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    Vista having strange issues with my NAS?!

    TechLarry, I have tried that but unfortunately Windows Vista Home Premium Edition does not come with or allow you to edit the security settings that way. I did, however find a alternate method by going through regedit, finding the 'LmCompatabilityLevel' file and changing the value to 1. To...
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    Vista having strange issues with my NAS?!

    Hey guys, Now I have read about the issues Vista is having with NAS drives due to different security protocols and what have you, however, my issue is a little different to these and the story goes as follows: So I installed Windows Vista Home Premium a few days after it was released...
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    OK, all advice noted, I have gone with the Dell monitor, although it's not widescreen but it seemed like the best quality for the price. Will let you know how it is once it's arrived in a few days. Thanks for all the info, input & advice. Regards, Chris. ;)
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    Thanks again guys, I think after much deliberation I may go with the Dell, I’m not 100% yet but the factors that are swaying me are: > I'm not that bothered about the monitor being widescreen, as I can see the resolution causing problems for me because I design web pages, multimedia apps...
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    OK, just been browsing the Dell site and found this potentially killer deal. What do you guys think: Click Here Do i go for the Dell or the Acer? Regards, Chris. ;)
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    Thanks for the help & info guys, So it looks like my card will have no problems supporting it :) Here's a screenshot of my current desktop to compare the startbar size, icon size etc.. Will the resolution on the 19" look roughly like this? Sorry for asking the same question but...
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    Hi, I'm considering buying the following monitor: Click Here I like the price of the monitor as I am on a tight budget and want a second monitor to add to my system (I currently have an LG Flatron 17") The only things stopping me are the following: My graphics card, as stated in...
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    Macromedia Director Help

    Hey there, I’m currently making part of a game using Macromedia Director MX2004 for one of my university briefs and am a little stuck :( I'm trying to make a simple shooting level that revolves around a moving scope, the scopes registry point is where the cross hairs meet obviously, and I...
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    What the heck is Photo Gallery?

    Hey there. Just a quick question, every time I go on certain sites (namely the MSN video website) or open certain files a windows installer pops up trying to install "Photo Gallery", it then asks me to insert the disk with it on for the installation to continue?!?! I have tried sticking...
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    Windows XP Startup Issue

    Just an update on the issue... After a disk check the system ran fine for a day or so then started doing the same thing. So i did a repair install of Windows XP to which the system seems to be running ok........ .............for now (touch wood) Regards, Chris.
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    Windows XP Startup Issue

    Thanks for the fast replies guys, I have managed to start up in safe mode and am now running chkdisk. I would highly doubt that the problem is spy ware/virus related as I am very careful and run a spy ware and virus scan at least once every week, I also regularly defrag my system...
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    Windows XP Startup Issue

    Hey there, I’m typing this message on my iBook as my Windows PC has gone mad. My specs are in my sig, the problem is that when windows loads and you get to the "Microsoft Windows XP" Screen with the blue loading bar, my HDD light continually blinks and/or does nothing and the system just...
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    Netgear SC101 Storage Central

    Anyone got one of these? Just wondering if they are worth the money, they seem good but not sure about the software installation you need, i would rather just have something that i can plug in and works... Also, will it work with MAC as well as Windows? Can anyone give me a mini review...
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    iTunes on Windows - Keeps Loading Back Up!

    Hey there, This is just something i have noticed with iTunes, it probably started from v6.0 i cant remember. When i close down iTunes 9 out of 10 times it will load itself up again! And its not just my PC as my girlfriends laptop has the same thing goin on?!?!? Does this happen to...
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    Question about adding extra RAM

    so to have 2GB would i have to buy 2X1GB modules?
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    Question about adding extra RAM

    it is: AMD Athlon 64 3000 32/64Bit CPU S939 "Venice" 90nm Regards, Chris. :)
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    Question about adding extra RAM

    Hey there, I currently have 1GB OCZ Dual Channel DDR400 RAM (2X512 Modules) in my system and am looking to add another gig to give it a boost. Now i am looking to add a single 1024MB module of OCZ Performance RAM My question is this: Will this work in my machine? my motherboard...
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    Macromedia Director Question - URGENT, Help Please!

    Hey there, For one of my university projects I am creating a digital interactive presentation on the coral reefs; including such things as the reef life that lives there, information on the reefs etc etc... My presentation is aimed at children and adults alike as a pre-learning medium for...
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    Post your pc screen shots!

    Sorry to bother you again, Could you please send me the link or e-mail me that wallpaper as i cannot seem to find it on Kind Regards, Chris :)
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    Post your pc screen shots!

