Seasonic S12-600W is basically flawless

Aug 6, 2004
Have just installed a Seasonic S12 600W to take the place of a no-name 400W thing. It's eerily quiet and my voltages are now slightly below spec., but very stable.

If it had modular connectors it would be perfect.

Even without the modular connectors, I'd highly recommend it.

I wouldn't say that the voltages are off spec unless you've attached a multimeter to the lines. Software readouts are notoriously inaccurate.
After reading a few reviews, my plans to getting a PC Power & Cooling became purchasing the Seasonic 600. The same tight tolerances but without all the noise. Plus it was a lot less expensive. :p
While I don't have the 600 (didn't need all the power) I am extremely satisfied after replacing my no name 350w. Its just so darn quiet. I love it
i was looking into getting one of these, but ive heard about some problems with the DFI boards...can anyone clear this up?
I got a S12 430, it's great but I regret not getting the 600 when I noticed the number of SATA power connectors.
By slightly below spec do you mean below 12v or 11.4(+-5% spec)?
omz said:
i was looking into getting one of these, but ive heard about some problems with the DFI boards...can anyone clear this up?
The problems appear to be corrected in Seasonic S-12 version A02. ;)