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  1. M

    $300-400 build for my parents

    Background: My parents’ computer is over three years old and it’s exceedingly painful to use – when they boot up each morning it takes 5+ minutes, apps that launch in 2 seconds on my PC take a minute on theirs, etc. And it’s my fault. My dad’s computer died and he needed a new one immediately...
  2. M

    Broken MacBook Pro backlight

    I have posted twice on [H]ardforum for advice on PC builds, and both times got excellent advice. I know next to nothing about Macs, but my girlfriend managed to break her MacBook Pro display, and it's kinda my fault, so I have to help her fix it. You see, I was at my desktop working, and I...
  3. M

    Built computer for a friend last week; Windows updates this week ruined boot-up

    Last week I built a PC for a friend with a lot of help from people at [H]ardforum. Here is the build: When I gave him the PC a week ago, it was working great. Windows cold boot-up was ~30 seconds, and shutdown was ~3 seconds. All...
  4. M

    $600-700 build for a friend

    Hi. Several months ago I put up a post for a build for a friend of mine, but unfortunately he had to put off getting a new PC for reasons beyond his control. But now he has to put one together, and quickly, so I'm going to repost a slightly modified version. 1) What will you be doing with...
  5. M

    $500-$600 gaming build for a friend

    A friend of mine just called me asking for advice on getting a new PC. His "what are you doing with this PC?" and budget are very similar to this other build below,, but with some key differences. BTW, I did one of these threads back in October for...
  6. M

    Need glossy 27" or 30" for new system

    I just ordered the parts for my new system but the monitors I'm really on the fence about. They've given me the most trouble and I've spent the most time researching them. Actually, researching displays is how I found [Hard] Forum. However, I just went to the local Micro Center and actually...
  7. M

    New system for work

    1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? This PC is primarily for work, as I work from home. For work, under maximum usage conditions, I have Outlook open, 8-10 Word docs, 1-2 IEs open, about 10 tabs in chrome, 2 excel spreadsheets and possibly more...