy Bridge.

Gotta remember guys, we've been waiting over 2 years for something new from AMD. Thuban was a very nice addition but now that the sandy bridge i3 DUAL CORE outperform the X6 in most benchmarks, you can see why we're getting a little antsy. Intel has had 2 lines come out since Core 2 with a third, ivy bridge, around the corner. AMD has had zero and we're still waiting and have next to no info on what or when might be coming.

I don't think it makes you a whiner if you're an AMD fan and are getting tired of the waiting and secrecy.
that is a bulldozer video, so yes he was talking about the client bulldozer.

that should have been clear with the bulldozer title, bulldozer written in the video, and the guy saying "bulldozer bulldozer bulldozer"

if they dont make q2 with client bulldozer then they're late. again. period

Shit in one hand and wait for BD in the other and see which fills up first.
I don't think it makes you a whiner if you're an AMD fan and are getting tired of the waiting and secrecy.
This. I have been a strong supporter of AMD in the past, but they have been making themselves hard to root for in the period you mentioned.

The complete lack of any useful information whatsoever drove me to give up and just get a 2500k. Should have done it back in January, but at least I get a Z68 instead of a P67 now.
I am sticking with Llano desktop in Q2....which is early compared to what the Earnings calls have said. And I am sticking with BD/Zambezi in Q3....which is late compared to what the Earnings calls have said. (Yes, I went back and checked.) I would look to Computex for a solid announcement from AMD as to what exactly is going on. But I am not changing my story. :D
Im good with that. My X6 will more than hold me over til then and give me time to buy one of those drool worthy Sabertooth motherboards thats on the way. By that time it should be Q3 and I can be the first kid on my block to have a Bulldozer. I just wish theyd hook a brutha up and tell us as much.
Part of me is hoping AMD will release a few more Phenom II X4s Ultra Extreme Black Special Edition models before Bulldozer, they haven't put out a 4ghz model yet and hey, 4.2ghz isn't unheard of with air cooling. LOL...
It's begining to look like the Star Wars franchise and how Lucas kept re-re-re-releasing the Extreme Special Golden Jedi Ultra HD Edition of 6 movies for 30 fucking years.

Actually I can't wait for Bulldozer benches and to finally see some competition.
at this point in time being almost june 2011....
will the bulldozer fit a crosshairIV Extreme??????????????
will the bulldozer fit a crosshairIV Extreme??????????????

It may, however I would bet that it would only be lower models and overclocking and turbo cores will be more limited if you use an AM3 board instead of an AM3+ board at least on the FX models.
Part of me is hoping AMD will release a few more Phenom II X4s Ultra Extreme Black Special Edition models before Bulldozer, they haven't put out a 4ghz model yet and hey, 4.2ghz isn't unheard of with air cooling. LOL...
It's begining to look like the Star Wars franchise and how Lucas kept re-re-re-releasing the Extreme Special Golden Jedi Ultra HD Edition of 6 movies for 30 fucking years.

Actually I can't wait for Bulldozer benches and to finally see some competition.

Nah it's just AMD redefining the "empty megahertz" slogan we used to describe PIV :D
Part of me is hoping AMD will release a few more Phenom II X4s Ultra Extreme Black Special Edition models before Bulldozer, they haven't put out a 4ghz model yet and hey, 4.2ghz isn't unheard of with air cooling. LOL...
It's begining to look like the Star Wars franchise and how Lucas kept re-re-re-releasing the Extreme Special Golden Jedi Ultra HD Edition of 6 movies for 30 fucking years.

Actually I can't wait for Bulldozer benches and to finally see some competition.

That made me LOL cause its exactly right.

Every month we get a new X4 or X6 with a 100 MHz bump. The one good thing is it shows AMD gives a shit what we think about them otherwise why bother.
BSN said:

The interesting bit to us is that while K8/10 generation of Opterons lagged behind Intel in integer and pummeled them in Floating Point tests, the result right now is exactly the opposite: clock-by-clock, Bulldozer will walk all over Sandy Bridge in integer and get hammered in Floating Point tests.

Interesting quote, it sounds like most people expected the opposite. But, don't most games use mostly int? So then hopefully this'll be a big win for us gamers :)
What Theo "30,000 3DMark Barcelona/reverse hyperthreading" Valich is talking about is that 2 BD cores should outperform one SB core. "Should" certainly is possible, but that will matter more on the server side than on the desktop when comparing overall performance between 4c/8t vs 8c/8t than say 8c/16t or 10c/20t and 16c/16t on the server side.

That article is based on unnamed sources, not a confirmation from AMD. We'll likely get one tomorrow.
The AMD speakers at Computex are scheduled to talk (keynote and press conference) about Fusion. The overview for June 1 is up on AMD's Computex site.
Interesting quote, it sounds like most people expected the opposite. But, don't most games use mostly int? So then hopefully this'll be a big win for us gamers :)
It's an incomplete quote.

The reason for this is the fact that second generation Bulldozer (so called Bulldozer Enhanced) will unite the Bulldozer cores with Radeon HD graphics which will take over the floating point operations as much as possible through OpenCL and other GPU Computing APIs.

I really hope the rumors about the 8c being slower than the x6 1100t are wrong, because if they're right it means even the 8core bulldozer is going to be mediocre. 8 cores at 2.5 with a 3.5 turbo losing to 6 @ 3.3 isn't a very good sign.

I guess it depends on context, but this would really suck if so. I have no desire to buy another overpriced intel chipset that will be all but abandoned in a few months. Look at how badly the 775 and 1366 guys are getting gouged now. 250+ for q9550's still, and i7 970's are still nearly $600. It'll probably stay that way too the way they deadend people and segment the market.
From reading that it seemed to me that it was more of a clock speed issue not an actual performance issue. Seems like the 3.3 GHz clock on the x6 is faster than the clocks they are getting on the BD silicon. Doesn't say anything to me about actual performance of the cores other than purely clock speed.