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    Speaker Stands for Z-680

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    I recently purchased an EVGA 8800 GTS to replace my X850XT which was running on a 4000+ AMD on a DFI Lanparty nforce4. I'm just wondering will my cpu be enough to give the card all the juice it needs, or should I consider replacing the mobo and cpu (680i with Intel Dou). If there is a...
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    XBOX360 Revealed: Implications for R520?

    omg, they don't know yet if it is going to be backward compatible, if its not that's the stupidest thing ever. first of all the xbox was a failure compared to the other consoles that were there, so not many people owned an xbox to begin with. Second the PS3 and Nintendo "revolution" will be...
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    Nvidia RSX Chip for PS3 @ E3

    OMG y did they change the controller noooooooooooooooooooooooooo, i hope the plug is still the same so i can use my old PS2
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    Nvidia RSX Chip for PS3 @ E3

    i was very impressed, i think in terms of hardware specs, the Sony wins against the xbox 360. Though yet there was nothing to compare, but from what i have read, from a gamespot article about PS3, the GPU is better than 2 6800 Ultras, so for people who have sigs with SLI, tough luck u wasted...
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    XBOX360 Revealed: Implications for R520?

    Well it's not like they wont reach that level of graphics, i was talking about games that will be released during it's launch date. The links that u have posted really show that the graphics at it's best, but i hope these are gameplay graphics and not cinematics
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    XBOX360 Revealed: Implications for R520?

    I don't think it's a big deal, true the xbox 360 rivals most advanced machines that most PC users use, but u guys forgot something. A TV only produces 24fps whereas a PC can perform more frames. If ppl wanna play games at 24fps on their PC then a 9800XT will do the job for most games that r out...
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    9800 PRO fan

    it's a built by ATI
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    9800 PRO fan

    omfg, the arctic silence 3 didn't fit in my card and it says on the package compatible with 9800XT and 9800 PRO 256MB so y didn't fit mine r there versions of the 9800 PRO 256 and if there is which silencer should i get
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    9800 PRO fan

    ok i purchased the artic silencer 3 and it'll be here by monday, now does it have a manual that tell u how to get the current stcok heatsink out
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    9800 PRO fan

    i have a 9800 pro with 256 MB ram BBA and my fan died on it. anyways i want to get a good fan that is quite and keeps it cool since the day i bought it was always getting hot, i guess ati stock fan is not good enough can anyone suggest a good fan i'm alos thinking of flashing it to a 9800 XT...
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    AMD Processor FAQ

    hmmm, never tried it but i think it will work this thing is really pissing me off anyways how far can i get the 4000+ with stock fan can i get it to 2.6 or over
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    Would you upgrade?

    if u really want to upgrade it's only the video card, thought call of duty doesn't require much since it's a quake 3 engine. if u want to go further get another raptor and set it to raid 0. that's all u need if it's a 939 mobo that u have, wait for dual core AMD and do the bios update that...
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    Help me plz

    ok let me say this an increase of 1 mhz from stock wont boot it
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    AMD Processor FAQ

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    DFI ultra-d question

    man i have the x850xt and the dfi nf4 ultra just put the god damn card it will run fine
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    Help me plz

    ok i have a problem i have an AMD 4000+ and a dfi nf4 ultra lanparty-D and OCZ PC3200 EL PE REV1 now i have read ur overclock guide so many times and followed the steps that u have mentioned lower multiplier, boost FSB, do ratio FSB/memory, relax timings, increase voltages (of course after...
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    AMD Processor FAQ

    ok i have a problem i have an AMD 4000+ and a dfi nf4 ultra lanparty-D and OCZ PC3200 EL PE REV1 now i have read ur overclock guide so many times and followed the steps that u have mentioned lower multiplier, boost FSB, do ratio FSB/memory, relax timings, increase voltages (of course after...
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    i have an X850XT and i love it i play everything on 1680x1050 (widescreen) with no problems at all. i prefer ATI in general for their image quality, i'm not saying nvidia 6800 GT/Ultra r bad, but in general i c this card better than what nvidia has right now and it's faster. now if u r...
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    Big Problem

    ok i don't understand what ur problem is but here is what u can do make sure u have the latest drivers for ur video card. if ur playing any other games other than CS there is nothing wrong with your video card (unless steam screwed up with their last update) if it is source that u r...
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    MY X850XT immpossible OCer or is there soemthing i am missing?

