

May 31, 2005

I'm considering buying the following monitor:

Click Here

I like the price of the monitor as I am on a tight budget and want a second monitor to add to my system (I currently have an LG Flatron 17")

The only things stopping me are the following:

My graphics card, as stated in my sig, (Gigabyte GF6600GT) Will it be able to support the Acer's 1440X900 resolution?


if anyone has a monitor at this resolution could you please take a screenshot of your desktop and post it as I want to see how the resolution looks (the size of icons, the taskbar etc..) as I’m currently running my 17" at a resolution of 1280X1024 and so like things on the smaller side.


Chris. ;)
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Thanks for the help & info guys,

So it looks like my card will have no problems supporting it :)

Here's a screenshot of my current desktop to compare the startbar size, icon size etc..


Will the resolution on the 19" look roughly like this? Sorry for asking the same question but i can't quite tell from the photo's and when i google it the results that come up are either completley irrelevant or too small to tell also lol.


Chris :)
OK, just been browsing the Dell site and found this potentially killer deal.

What do you guys think: Click Here

Do i go for the Dell or the Acer?


Chris. ;)
I came from a 19 inch Dell CRT and icon size was pretty much the same, as I use to run at 1280x1024. That dell looks good, specs are impressive for the price. I haven't had any experience with the monitor so its up to your personal preference.

Anyways heres a same size screenshot of the desktop. You can save it and view the actual size so u can see how it'll look.

just to let you know that Dell is not a Widescreen. so if you are looking for widescreen count the dell out. Also on that acer it has only vga inputs (i think) and u want to be using DVI for the best quality and I guarantee your vid card has a dvi out. So I would look for a LCD that has DVI. Check out what I got the Samsung 940BW or the LG L194WT. Both are good 19" WS monitors with a fast response time and DVI inputs. I am thoroughly happy with my Samsung 940BW though.
Thanks again guys,

I think after much deliberation I may go with the Dell, I’m not 100% yet but the factors that are swaying me are:

> I'm not that bothered about the monitor being widescreen, as I can see the resolution causing problems for me because I design web pages, multimedia apps and such as part of my University course and I can remember from last year when I had my widescreen laptop the trouble I would have in the testing phase because of the resolution.

That said though, widescreen is not a bad thing to have at all for everything else, apart from possibly playing games as I recall my laptop stretching the game to fit the screen sometimes :p.

> I believe the Dell monitor looks to be higher spec and in relation to the price will be worth it more so in the long run. When I read reviews for the Acer the only let down was the poor warranty, at least with Dell I can be safe in the knowledge that if anything goes wrong they can help me, right?

Anyways, that’s all for now.


Chris. ;)
freakycody said:
can't go wrong with dell

yeah you can, its called purchasing a 2407WFP and going through the BS from all the revisions.

ugh...at least the news of the A03 revision brings hope that theyll fix the god damn banding and crappy component issues.....but probably not lol.
The thing that puts me off buying these cheaper 19" widescreens from the likes of Acer, or Hanns-G or Belinea is that they all stretch a 4:3
format to fill the widescreen format, introducing a certain amount of distortion.
If you want a widescreen monitor that does not do this, (one with pixel mapping) then it's gonna cost you a lot more coin!
freakycody said:
can't go wrong with dell

On the contrary, there are lots of ways to go wrong with Dell. Backlight bleed, unannounced changes in panels, banding problems, questionable products dumped during sale periods, shoddy QC, and non-functional outsourced customer service are the most notable examples.

Friends don't let friends buy Dell.
OK, all advice noted, I have gone with the Dell monitor, although it's not widescreen but it seemed like the best quality for the price.

Will let you know how it is once it's arrived in a few days.

Thanks for all the info, input & advice.


Chris. ;)