Strange Windows install problem...


Apr 3, 2002
So far I have not been able to track down my problem so I am hoping someone here has had the same issue and knows a work around.
I have tried Windows XP Home Edition, Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2003 Server and no luck. The CD will boot just fine and the blue screen installer will start. After it loads up the drivers it will hang at the 'Starting Windows XP" screen, or something to that measure. This would be right before the welcome screen then the F8 to accept the license.

So I try Fedora Core 1 and it installs just fine. Using a Win98 Boot Disk I wiped the Linux partitions out. So now I have a blank drive, still a no go on the Windows install. Same problem.

Any clues?
Could be caused by bad RAM, if you have more then one stick in your comptuer try takeing one out then trying the install again, then doing the same with the other.
Been running MemTest86+ for about 19 hours now, no errors. I installed XP onto a 10GB drive on another system that is identical to this one. I'll SysPrep it and Ghost the image.
Yank all the cards out but the video and set bios to fail safe settings.
If it hangs right there, it's a very bad bad sign. That's where setupldr hands off to text mode. Make sure your install media is good, your CD-Rom is good, try booting Bart's PE disk, and doing a network install, see if these problems go away. I would have guessed bad ram, except for your other installs worked ok.

Also make sure your hard disks are correctly jumpered Master/Slave, since XP is not forgiving if two drives are master.
Well I have ten computers that are all the same. Hardware is as follows:

Asus A7N266-VM/AA
AMD Athlon XP
256MB Crucial PC2100
40GB Seagate Baracuda IV
Lite-On 16X DVD Drive
1.44MB Floppy
Windows XP Home Edition SP1

Using all of the on-board hardware, i.e. NIC, sound, VGA. I got the temp 10GB drive set up almost the way I want to so tomorrow I willl SysPrep it and dupe an image. Burn that to a DVD and use the Ghost disks to start the system up that is behaving bad and Ghost the image over to the 40GB drive. At least I hope it will be that easy, never used Ghost before but it does not look hard.

I'll check out that link tomorrow when I get back to work. Thanks guys.
Well I am stumped. I SysPreped the Ghosted the image on to the drive and still no go. It just reboots right when Windows XP starts. I stuck the newly Ghosted drive onto the same system I made the image with and it started up just fine.

I have ruled out all of the hardware save for the motherboard, so it must be that. Damn, warranty expired just earlier this month. :(
I am having this exact same problem. I had installed a HD before it happend but was able to install windows on the HD when i first put it in but the next day it crashed and now i cant get past the screen before the license agreement.
Why dont you run Autoclave to fully wipe the disk , then download maxblast or seatools and repartition/reformat the drive using them (both of them can format fat32 or ntfs very QUICK!!), i had the same issues once and those little proggies saved my weekend :D

Good Luck

Western Digital has there own versions of those tools. Use the zero disk utility from them.
Originally posted by OldMX
Why dont you run Autoclave to fully wipe the disk , then download maxblast or seatools and repartition/reformat the drive using them (both of them can format fat32 or ntfs very QUICK!!), i had the same issues once and those little proggies saved my weekend :D

Good Luck


I'm not doubting you i just am hesitant to try this cause i just bought the HD and dont know if this can ruin it. How does erasing every possible thing on the HD fix the problem we are having? It happens with any HD i put in the computer so its not a HD problem. Im not saying this doesnt work i'm just wondering if you can explain it further. Thanks