    weired, mine is a sapphire X850XT and got it OCed to X850XT PE and runs with no problem but to be honest with u when u play the games that r out now u wont c a difference, only 5-10 fps gain i only did it so i can get a higher score with 3dmark05, highest i got was 6513 with CAT 5.3...
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    GeForce 6600GT or 9800pro or XT?

    man just get the BFG 6600GT, it's faster than any 9800
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    x800xtpe scores doesnt seem right

    your score is fine 1- u only have 512 MB RAM 2- ur cpu is a pentium 4 3- most pl that got a score of 5700+ on 3dmark05 had a gig of uber ram and AMD processor that was clocked so don't worry there is nothing wrong with ur score
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    OCZ PC3200 Enhanced latency Platnium editon (2-3-2-5) not REV2

    ok can u please tell me how did u get it to run at 2-2-2-5 i have a dfi mobo nforce 4 ultra-D with a 4000+ i know i can change the timings on it through the bios but when i do that it wont boot, do i have to increase the voltage on it
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    OCZ PC3200 Enhanced latency Platnium editon (2-3-2-5) not REV2

    i got a gig of this, now i'm wandering was it wise that i got these instead of the REV2. like i saved my self a 100 bucks from not getting the REV2 which is 2-2-2-5, would that lousy 3 really effect me :rolleyes: :confused: :o i only got them coz OCZ claims in their website that their lateny...
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    Getting VIVO to work? Gigabyte X800XT AGP

    guess we will never get an answer to this ever
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    Problem with my monitor

    ok i called NEC and they told the consumer products only get 1 year warranty, and that only business products gets 3 year warranty, so for it being fixed is out of the question now sticking to a CRT monitor would be better for me, but i really wanna experience widescreen setup, i'm thinking...
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    Problem with my monitor

    I have an NEC CRT 19" monitor. been running fine for over a year and a half and now suddenly the monitor is acting weird. i know it's not my video card since i pluged the monitor to another boc and the same problem occured. the problem is that the monitor displays the top part of the screen...
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    Getting VIVO to work? Gigabyte X800XT AGP

    man i posted something on the forum about this, didn't get the answer i was looking for :( i want to play my consel games on my monitor all they did is give me software on how to capture the video and i don't like that, since the screen is really small hope u get an answer soon i wanna play...
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    X850 XT Temperatures

    i have the sapphire x850xt, clocked to PE for a while not worth the hassel for 5-8 frames increase, temps running between 75-80, and it wont be stable for long u will c artifacts in about an hour so not recommended for the extra 5 frames u will get the card runs fine at stock no need to clock now
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    Counterstrike source better card?

    u want more fps in CSS go with X850XT, that's what i have and i love it
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    Speaker Stands for Z-680

    I have Logitech Z-680 sound system, and i'm just wondering is there any speaker stands that fit these speakers if u do have them on a stand can u take a pic thanks in advance sorry if i posted in the wrong section
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    How does VIVO work???

    It finally worked :) power director did the job althought one problem....the screen is small how can i make it bigger
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    How does VIVO work???

    i have no TV :( , that's y i want this working i want to connect my PS2 the thing is i can't get the software to run, or acctually activate it like for a software designer , it is so unfriendly to use beside shouldn't there be a software that come with the card if anyone has the sapphire...
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    How does VIVO work???

    still can't get the dman thing to work :mad: i have tried everything DScaler, fxVideo, and ATI multimedia center for some reason all of them don't work isn't there an easy way to do this y did they make it so complicated geeeeeez
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    AGP or PCI-E? which one are you using?

    Sapphire X850XT VIVO PCI-E
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    How does VIVO work???

    someone help me plz
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    What shall i do

    built my machine finally aaaaaaaaaah so orgasmic AMD 4000+ OCZ Enhanced Latency Platnium Edition DDR400 Dual Channel 1GB (2-3-2-5) NEC 5320A DL DVD Burner Sapphire ATi X850XT VIVO 300 GB Maxtor SATA 16 MB Cache Buffer OCZ 520 WATTS Tsunami Dream Black w/ window
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    Post your 3dMark 2005 scores here. (Link to list in 1st post)

    3DMark05 = 6143 and how do i post this thing in future mark do i need to register with them and does my score sound right Driver used catalyst 5.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Specs AMD 4000+...