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  1. I

    F.E.A.R. plot question.

    Here's an idea that could lead into F.E.A.R. 2: The Return of Jankowski. :p Seriously though, they never truly admit that the PC is the first prototype. First of all, that would make you older than Fettel, and he didn't look like someone who would be the new point man of an agency, but...
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    Best headphones for $200~

    I'd second the AT900 for the $200 cap. If you can squeeze a few more bucks though, you might look to getting a used set of Senn HD595 or mayhaps even a new set.
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    How much would this old Atari game be worth?

    Some things just take longer than others. I'd expect if an ancient Egyptian crotch rot removal tool was found somebody would pay top dollar for it. :p
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    How much would this old Atari game be worth?

    Such cynicism. Currently, not a whole lot. But in twenty years, or fifty years it is hard to say. Certainly technology can be replicated but history can not, and that is a part history, of a time when gaming was a fringe entertainment medium that had yet to become the recognized...
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    Any recommendations for a decent pc gaming headset?

    You might be better off using the search option in the [Computer Audio] section.
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    5.1 vs 2.1 - The Verdict (Poll)

    I would say the answer depends on the intent. Theater or gaming purposes a 5.1 system is going to provide a more ambient audio environment. But for music systems (unless you are using DVD-A or SuperCD) 2.1 is all you need, and I'm assuming the question is for computer audio not Home Theater...
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    Civilization 4, Anyone on it?

    Not exactly. It still uses the same basic premise but the UI is vastly different and there are new factors invovled as well. Religion has its own impact now and is not just a factor of culture. Also the Government type is now joined with other aspects to determine the fundamental elements of...
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    Another "I Need Some Headphones" Thread

    I'll second Mister X's suggestion for the Senn 595. Grado's are nice, but if you need directionality for games (which I noticed was one of the criteria for selection) then you might be more interested in other cans as the Grado (and Alessandros I expect) tend to have compressed soundstages...
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    Seasonic S12-600W is basically flawless

    After reading a few reviews, my plans to getting a PC Power & Cooling became purchasing the Seasonic 600. The same tight tolerances but without all the noise. Plus it was a lot less expensive. :p
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    Shure E3 vs E4

    I would say the E4 are worth the $40 difference. Heck I think they're worth $100 difference since that's what I paid when I was in Tokyo and found my E5 had lost the right channel somewhere over the Pacific. :( But if you can swing the extra $150 or so and you want solid, heavy bass in your...
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    low vs high impendance headphones

    With high-imp headphones, you generally get a "blacker" background. They aren't as sensitive to the cleanliness of the power or other noise causing affects in soundcards and power systems. Also, though not a problem with soundcards, they are a lot less likely to blow a driver or armature if...
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    Found the perfect headphone for the X-Fi

    Depending on how much you want to spend you could look into the Audio Technica line.
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    Windows XP 32 or 64???

    Excuse me if I clean up your post a bit but I just had to say, "Being on the bleeding edge of (consumer) technology sometimes involves a lot of bleeding." Its one of the reasons I use tried-and-true parts and software for my clients and family (and keep myself from getting a good night's...
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    Windows XP 32 or 64???

    Like all of Microsoft's new operating systems, if you aren't willing to devote a good deal of blood, sweat and tears to the endeavor, stay away. First you have limited driver support until the hardware world generally decides Microsoft has got the thing stable, viable and with enough market...