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  1. N

    something as thin and light as a 12" powerbook, without being a mac?

    the ibm thinkpad x series are i think one of the best 12" laptops. they weigh in at 2.7lbs and are less than an inch thin. they are also very durable. they also look very nice, not all fancy and shiny but simple and to the point. unfortunately they dont have the touch screen like you wanted...
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    FAQ for Emachines M6805

    really? when i right click it and open the "show whatever" screen it shows my smart link 56k settings. i disabled all winfax start up things and the icon is still there. ill look though thanks
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    FAQ for Emachines M6805

    I have a question about the smart link 56k modem. i use winfax pro on the laptop for my faxing needs. when i installed winfax and used it for the first time it configured the smart link modem. now every time i start up i get this ugly ass icon in my taskbar, its like a stop light looking...
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    Win2k Installation Help

    just did that and it still goes to black screen with blinking under slash thing. what things could have putting the HD in another comp and having an os install fail cause to the HD?
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    Win2k Install + possible HD Problem

    I'm reinstalling win2k and having some trouble. I boot off the disk, delete the current partion and install to the new partion. It will format and install the files. After its done is where the trouble starts. The computer will restart, do the normal bios load thing showing me system specs, and...
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    Win2k Installation Help

    I'm reinstalling win2k and having some trouble. I boot off the disk, delete the current partion and install to the new partion. It will format and install the files. After its done is where the trouble starts. The computer will restart, do the normal bios load thing showing me system specs, and...
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    How to set massive restrictions

    xp home is what the comp is running
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    How to set massive restrictions

    My 12yr old sister has a tendency to screw up every computer she touches. I dont know how she does it. At the computers in my school when a student logs in to the network they are only able to use the things in windows that the aministrators wants them to use. They cant install stuff they...
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    Just got eMachines M6805

    ahh i never hit FN + F2 to turn the wireless receiver on. Now it works. Ok i changed my power options to always on and it went back to 1.80ghz. When i run off the battery the laptop will change its speed to 793mhz? Why? Is there any way to stop this? Thanks a bunch
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    Just got eMachines M6805

    I have some questions about it. First of all after removing some software and changing some things i noticed that under system it said my computer was running at 793mhz. Later it would change to 1.59ghz and later to 1.80ghz but now its back to 793mhz. Is it really running at this speed? What...
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    Laptop For Mom

    well my mom wants to go with the emachines m6805 and i think she made a good choice. thanks for the help all
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    Laptop For Mom

    well its for her but i will use it a lot when away from main computer so im trying to level it out between buisness work and the things that i do (play games, watch movies, photoshop, digital pics, all that stuff). She gave me a budget of $1500 but i feel so uncomfortable when spending money...
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    Laptop For Mom

    well those emachines look awsome. i always thought emachines was much lower quality. I think i might go with the M6805 from best buy. It has $250 in rebates and i have a rewards card also so that should take some off. Is there anything you dont like about it? What do you use it for? Thanks...
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    Laptop For Mom

    You mean the M5309 is closer to $1000? The M6805 is $1500. Im going to best buy later to check out the emachines though. Thanks
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    Laptop For Mom

    What IBM model would you recommend? Would non graphic intense games be possible to play on the 600M? Like single player games and FPS games.
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    Strange Windows install problem...

    I'm not doubting you i just am hesitant to try this cause i just bought the HD and dont know if this can ruin it. How does erasing every possible thing on the HD fix the problem we are having? It happens with any HD i put in the computer so its not a HD problem. Im not saying this doesnt work...
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    Laptop For Mom

    My mom needs a laptop to do her buisness work on. She really only needs to be able to surf the net wirelessly, email, write letters, fax, all the simple thing all laptops can do. I would like it to have a decent video card but i wont be playing any really graphic intense games. I told her to...
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    Strange Windows install problem...

    seatools and maxblash wont work on a western digital hd will it?
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    Strange Windows install problem...

    I am having this exact same problem. I had installed a HD before it happend but was able to install windows on the HD when i first put it in but the next day it crashed and now i cant get past the screen before the license agreement.
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    Hard Drive Problems

    My mom owns one of those IBM Netvista desktops, its about 3 years old, 1ghz, 256ram, 20gb HD, onboard sis vid and audio, etc. The other day i restarted the computer and it wouldnt boot up and gave me an error. Then when i tried to reinstall windows it said the HD wasnt connected. So i looked...