    Where did you get that wallpaper from? I like it! Regards, Chris. :)
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    University Project - Feedback Wanted

    there we go, fixed. sorry about that :( Chris ;)
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    University Project - Feedback Wanted

    Hey Guys, As part of my 2nd year work at Lincoln University (UK) I have had to create a website in flash. The brief was labelled "Designing For The User", and as part of the project I need to get some feedback on the site. I would be most grateful if you could have a look and tell me what you...
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    2005 Post Your Workstation

    Yeah, thanks :) It's a flash website i am making as part of a uni project, the webaite is called "The Box" and is on Lost, CSI and House. Im still learning flash so its a bit of a pain in the behind at the moment! lol, here's a closer pic of it & some of the other stuff related...
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    2005 Post Your Workstation

    So im in my 2nd year of Uni now, here's my latest setup: Regards, Chris. :)
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    Video in Flash

    Hey there, just experimenting with video in flash as part of my designing for the user project at university, what video formats does flash support? And regarding the video files, I have some clips that use XVID video compression and Lame MP3 audio compression, just wondering if anyone...
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    Gaming Rig - What do you guys think?

    Hey guys, Here's the system i have come up with for my nephew's £200-£300 gaming rig, what do you think? is there any room for improvment anywhere within the budget? Case & PSU Ebuyer Extra Value 0314TL-BB ATX Gaming Case in Black with USB/Audio/1394 Side window and 350w PSU(no...
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    Budget PC - Need help on graphics card

    Hey there folks, So my sister has asked me to build a PC for my nephew for christmas, He wants it mainly for gaming. The problem is im on a bit of a budget, around £200-£300 which sucks! So my question to you guys is: what graphcis card can i get thats any good at a half decent price...
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    2GB or not 2GB?

    Hi, I currently have 1GB of OCZ Premier Dual Channel 2x512MB DDR400 PC3200. I’m thinking of upgrading to 2GB of memory but have a few questions first. 1. My Motherboard's (MSI K8N Neo 4 Platinum) manual says that if I fill all the memory bays up the memory speed will drop, which means...
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    Fan Controller to fit in Thermaltake Soprano Case

    Any ideas anyone? Regards, Chris.
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    Fan Controller to fit in Thermaltake Soprano Case

    Hey there, relating to my previous thread about my bloody noisey NB fan i have decided to buy a fan controller/temp sensor and to drop the RPM of the NB fan to 7000RPM at which speed it seems to run quiet at (i knwo this because earlier it was goin at that and was quiet but it sisnt last long as...
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    MSI K8N Neo 4 Platinum MB North Bridge Fan Speed?

    Dude! Harsh, I was only asking for other solutions etc.. "If all you want to do is replace the fan assembly, i think you can unscrew that part without unmounting the heatsink. I seem to remember two tiny screws that u can get to in there somewhere. I think u can see one in your pic. If...
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    MSI K8N Neo 4 Platinum MB North Bridge Fan Speed?

    Humm, Space above the fan may be a problem. Here is an image I took when building the system, I have painted over where things are now so you can kinda get an idea of the position of my NB fan, and it’s basically under the graphics card and is kinda hard to get to. The cables & wires you see...
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    MSI K8N Neo 4 Platinum MB North Bridge Fan Speed?

    Cool, i shall give that program a try thanks :) How much is this cooler? and how easy is it to take the fan off the motherboard? Thanks again, Chris. :)
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    MSI K8N Neo 4 Platinum MB North Bridge Fan Speed?

    Hey guys, My Motherboard, MSI K8N Neo 4 Platinum's North Bridge Fan has started making a noise, has been for a while now. I posted before and someone suggested replacing the fan, so I contacted MSI who sent me a replacement but in order to replace the fan I would need to remove my...
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    Toshiba Satelite A60 Graphic Problem

    Hey there, wonderin if any of you guys can help here: friend of mine has a Toshiba Satelite A60 Laptop with the following specs: Mobile Pentium 4 3.06GHz 512MB Memory ATI Mobility Radeon 7000 IGP - 64MB - Software - Windows XP Home SP2 - all up to date. The problem he is...
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    What's The Difference??

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    What's The Difference??

    Hello there, Just wondering what the difference is between: Logitech Dinovo Media Desktop Laser Keyboard/Mouse And Logitech DINOVO MEDIA DESKTOP 2.0 Keyboard Mouse As I have been on a few websites that don't actually explain the differences clearly. And if any of you have...
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    Looking for something to convert...encode... etc...

    Hello there :) I'm having problems converting AVI's, xVid's etc... into a format that can be played on a stand alone DVD Player (formats such as SVCD, DVD etc..) and was wondering if any of you guys have any suggestions, Free programs would be preferable but if you have a really good program...
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    Motherboard Fan Makes a Noise

    Thanks for the suggestions guys, i shall give them a try :) thanks again Chris.