Shure E3 vs E4


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 6, 2002
I have a chance of buying the E3 at 119, and the E4 at 159. Is the E4 worth the extra 40 bucks?
Yes Ive tried them both and the bass for the e4s are much better. If you dont care about bass so much the e3s handle the high pretty much just as good
Dam, looks like I'll be getting the E4 once I start making some big cash. Since Im a bass lover I had to settle for the E2.
I would say the E4 are worth the $40 difference. Heck I think they're worth $100 difference since that's what I paid when I was in Tokyo and found my E5 had lost the right channel somewhere over the Pacific. :( But if you can swing the extra $150 or so and you want solid, heavy bass in your IEMs, get the E5. Unless you want to spend $500+ for the professional IEMs, nothing beats the bass of the E5 in my opinion.

Edit: Though I have read that the UM2 has the same bass as the E5 with a more balanced sound, I have not had the opportunity to try them yet. Chalk it up to the lateness of the original post to my forgetting about the UM2.