Motherboard Fan Makes a Noise


May 31, 2005
Hey people,

Quick question,

I have an MSI K8N Neo 4 Platinum Motherboard in my machine (it’s a great MB). The thing with it is the on board fan has started making a noise; Now I have tried cleaning it with compressed air to get all dust etc (which there was very little of) off of it but the noise is still there.

It's not a major issue as it is bearable but I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to how I could silence it lol.


Chris. :)
Its going to grow legs and ruin all of your components....sereously. JK but really you should just replace the noisy bugger. Get the Vantec copper chipset cooler its great, cheap and relativly quiet. Cheers.
Probably a sleeve bearing fan. While cheap & quiet they do tend to wear out quickly.

A quick solution is to oil the shaft. I have fixed several noisy fans this way.

Remove the small sticker on the center hub & you should see what I mean. Place a SMALL
dab of motor oil on there, just enough to work down the shaft. You don't want oil to sling everywhere
when you start up.

Hope that helps.
Thanks for the suggestions guys, i shall give them a try :)

thanks again
