F.E.A.R. plot question.


May 22, 2002
I may have missed this somewhere in the game, but whatever happened to Jankowski?
Dead. But they never say. I think it was cut from the game for length or content.

Jankownski, was in all essences killed. The fact that his body is portrayted in a ghostly fashion much like Alma's is evidence of that. If you watch the director's commentary they say they diliberately never tell you what happened to Jankownski specifically, much of it is left to speculation. However, with the destruction of the facility, even if he wasn't killed earlier, he was then.
Here's an idea that could lead into F.E.A.R. 2: The Return of Jankowski. :p Seriously though, they never truly admit that the PC is the first prototype. First of all, that would make you older than Fettel, and he didn't look like someone who would be the new point man of an agency, but Jankowski obviously has been around a while. Plus, Alma and Fettel had a way of getting around the biometer and tracking implants, which Jankowski could have provided information for. Also he seemed to know quite a bit about Alma in the various ghost encounters you have with him and you never see him with either Fettel or Alma so how is he transmitting these messages?

If the PC were the first prototype, wouldn't he have more powers than just enhanced reflexes which is not what I would call a psychic power. And even though Alma was crazy, she incorporated the use of Fettel but never gave you the chance to join her, which seems to indicate you were not her child, especially since she tries to kill you near the end. And all the flashbacks to the birth? Fettel seems provide the best answer when you first run into him when he says, "are these my memories or hers?"
I thought the ending was very well done. I'm not going to give any spoilers away but I really did think the ending was great, almost better then HL2's ending, which I also thought was decent.


I hated how Alma looked like that chick from The Ring. Just felt like they ripped that off.
Didn't Fettel say he was there at your birth? If he were, wouldn't that make him older?

Maybe you and Fettel are twins?
Man this plot is really confusing me. I just beat the game yesterday, and by beating it, it put more questions in my mind then answering them. Can someone give a summary on who everybody is, what there role is, and how everything came to be?